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01-02-2015 , 11:15 AM

Pretty sweet BW triple a few days ago
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-02-2015 , 11:18 AM
You joke, but I probably am > 230 atm.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-02-2015 , 11:27 AM
Crossbook your 2015 weightloss vs. YTF's?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-02-2015 , 11:58 AM
Don't read ytf's thread often. Has he gotten fat again?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-02-2015 , 12:01 PM
Depends on your definition of fat. I think he might still weigh less than you.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-02-2015 , 01:12 PM
He might weigh less than me, but if he is 5'9 or whatever and has a lot less lbm, it's not a very good comparative metric.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 08:41 AM

Did push ups every time the Bucks scored in the Sugar Bowl, but didn't do for first 2 FG's and TD, so it was 137 push ups in total I think. Hopefully they beat the Ducks next Monday...


Helped mother-in-law move on Saturday. That counts for something. I feel like bearmarkets logging walking groceries into the house...


First real workout of the year. 2014 got off to an ok start, but I started falling off in March-ish and by June-July, everything went to ****. I have close to no motivation to do anything and it's making me miserable how lazy I'm being about both working out and my complete indifference to my awful eating habits. I need to snap myself into gear serious thought to joining a Crossfit gym near me. At least I won't have to change my log title if I do.


warm ups

Not too bad.



125x3 was probably close to a max. Wtf. I did 125x5 no problem last week.


Tabata KB swings: 8 rounds 20 seconds on/10 off with an 80# KB.

I haven't done this in a while. Awful. I needed a few breaks half way through. When I was done, I felt nauseous. I never felt like I was going to throw up after a workout, but I kind of almost felt that way when I was done. This has always been really difficult, but this completely wrecked me...I guess b/c I'm in awful shape.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:27 AM
loled at bearmarkets ref

I think that for you it would be a good idea to join the cf gym. You worked out more regularly with more intensity back when you had a place to go.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:53 AM

Having a home gym seems like it would be a nice supplementary type thing for me, especially if I olytarded (let me work on some light hang snatches for 15 minutes or something), but for me personally, once I walk into the house after work, it's all over. I'm not leaving again to go to the gym or getting up to do anything other than light ab and band work (which I haven't been doing lately). I have to do it before I come home or it doesn't get done.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 11:07 AM
To be able to lift alone, regularly, with intensity has got to take a special mindset. To date some of my best oly prs came in cf classes where there were lots of other people there and I really pushed myself more than ever. cf gonna cf but still, it helps.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 11:31 AM
Yeah, that too, but it seems like his problem is motivation/activation energy more than anything. The home gym is nice to have, and he'll probably use it more if he rejoins a gym and does most of his lifting there.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Having a home gym seems like it would be a nice supplementary type thing for me, especially if I olytarded (let me work on some light hang snatches for 15 minutes or something), but for me personally, once I walk into the house after work, it's all over. I'm not leaving again to go to the gym or getting up to do anything other than light ab and band work (which I haven't been doing lately). I have to do it before I come home or it doesn't get done.
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
To be able to lift alone, regularly, with intensity has got to take a special mindset. To date some of my best oly prs came in cf classes where there were lots of other people there and I really pushed myself more than ever. cf gonna cf but still, it helps.

Originally Posted by Montecore
Yeah, that too, but it seems like his problem is motivation/activation energy more than anything. The home gym is nice to have, and he'll probably use it more if he rejoins a gym and does most of his lifting there.

I agree with basically all of this, although at this point I'm more concerned with getting into halfway decent shape than I am hitting a 100 kilo snatch or even squatting anything respectable. That would be icing on the cake, but getting into better shape is the primary goal with pr's secondary.

It's definitely a lack of motivation. The social aspect of lifting in a gym with others is an aspect that I vastly underestimated. Figured I could just be like weasel and DT and lift alone in my garage. Turns out it's not that fun, tedious, and lonely. So it's harder to get in there and stay in there.

Anyway, going to new xfit gym this weekend I think. There's a groupon for a month. Hopefully, after the month is up, I'll finagle a more reasonable regular monthly rate (lol $210/mo), assuming I like it there of course.

Then there's diet, but that's on me. That said, I've found it easier to watch my intake when I'm exercising regularly.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Then there's diet, but that's on me. That said, I've found it easier to watch my intake when I'm exercising regularly.
My motivation to at all control my diet immediately goes to **** when I'm too sick/busy to hit the gym. Instantly. So I feel your pain, but it's ultimately correctable with the plan you outlined, so
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:15 PM
210!? what area are you in again? I haven't heard of prices that high for cf outside of my area lol.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:18 PM
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:20 PM
We were paying $200/mo for both me and my wife at prior gym billed quarterly so I'm hoping to swinging that same deal.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:52 PM
Oh that's right.

a friend just came back from the tampa area last week and showed me a screeshot of the gym she stopped in at. $110 unlimited per person. $90 for military/teachers. lol. But Tampa, etc.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 05:46 PM
Miami. $210. Christ. This is why Miami will throw itself into the sea in the next 40 years.

Yeah, lifting alone is hard. The end.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 05:53 PM
210 a month for crossfit jesus h ****ing christ
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 05:54 PM
I have no experience with Crossfit at all, but my zeroth order understanding was that such prices are not unusual at most Crossfit "boxes" in large-ish urban areas? Apparently that's not correct?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 06:06 PM
ime, 125-150 is standard out here. 175 is pushing it. 200+, i hope they include a blow job with each wod.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-07-2015 , 06:16 PM
200 for two people doesn't sound too bad. I am paying 125/month for myself here in Henderson. It is unlimited but I only go 3 days per week. I need the recovery time.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-08-2015 , 02:27 AM
Just looked at their website. 3 month commitment is $175/mo. 6 months is $150/mo. That's still high. The $210 is the "groupon value."

If I consider joining, I'll tell them 3 month commitment $200 for me and my wife. They're running groupons right now, so presumably they need/want the extra cash flow. And the nice thing about all these Crossfit gyms at least in my neighborhood is there are tons of them. If they tell me no, I have a dozen others I can consider.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-18-2015 , 12:31 AM
Lifted again today. Weighed in last week for the first time since May I think? 241. Disaster city. Fat as ****.

I logged my calories this week and have started/will continue being much more judicious about calorie intake. I'm shooting to stay between 2500 - 2700. Was supposed to start xfit last week but didn't happen. Monday...



Warm ups

Okish but I caught nearly every one a bit forward. Stopped after 3rd set because my left knee started hurting a bit when I got into my setup.

C&J Complex

1 power clean + 2 jerks


185 - power clean + clean + 2 jerks

Was going to do 185x3 cleans emom for 8 minutes but knee started hurting after doing 2 full cleans so I quit.


Tabata 80# KBS - 57 swings in 8 rounds. Did 10, 10, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4.

I did 10 swings after too. This was hard, as usual.

I also did 3x4 pull ups interspersed throughout the workout. Very hard. I might have been able to get 5, but I don't think anymore. Turns out that pull ups get harder and harder the more weight you gain.

After I join crossfit (hopefully going on Monday) and continue actually paying a bit of attention to diet, I'm hoping to drop about ~40#. If I can get to 200# by September or October 2015, I'll be happy.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
01-18-2015 , 12:36 AM

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