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03-19-2012 , 04:06 PM
I'm looking for a new routine, after reviewing my log over the past few months a few things caught my attention. After following both the GS LP and SS LP for a few months I tend to back off when the weight get heavy. Looking at the reasoning for this I determine it is mainly based on 'injury fear', I have enough injuries that even my ART guy says I'm a mess. My fear is not the pain related to injuries, but the time spent rehabbing and resting injuries. Most recently I have had an adductor strain over the past six weeks, that has really limited my ability to squat and somewhat deadlift that has annoyed me and reduced my willingness to train.

My main goal is general fitness, if I'm strong or fast, great, but I don't participate in any sports so the levels I achieve on either area are not very important. I rather enjoy what I do at the gym, and be consistent.

I enjoy swimming, rowing, and performing conditioning workouts (kb swings/sandbang work). I'm thinking about squatting and deadlifting one time per week to maintain some level of basic strength, and spending the other time swimming/rowing with the occasional conditioning work out. Not sure how I would program the bench press and press yet.

Any suggestions? Thanks kb
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03-19-2012 , 04:15 PM
What about something slow and steady like the 3 day version of 5/3/1 with minimal accessory work?

I ran GSLP after SS and found it too similar for my taste...the LP gets absolutely brutal once you start pushing small edges. I ran a couple cycles of 5/3/1 and it was nice change of pace, took some time off being lazy then returned to another round of LP and pushed through some PRs and things became "fun" again.

It should also leave plenty of time for swimming, conditioning, etc, but not leave you completely goal less. You can always reset once things get real tough and move back up the ladder.

Last edited by -C-P-; 03-19-2012 at 04:23 PM.
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03-19-2012 , 05:10 PM
Any recommended links on 5/3/1? I have some basic understanding, but not enough to run the program.

I should also mention that my preference would be on conditioning versus strength.

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03-19-2012 , 05:26 PM
here you go

Last edited by Aidan; 03-19-2012 at 05:28 PM. Reason: has a good calculator for 5/3/1
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04-02-2012 , 03:56 PM
Based on a 3 day cycle, how would I program the press/bench press?
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04-02-2012 , 05:43 PM
Monday: Deads
Weds: Press
Friday: Squat
Monday: Bench

or some other ABC DAB CDA... permutation
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04-02-2012 , 05:52 PM
I'd go with combining the DL/Press so you don't have 9/10 days between squats. That will possibly kill your squats imo.
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04-02-2012 , 07:15 PM
How does this look?

Mon - Rowing
Tues -Swimming
Wed - Press/DL/Sandbag (Squat to Stand)
Thus - Rest
Fri - Bench / KB Swings
Sat - Rowing
Sun - Squat/Swimming
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