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rAv's lifting log: brAv science included rAv's lifting log: brAv science included

04-20-2017 , 02:18 AM
I wrote my own hypertrophy / work capacity block periodization based on the principles from this book and with the help of Abrahamovic. It seems to be working pretty well for me so far, 10 weeks in. The book also contains templates for how to build strength or peaking blocks. CWS and Israetel advocate an approach pretty much the opposite of 5/3/1 in the sense that you're specifically focusing on increasing your strength, hypertrophy and work capacity, or 1RM peaking for extended periods of time (8-20 weeks). Conversely, 5/3/1 pans between all of these focuses every week or even within the same workout and (allegedly) is less efficient at achieving any of those ends particularly well.

More from those guys: Creating a Strength Block.

For a more hybrid approach that's a little more like 5/3/1:

Microcycles, volume/intensity and exercise selection

Macrocycles and mesocycles, how to periodize
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 02:34 AM
Mike Israetel has a lot of good information if BB is your thing, and the other Juggernaut people are solid for strength stuff (CWS, Max Aita). But something like squat 2-3x, bench 3-4x and deadlift 1-2x a week with accessories seems like a reasonable starting point. Anything Mike T has on programming is going to be good. This article and the links therein.

Don't mess with your technique too much - evaluate one change at a time.

Last edited by Aidan; 04-20-2017 at 02:35 AM. Reason: pony is a narrow stance squatter
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I wrote my own hypertrophy / work capacity block periodization based on the principles from this book and with the help of Abrahamovic. It seems to be working pretty well for me so far, 10 weeks in. The book also contains templates for how to build strength or peaking blocks. CWS and Israetel advocate an approach pretty much the opposite of 5/3/1 in the sense that you're specifically focusing on increasing your strength, hypertrophy and work capacity, or 1RM peaking for extended periods of time (8-20 weeks). Conversely, 5/3/1 pans between all of these focuses every week or even within the same workout and (allegedly) is less efficient at achieving any of those ends particularly well.

More from those guys: Creating a Strength Block.

For a more hybrid approach that's a little more like 5/3/1:

Microcycles, volume/intensity and exercise selection

Macrocycles and mesocycles, how to periodize
This is great stuff, thanks! Going to dive into that for a bit.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Mike Israetel has a lot of good information if BB is your thing, and the other Juggernaut people are solid for strength stuff (CWS, Max Aita). But something like squat 2-3x, bench 3-4x and deadlift 1-2x a week with accessories seems like a reasonable starting point. Anything Mike T has on programming is going to be good. This article and the links therein.

Don't mess with your technique too much - evaluate one change at a time.
Thanks! Lots of stuff to go through
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 03:11 AM
Just ordered some resistance bands to work on the knee cave thing.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 03:46 AM
ftr, I recently skimmed some billion word long piece from one of those starting strength rip fanbois (Jordan figenbaum I think) comparing the volume of TM, 5/3/1 and something else. Basically he hates 531 and wants Wendler to get cancer and die.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 03:50 AM
Let me google that for you.

I can barely remember the gist of it. Seemed like one of his usual masturbation sessions.

Honestly, I'm sure you can make 5/3/1 work for squats just by adding a 3-5x5 "volume" day in somewhere else in the week. At that point it's kind of like TM. Something like move the first set last sets and/or joker sets to a separate day.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 04:18 AM
I don't think Feigenbaum is all that hot on TM either, he just thinks it's better than 531. His "better" intermediate program is at - which looks strongly inspired by what Mike T is programming at the moment
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-20-2017 , 05:04 AM
Yea I just read all that. Cliffs: 5/3/1 beyond awful, TM a bit less awful but still awful.

I feel ready to move on to something else. To what is the next question.

Feigenbaum program looks interesting, but no pulling other than DL? That seems weird. Also maybe a little too much strength emphasis for my goals.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-21-2017 , 12:39 PM
5/3/1 Bench C6 week 3 TM225/102,5
Friday, 21 April 2017 at 21:47

Bench Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 75 kg × 5
Set 2: 87,5 kg × 3
Set 3: 97,5 kg × 1
Set 4: 75 kg × 5
Set 5: 75 kg × 5
Set 6: 75 kg × 5

Chin Up
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 9 reps
Set 4: 8 reps
Set 5: 7 reps

Dumbbell Row
Set 1: 85 kg × 15
Set 2: 85 kg × 15
Set 3: 85 kg × 17

Incline Dumbbell Press
Set 1: 22,5 kg × 10
Set 2: 22,5 kg × 10
Set 3: 22,5 kg × 12

Rear Delt (Machine)
Set 1: 29 kg × 15
Set 2: 34 kg × 15
Set 3: 34 kg × 15

Tricep Pushdown
Set 1: 22,5 kg × 15
Set 2: 25 kg × 12
Set 3: 25 kg × 12

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 kg × 13
Set 2: 20 kg × 10
Set 3: 20 kg × 10

Fine workout, not much to report. Only filmed top set of bench. Looks to be a reasonable rep for being so close to max. Still loose but better than it was perhaps.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-21-2017 , 12:46 PM
Probably going to order the book Renton linked tomorrow to hopefully get a better understanding of programming. I'm looking to end 5/3/1 after my minicut ends to chase them serious gainzz and hopefully I can start programming for myself. Maybe I will need some help but we will see.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 12:22 PM
5/3/1 Deadlift C6 week 3 TM360/165
Saturday, 22 April 2017 at 21:50

Deadlift 5/3/1
Set 1: 125 kg × 5
Set 2: 140 kg × 3
Set 3: 156 kg × 1
Set 4: 125 kg × 5
Set 5: 125 kg × 5
Set 6: 125 kg × 5

Hack Squat
Set 1: 65 kg × 10
Set 2: 65 kg × 10
Set 3: 65 kg × 12

Calf Raise (machine)
Set 1: 75 kg × 30
Set 2: 75 kg × 30
Set 3: 75 kg × 30

Romanian Deadlift
Set 1: 110 kg × 12
Set 2: 100 kg × 12
Set 3: 100 kg × 12

Pretty decent workout although had low wim going in. I know it's because I'm looking to change programs I feel less motivated to give it my all in this one. Form on DL felt good although slight rounding on top set.
Did RDl's instead of leg curls

Also had to use straps because got told by owner I can't use "powder"

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 12:28 PM
No chalk is a dealbreaker no?
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 12:49 PM
I guess I got to make a choice what's the worse dealbreaker, no chalk or sh*t equipment.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 12:56 PM
A rack, a bar, circular plates, a bench. Gotta be a place in BKK with all of those things + allowing chalk.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 01:03 PM
Well obviously. I'm not gonna sit in traffic for hours though and within reasonable distance from my house options are fairly limited.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 03:19 PM
Liquid chalk imo
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Liquid chalk imo
I did use liquid chalk, but I still got some "powder" on some weightplates when taking them on/off the bar and apparently this "messed them up"
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 11:47 PM
Just be a b*tch like me and use straps. It doesn't matter.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-22-2017 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Just be a b*tch like me and use straps. It doesn't matter.
Yea I'll probably just do this. I don't mind using straps for the heaviest sets and lets be honest it's not like I'm going to enter any meets any time soon.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-23-2017 , 12:10 AM
WTF. What little ***** must the owner be that he won't even let you use liquid chalk? Sounds like you should use actual chalk then and give him the patented Miles Dyson death stare if he says anything.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-23-2017 , 12:24 AM
Eh he clearly doesn't even know what it is by referring to it as powder, and he seemed kind of shocked why I would even use it. Sort of looked like he thought I was spreading anthrax in his gym or something. And he got miffed because apparently he cleaned it up himself.

Anyways I'm much too beta to do anything so confrontational lol so instead I just rant about it online.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-24-2017 , 01:45 AM

Week 1 of minicut went pretty well. Might have expected a bit more weightloss due to water weight. Will see what happens this week and will adjust if necessary. Hunger levels are manageable.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-24-2017 , 07:13 AM
5/3/1 OHP C7 week 1 TM67,5
Monday, 24 April 2017 at 15:45

Overhead Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 42,5 kg × 5
Set 2: 50 kg × 5
Set 3: 57,5 kg × 5
Set 4: 65 kg × 1
Set 5: 42,5 kg × 8
Set 6: 42,5 kg × 8
Set 7: 42,5 kg × 8

Pendlay Row
Set 1: 62,5 kg × 10
Set 2: 62,5 kg × 10
Set 3: 62,5 kg × 10
Set 4: 62,5 kg × 10
Set 5: 62,5 kg × 10

Close grip Bench Press
Set 1: 65 kg × 8
Set 2: 65 kg × 8
Set 3: 65 kg × 11

Pulldown (Neutral Grip)
Set 1: 59 kg × 10
Set 2: 59 kg × 10
Set 3: 59 kg × 12

Face Pull
Set 1: 22,5 kg × 12
Set 2: 22,5 kg × 12
Set 3: 22,5 kg × 13

Barbell Curl
Set 1: 20 kg × 15
Set 2: 20 kg × 13
Set 3: 20 kg × 12

Workout fine. Was contemplating resetting all lifts since everything was hard last cycle but going to try and complete cycle 7. Only going to reset squats once more to work on fixing kneecave and work on up again from there.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
04-26-2017 , 03:01 AM
5/3/1 Squat C7 week 1 TM125 reset
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 at 12:23

Squat 5/3/1
Set 1: 80 kg × 5
Set 2: 95 kg × 3
Set 3: 105 kg × 8
Set 4: 80 kg × 5
Set 5: 80 kg × 5
Set 6: 80 kg × 5

Leg Extension
Set 1: 64 kg × 12
Set 2: 64 kg × 12
Set 3: 64 kg × 15

Seated Calf Raise
Set 1: 60 kg × 15
Set 2: 60 kg × 15
Set 3: 60 kg × 13

Stiff Legged Deadlift
Set 1: 60 kg × 10
Set 2: 60 kg × 10
Set 3: 60 kg × 10
Set 4: 60 kg × 10
Set 5: 60 kg × 10

Trained fasted which I've not done before, went fine. Did have a bit of a lack of WIM but not sure if that was from lack of food or just in general.

Reset again to work on kneecave. Everything but top set was done with a resistance band around my knees. I also did some warming up/activation with it. It feels much harder when focussing on keeping the knees out. I'm back to square 1 but it's ok, just building back up from here. I feel some immediate DOMS in my right glute which is the weak one so thats a good sign I guess.
Did an extra long pause on down sets to keep it somewhat challenging.

Purchased "Scientific Principles of Strength Training", couple of chapters in and I feel smarter already. It's interesting stuff.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
