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RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

03-28-2012 , 02:38 AM
Busto I took your picture and made it better.

Just some brightness and sharpening.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Broke my fast at 130pm or so with a double shot of tequila and a protein shake. Ended up drinking another shot and I was feeling it.
Lol. Wtf...

I guess that's the secret to big lats. I hope you were pounding the 1800, JF style.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:10 AM
busto how do you find shirts that fit you? or do you just wear assani capes?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
busto how do you find shirts that fit you? or do you just wear assani capes?
Lol assani capes.

Assani has to have the highest references vs. day-to-day posts.

Well, I guess thremp does since it's X vs. 0, but that's a bit different situation.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-28-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
Busto I took your picture and made it better.

Just some brightness and sharpening.
Yeah, I am sure he appreciates you giving him a pronounced bald spot...
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-29-2012 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by <3_Tha_Grind

do the chin up program as written, you'll definitely gain reps.

or better yet, go to efs and ask harry selkow for a weighted pull-up program for a goal of bw+100x5
I'm gonna do em daily (after my cut is over) like I did before. Last time I did 95% chinups and developed elbow problems. Now I know I should be switching up my grips and will be working primarily overhand.

I need to get a damn tan, anyway.

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Lol. Wtf...

I guess that's the secret to big lats. I hope you were pounding the 1800, JF style.
kirkland brand I'm done buying patron/goose/etc.. I don't even like drinking anymore, but 18.99 for 1.75ml

Originally Posted by HalfSlant
busto how do you find shirts that fit you? or do you just wear assani capes?
I wear small shirts.. I look like I have ILS (imaginary lats syndrome).. but not really when you can see my back from the front.

yea, I may be drunk right now..

3/28 wednesday

random light squats.. didn't #ware anything on my knee, felt funny so stopped.

115x2 x4
135x2 x2
235 hi pull x2 (as usual.. pull high, don't get under)

snatch hi pull + two hang hi pulls
115 x3

115x1 x3

snatch hi pull
135x1 x2
155x1 x3

some shoulder prehabs (not enough).. supposed to refeed tomorrow, but might just continue low carbing til next week.. we'll see.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-30-2012 , 02:20 AM
3/29 bw 165 in morning

was warming up with light presses but one of the kids wanted to bench with me, so I benched

bench (+ monster mini)
65x5 x2
115x3 x3 (while he did speed work with it)
175x2 (~1 foamboard)
205x2 (~1 foamboard)
225x1 (~1 foamboard)
(take off bands)
225x10 (narrow/close grip.. back cramped)
235x2 paused
255x3 paused

+100 x1 (+1 chinup)
bw x10 x3
bw x8

shoulder prehabs.. ~20min worth
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-30-2012 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
busto how do you find shirts that fit you? or do you just wear assani capes?
Almost spat out my beer.

...but srsly, have you not watched his vids? He doesn't wear a shirt, he just sprays some bodypaint on.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-30-2012 , 07:36 PM
ASSANI FISHER, where can I get some capes?

pullups.. women's press
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:34 PM
ur forearms are lookin ****in juicy bro
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:51 AM
thanks..? lol

4/2 weighed 165 the last couple of mornings


bar x5 x2
115x1 x2
135x1 x2
185x1 x3
165x3 x2

floor press
bar x20 x2
135x5 x2
175x5 (right pec started feeling tight)

+25x3 x2
+60x3 x5
+60x5 x2 chins..dead stops..

cable row
holestack x5 x2

some shoulder prehabs

left tricep right be elbow is sore/tight... was rolling it on the barbell every now and then. was gonna do more presses after I couldn't floor press, but decided to chill
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-03-2012 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
ur forearms are lookin ****in juicy bro
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
ur forearms are lookin ****in juicy bro
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-03-2012 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
weighed 165 the last couple of mornings

185x1 x3
165x3 x2
go **** yourself
seriously **** off
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-03-2012 , 02:15 PM
Yessss embrace the anger.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:39 AM
PLEASE put some "lol squat/DL" stuff too to balance the press hate/love.


PC + 5fs
115x1 x5

225x3 x2
225x1 paused

clean hi pull
245x1 x3

275x3 (lol... yea, I prob fail 325 so I quit)


ANYONE WANNA RACE TO 205lb PRESS AND 325lb BENCH??? (JAW, what up bruh?)
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
PLEASE put some "lol squat/DL" stuff too to balance the press hate/love.
I would like to, but based on the weights you squat/DL in your log it seems like you only log your deload workouts. Very puzzling.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:57 PM
Sadly our squat/pull numbers are quite similar, and we weigh the same, except you bench/press like 50% more weight than I can.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-05-2012 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by Spenda
Sadly our squat/pull numbers are quite similar, and we weigh the same, except you bench/press like 50% more weight than I can.
Still a requirement to LOL at them anyway..

4/4 wed

not enough sleeeeep, only ~8hours for last two days. only ate 6 over easy eggs and a protein shake around 1pm

115x5 x3

115x1 x10
165x1 x3
205x1 x5 (felt heavy today)

snatch hi pull
115x1 x6
135x1 x4
115x1 (PS)

easy day.. now prob eating too much like I worked hard
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-05-2012 , 04:50 PM
I saw that recent bench press and thought the intensity was kinda of normalish for a strong big dude like yourself, because you had a spotter there available just in case and I know you could have squeezed out at least another. However, I then saw you squatting deep and heavy without a spotter and you were shaking and vibrating trying to get that last rep out. Very nice. Facking beast.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-05-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I saw that recent bench press and thought the intensity was kinda of normalish for a strong big dude like yourself, because you had a spotter there available just in case and I know you could have squeezed out at least another. However, I then saw you squatting deep and heavy without a spotter and you were shaking and vibrating trying to get that last rep out. Very nice. Facking beast.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-05-2012 , 07:21 PM
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-05-2012 , 07:27 PM
4 out 5 ain't bad
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-06-2012 , 03:16 AM
lol'd.. nice one, jdox.. loco- intensity is pretty nonexistent (unless u mean %ages).. I'm relaxed before 97% of my lifts and don't get hyped at all.

4/5 thurs

~12hrs of sleep combined last 3 nights I think.. caffeine did nothing. was planning on squatting but benched instead even tho chance of straining right pec was high. luckily, no strain.

speed bench (close grips)

135x2 (anywhere from 7 to 10 sets.. lost count)

~2foamboard (closegrip)

some trx inverted rows.. not many

paused everything and really let the weight sink in.. my 275 single was faster than my 265.

saw my dude who benches waaay over 400 at 187ish today. he says some broscience stuff about diet and he benches twice a week. he used the word "dynamic" and mentioned using bands and doing board presses. he does box squats too. When I mentioned westside, he says he never heard of it lol. kid is a beast tho.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
04-06-2012 , 10:37 AM
Most people know of it as the conjugal system
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
