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Power clean racking question. Power clean racking question.

02-08-2009 , 06:14 PM
Just started these a few weeks ago and still figuring them out.

Is the problem of racking with your elbows too low a failure of strength or technique?

Like when I PC just the bar I get the nice high clearance where my elbows are at right angles to the floor before the bar contacts my body.

But when I do my worksets I often rack with my elbows low, like the starting position of the OHP.

In SS they identify this problem and seem to treat it as a failure of technique, but to me it seems like the heavier the weight the worse you are going to rack it, until you can't rack it all and fail the rep.

Power clean racking question. Quote
02-08-2009 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Micturition Man
In SS they identify this problem and seem to treat it as a failure of technique, but to me it seems like the heavier the weight the worse you are going to rack it, until you can't rack it all and fail the rep.
I'd assume that you are either receiving it forward or that your chest isn't up or both. The former is exclusively technique (possibly stemming from fear/doubt), the latter is at least technique but possibly a combination of technique and strength. A video would help. Those are my guesses, anyway.
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