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RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

09-24-2011 , 10:41 PM
Jdocks- its all <3 bro... I'm pretty sure u are a big contributor to my elbow problems.

Zinna- elitefts dot com


Bench 235x3 x10

Reverse band frontsquat (monster min)

Ssb good mornings
Up to 225x1 (heavy)

Pullthroughs 3 sets

Band pullaparts, bentover laterals, face pulls
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-25-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
For a 160 lb person with a 100lb max chinup:
 Day A Day B Day C Day D
Week 1 +20x6x6 +35x5x7 +50x4x8 +60x3x10
Week 2 +30x6x6 +45x5x7 +60x4x8 +70x3x10
Week 3 +35x6x6 +50x5x7 +65x4x8 +75x3x10

The first 2 days might be a tad light, but other than that it looks pretty reasonable. Plus what's the alternative? Clearly +70x6x6, +75x5x7, +80x4x8, +85x3x10 as the first week is completely impossible.
That's awesome I didn't even think of applying this to pullups/chinups. I may have to try this after I reach my goal of 10x10bw pullups. High reps with bw every single day is gaying my **** up.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-25-2011 , 05:38 PM
Evo- 10x10 sounds ridiculously hard to me lol. I hope you get there. FWIW I haven't done much high rep pullup work besides the occasional go-for-pr repouts. Just got decent at those by doing weighted work.

280x3 FS... 315x1 bench,... reverse bands make me feel kinda strong

If anyone wants to program my October, I'd be willing to try it. If not, I'll continue messing around doing my own thing. Thinking about smolov jr'ing pullups and squats at the same time. Weight= 161-162ish the last few mornings.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-25-2011 , 11:49 PM
09-26-2011 , 05:58 AM
Nice vids. Pretty sick arch you got going on in the bench there, best I've seen in H&F I think.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-26-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Nice vids. Pretty sick arch you got going on in the bench there, best I've seen in H&F I think.
There was a guy, I think he was from northeastern Europe, who used to post in a log here but hasnt for a while, I might be spelling his name wrong, maybe its kristario or something like that - he had one of the biggest arches I've ever seen.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-26-2011 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Is that what I'm now doing?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-26-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Is that what I'm now doing?
Basically yes.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-27-2011 , 12:00 AM
I'm sure Cookie had a pretty solid arch. (I think that'ts who it was)
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:35 AM
cha- Thought about giving that another run. Failed my first try at it and I think I just completely forgot about the second run? lol.

re: back arch. Didn't really think I had a good setup, but I'll take it. I'm constantly doing different things, though.


280 fail (woulda been +5 to all time)

205x6 x2 (time to get hurt, obv)

285x1 grinder

good mornings off safety rails
115x3 x2
135x3 x2
95x8 x3

lots of shoulder prehabs

pullups 3x10 (ridiculous 3rd set..)
chins 4x5

Chest felt sore even after a lot of warm ups. Felt like I did more than usual. Sets were easy, but I could feel a strain in my left pec. Went down to 115 and didn't feel like it was worth it to complete the day.

Not sure what I'll do. Currently icing. Had two more bench days then a 10x3 x245 saturday and I was going to do a light session next tuesday/wednesday then max saturday. Irritating
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-27-2011 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jaysick88
I'm sure Cookie had a pretty solid arch. (I think that'ts who it was)
Sounds plausible since he's a bench only competitor.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-28-2011 , 01:59 AM

power clean + push press
up to 185x1 x3 (easy, but left knee started hurting)

175x1 (not a grinder, but 97% fail 185)
135x3 x3

shoulder prehabs


inverted rows

This is twice now that my knee got really sore from pushpresses. I gotta remember to put on my damn knee sleeves.

Seriously considering quitting this strength stuff. I guess that's what happens when you spin your wheels as long as I have.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-28-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Seriously considering quitting this strength stuff. I guess that's what happens when you spin your wheels as long as I have.
Just go back to being a novice obv.

What ya gonna switch to? Maybe call up G4S and toss some telephone polls around.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-28-2011 , 04:27 PM
Was seriously considering just training for vanity, cuz no one ever got hurt training for hypertrophy, amirite?

Then I realized you gotta get strong to get hyoooge anyway. Prob just gonna add in more dumbbell stuff.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-28-2011 , 06:40 PM
But what about all those weakling professional bodybuilders?


RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-28-2011 , 08:03 PM
Why don't you do a raw powerlifting meet, suck water to compete at 148, win, and reevaluate.

Nothing like a little competition to refuel your WIM.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:32 AM
Did I ever tell the story about this bodybuilder I knew? Well, he competed once, anyway. "Brah, when I was getting big, I was spending 500 a month on food alone".. He weighed 120lbs max... He also said he was 3%bf when he competed.

DF- I dropped from the 75kg because the dude who won that weight class benched 363lbs. IDK what I wanna do anymore, but I def need some WIM


bench (tried to get the blood flowing in my pec)
bar x15 x4
65x12 x2
85 x8 x4
155x1 x2

pendlay row
up to 195x1 x2

shoulder prehabs

pullups 2x10

Used lots of grips when benching. Close grip didn't bother my left pec much, but I could feel it when I went wide (obv..?). Happy I could do what I did, tho.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-29-2011 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Did I ever tell the story about this bodybuilder I knew? Well, he competed once, anyway. "Brah, when I was getting big, I was spending 500 a month on food alone".. He weighed 120lbs max... He also said he was 3%bf when he competed.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-29-2011 , 04:13 AM
363 lbs raw or sooooted?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-29-2011 , 10:53 AM
+1 to competing in something.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-29-2011 , 04:40 PM
soul- raw O.o He only squatted 315 tho.

g4s- I'm sold. I feel like if I don't compete next year, then I never will.

Still don't know what I should do as far as training goes, tho
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-30-2011 , 01:10 AM

up to 275x1 x3
270x1 x3

bench (again, to get the blood flowing)
up to some 135lb singles

up to 255x2 (narrowly missed 3rd, which woulda been a PR)

shoulder prehabs

pullups 2x10...2x4
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-30-2011 , 01:54 AM
you may want to look into the magnusson-ortmayer program.

spreadsheet link about 3/4 the way down the page

i'm actually in the process of doing this right now. i just finished week 2.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-30-2011 , 03:09 AM
I'll do that for DL.

lol back arch..

quickly thought about:

mon: press/bench
tues: magnusson-ortmayer DL
wed: light squats..shoulder prehabs
thurs: weighted pullups
sat: squats.. press/bench

Exam tomorrow.. prob should study lol
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
09-30-2011 , 07:55 AM
That DL program seems pretty similar to the core of 5/3/1, only lighter. Not sure which I think would work better.

So far I'm liking the TM style program I'm on. It's too early to tell, but I think I found a way to have more upper body volume without getting too run down. I'll probably run it until progress slows down (hopefully not for another month) and then do some more Smolov stuff.

Basically I lift every other day, so 7 times per 2 weeks. Workouts alternate lower body and upper body. My upper body lifts are volume bench, dynamic bench, and max effort. My lower body lifts are volume squat and max effort squat. So upper body gets hit every 4 days as does lower body, which lets me get away with doing a bit more total volume during my lifts.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
