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rAv's lifting log: brAv science included rAv's lifting log: brAv science included

11-06-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Does the kizen program have a protocol for how often/much to increase the TM?

No, you just keep on increasing percentages indefinitely until you test and restart with new max.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-06-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by FloppyJ
Good stuff Rav. Keep beasting.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:19 AM
Kizen IO Day 4 week 6
Tuesday, 7 November 2017 at 20:35

Face Pull
Set 1: 5 kg × 30
Set 2: 5 kg × 30
Set 3: 5 kg × 30

Overhead Press
Set 1: 47,5 kg × 5
Set 2: 47,5 kg × 5
Set 3: 47,5 kg × 5
Set 4: 47,5 kg × 5
Set 5: 47,5 kg × 15

Notes: @9
+2 reps from previous

Spoto Press
Set 1: 70 kg × 10
Set 2: 70 kg × 10
Set 3: 70 kg × 10
Set 4: 70 kg × 10

Lat Pulldown (Single Arm)
Set 1: 22,5 kg × 15
Set 2: 22,5 kg × 15
Set 3: 22,5 kg × 15
Set 4: 22,5 kg × 15

Tricep Pushdown
Set 1: 22,5 kg × 16
Set 2: 22,5 kg × 16
Set 3: 22,5 kg × 16
Set 4: 22,5 kg × 16

Incline dumbbell Curl
Set 1: 10 kg × 18
Set 2: 10 kg × 18
Set 3: 10 kg × 18

French Press
Set 1: 25 kg × 15
Set 2: 25 kg × 15
Set 3: 25 kg × 15

2 reps more than 4 weeks ago, I’ll take it. Supersetted press with pulldowns just to save some time. Doesn’t affect performance at all it seems. Everything else fine. First set of spoto felt the hardest for some reason.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:23 AM
Why are you jerking around with multiple 5 rep sets of something that is probably, when fresh, a 20 RM? I understand that's how the program is written, but this is effectively going to be a three month deload on the main lifts until you get up to higher weights at this rate (or at least for squat and press -- I forget how DL and bench have looked recently wrt your AMRAPs).
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Why are you jerking around with multiple 5 rep sets of something that is probably, when fresh, a 20 RM? I understand that's how the program is written, but this is effectively going to be a three month deload on the main lifts until you get up to higher weights at this rate (or at least for squat and press -- I forget how DL and bench have looked recently wrt your AMRAPs).

Yea I’ve been asking myself the same thing, see post #998. But, since it seems to be working I’m not sure if I should change something now or ride it out and change something when it’s not working anymore.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:27 AM
It's pretty weird but he is making gains. I would bust out the roidscard if his upperbody didn't look like Waldo.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:29 AM
Wow I am old, is "where is Waldo" even relevant the last two decades?
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:32 AM
Realities of natty talls bro. How do you even know how Waldo looks under that sweater?
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
this is effectively going to be a three month deload on the main lifts until you get up to higher weights at this rate
I'd be slightly concerned that he'll hit a huge wall when the program goes abruptly from being 4 nothing sets and 1 hard set to being 5 pretty hard sets. I encountered this when I was doing the high rep upper/lower split I lost all my weight on. Total gainztrain until all of a sudden I was doing way too much work.

Rav, I think your #998 post is probably a decent idea, but I'd gradually increase the intensity and see how you respond to it instead of just diving in all at once.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I'd be slightly concerned that he'll hit a huge wall when the program goes abruptly from being 4 nothing sets and 1 hard set to being 5 pretty hard sets. I encountered this when I was doing the high rep upper/lower split I lost all my weight on. Total gainztrain until all of a sudden I was doing way too much work.

Rav, I think your #998 post is probably a decent idea, but I'd gradually increase the intensity and see how you respond to it instead of just diving in all at once.

That’s not really possible on this since the program autoregulates. Weight is only increased if amrap 8+ reps so the 5’s set are never higher than rpe7-ish.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 12:01 PM
The answer is to just increase your training max if you're AMRAPing 15 or 17 or 20 reps; no need to neckbeard about it any further than that.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 12:03 PM
Yeah but even 5,5,5,5,8 is going to cause a lot more fatigue than 5,5,5,5,15 if you're not accustomed to it.

edit: @montecore, agreed.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-07-2017 , 12:06 PM
Fair enough @both
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-08-2017 , 06:09 AM
Kizen IO Day 5 week 6
Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at 15:43

Banded Facepulls
Set 1: 0 kg × 30
Set 2: 0 kg × 30

Bench Press
Set 1: 75 kg × 5
Set 2: 75 kg × 5
Set 3: 75 kg × 5

Notes: Feet up

Stiff Legged Deadlift
Set 1: 95 kg × 10
Set 2: 95 kg × 10
Set 3: 95 kg × 10

Bulgarian Split Squat
Set 1: 20 kg × 8
Set 2: 20 kg × 8
Set 3: 20 kg × 8

Dumbbell Row
Set 1: 40 kg × 8
Set 2: 40 kg × 8
Set 3: 40 kg × 8

Barbell Curl
Set 1: 30 kg × 10
Set 2: 30 kg × 10
Set 3: 30 kg × 10

Upright Barbell Row
Set 1: 30 kg × 12
Set 2: 30 kg × 12
Set 3: 30 kg × 12

Chest Fly (low to hi)
Set 1: 5 kg × 15
Set 2: 5 kg × 15
Set 3: 5 kg × 15

Nice little session. BSS were actually pretty challenging.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 06:39 AM
Kizen IO Day 1 week 6
Friday, 10 November 2017 at 15:24

Set 1: 127,5 kg × 5
Set 2: 127,5 kg × 5
Set 3: 127,5 kg × 5
Set 4: 127,5 kg × 5
Set 5: 127,5 kg × 5
Set 6: 127,5 kg × 10

Notes: @10

Front Squat
Set 1: 70 kg × 10
Set 2: 70 kg × 10
Set 3: 70 kg × 10
Set 4: 70 kg × 10
Set 5: 70 kg × 10

Chest Supported Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 27,5 kg × 10
Set 2: 27,5 kg × 10
Set 3: 27,5 kg × 10
Set 4: 27,5 kg × 10
Set 5: 27,5 kg × 10

Lateral Raise
Set 1: 10 kg × 12
Set 2: 10 kg × 12
Set 3: 12,5 kg × 12
Set 4: 12,5 kg × 12
Set 5: 12,5 kg × 12

Hammer Curl
Set 1: 15 kg × 10
Set 2: 15 kg × 10
Set 3: 15 kg × 10
Set 4: 15 kg × 11
Set 5: 15 kg × 11

Rekt. This was a tough workout. Should have stopped at 9, cause the 10th rep was a true @10 and that kinda made me feel like shiet the rest of the workout. Got through it though.

So-so day strength wise. I got this for the same amount of reps a month ago, however 2 weeks ago I pulled 136 for 10, so I did lose some strength going to this stance. I think however it's more to do with pulling with a flat back rather than a rounded back, rather than the stance change, since pulling with a flat back is harder, supposedly.
The first 2 sets felt like absolutely nothing, so felt super confident. I filmed the 3rd set though and my back was rounder than a dog taking a shiet, so obviously even with this stance I can't get lazy and still need to pay attention to what my back is doing. After adjusting the weight felt much heavier.

On the bright side, I'm very pleased with how that 10th rep looked given it was a rpe10. No form breakdown. So hopefully I can make some strength gains on this in the next couple months.

Front squats felt good, bumping the weight next week.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 07:31 AM
So I've been thinking a bit about the next couple months training wise. I have a bit of a friendly competition going on with some acquaintances on another forum. It's about who improves the most on total and biggest total overall. Ends february first. I'm probably going to treat it as a little bit of a mock meet, so I'm going to hop on some sort of strength/peaking program soonish.
First the plan was to run this Kizen program for 8 weeks, then deload and repeat. But unless I'm feeling terrible in week 8 I'll stretch it to 10 weeks, then deload, and then hop on this new programming.

I'm thinking of choosing between Mike T's 9 week program, or TsA's 9 week program. I'm leaning towards TsA since it's percentage based and I don't think I'm ready to fully dive into RPE based programming. Also at this point I probably don't need stuff like pin squats and floor presses.

In addition to hopefully setting some PR's and lifting some heavier weights this will hopefully resensitize me a bit to volume so additional gains can be made if I get back on something hypertrophy oriented afterwards.

Programs can be found here and here for those unfamiliar.

Any thoughts or suggestions welcome as always.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 08:03 AM
I'd go with the TsA at a glance. Probably a lot of people here would suggest starting strength as the best option for you to improve your total in 9 weeks, and they might be right.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 08:11 AM
Are you going to bulk on this new program?
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Are you going to bulk on this new program?

Yes. Probably going to (mini)cut afterwards depending on how I look/feel.

Originally Posted by Renton555
I'd go with the TsA at a glance. Probably a lot of people here would suggest starting strength as the best option for you to improve your total in 9 weeks, and they might be right.

Ehhh I dunno. Seems too low volume for DL and bench at least. Also boring af.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 08:38 AM
Not necessarily starting strength but some type of LP. If even for the initial few weeks just to approach weights that are heavy.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Not necessarily starting strength but some type of LP. If even for the initial few weeks just to approach weights that are heavy.
The tsa one does that though, first 5 weeks volume with DUP but weekly LP. After that taper as intensity goes up further.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by rAv
Yes. Probably going to (mini)cut afterwards depending on how I look/feel.

Ehhh I dunno. Seems too low volume for DL and bench at least. Also boring af.
You are pressing every workout (bench 3x/week and OHP 1x/week) and on some days you are benching twice, once regular and once CGBP. not sure why you think that's low volume. DL is twice a week, once regular and once paused at lower intensity. I considered both of these and did TSA first because I considered Mike T's intermediate program to be a bit more advanced so I am saving that for early next year. You are right, TSA is a bit boring tho, not much variety and a lot of submaximal work.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 11:00 AM
You should do RPElf Training (featuring BLLTM recovery drinks) with me. 12 week program.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by beeschnuts
You are pressing every workout (bench 3x/week and OHP 1x/week) and on some days you are benching twice, once regular and once CGBP. not sure why you think that's low volume. DL is twice a week, once regular and once paused at lower intensity. I considered both of these and did TSA first because I considered Mike T's intermediate program to be a bit more advanced so I am saving that for early next year. You are right, TSA is a bit boring tho, not much variety and a lot of submaximal work.

Eh? We’re talking about SS here right? Afaik that’s benching 1,5x a week and pressing 1,5x a week?
If you’re talking about tsa, no I don’t think that’s low volume.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
11-10-2017 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
You should do RPElf Training (featuring BLLTM recovery drinks) with me. 12 week program.

Perhaps I would but I’m reasonably sure I’d sandbag myself given my inability to be accurate with rpe.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
