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Padkapow- shamrock20s log Padkapow- shamrock20s log

06-25-2012 , 07:50 PM
RDL 3x6
@ 250#

Pretty easy.

75 Evil Wheels

Death by Chin Up with a Ball Slam Buy In
1 chin up the 1st minute, 2 chin ups the 2nd minute, 3 chin ups the 3rd minute and so on until you cannot complete the required reps within the minute.
*At the top of each and every minute do 1 ball slam with a 50lb ball, or as heavy as you have, before starting your chin ups.

This was real fun. Got to round 9 using a 55# bag. Got real tough quick.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
06-25-2012 , 07:52 PM
Glute bridges 5x5 @ 185#

Need to start putting weight on the bar as these are far too easy.

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
7 DB Bent Over Rows
7 DB Cleans
7 DB Push Presses
*Use 50lb dumbells

Used 115# for the work out as I don't have 50# dumbbells. Was going to use 135, thank god I didn't.

6 rounds and 2 PC.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
06-26-2012 , 12:51 PM
5RM DL @ 380# (PR)

Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
06-28-2012 , 04:43 AM
15 min AMRAP
5 Push press @ 175#
250m Row

8 Rounds even. Feel like I got hit by a car. Knee feels awesome and I'm going back now to do some more rehab. Oh and milk, lots and lots of milk- and colostrum.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
06-29-2012 , 02:00 PM
Lotta swimming. Lotta eating and drinking.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
06-30-2012 , 08:14 AM
Tabata Sledgehammer Strikes
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Burpees
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sledgehammer Strikes

Quick burner for conditioning today. Knee is feeling great and my technique when swimming is coming along. Soon I won't be a endurance ******.


Used a 10# hammer. Wish I had the rogue war hammer. Time to eat.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-03-2012 , 11:10 AM
Strict press 3x5
@ 137.5#

Happy with this.

Glute Bridges 3x5
@ 225#
Got a cramp in my hamstring but was pretty easy.

Knee is starting to come along as is weight loss- weighed in at 191 today after a big meal and milk.

30s Airdyne sprints with a 1 min rest x 6
26 best calorie and 21 the worst. God I hate that ****ing bike.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-04-2012 , 08:41 AM
Weighed in at 190# today.

Pulled 385# with a belt today. (PR)

CrossFit Disco
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Power Clean @ 75% of 3 RM
Pull Ups

Used 160# for the clean. This was fun as hell but tough- knee is feeling ok; pull ups were kipped.

13:05 Rx
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-06-2012 , 10:24 PM
Knee feels great

Bench 3x5
@ 212.5# w fat bar.

Felt pretty cake.

Airdyne 15 sec sprints rest 45 x 10. Conditioning is getting way better. Rehab sure does work- mostly bullet proof knees for rehab.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-07-2012 , 11:30 PM
Long knee rehab session.

Power clean 5x3 @ 200# got a double at 210# but wanted to reset from this.
Glute ham raises 3x8.

Pretty tired.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-09-2012 , 11:02 AM
Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)

OMGOMGOMG High box squats is the 'oh hey your knee isn't wicked ****ty but is now almost not ******ed' progression to knee health. Used low bar set up with some chains for fun. Kept it super light and did a 3x8 with like 135ish.

So excited.

Press 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
@ 140# Cakecakecakecakecakecake.

Complete 5 rounds for time:
100 yard shuttle run
Max rope climbs in 1 minute - 15 ft rope
*For shuttle run, sprint out 50 yards, touch and sprint back to the line.

10 rope climbs cause I had no idea what I was doing. Took about 8 minutes- used the airdyne.

Didn't get that good of a work out in so I did more airdyne to finish.
15 seconds on 45 off for 7 rounds.
19 best calorie and 13 lowest.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-10-2012 , 01:26 PM

5RM @ 390# failed. Got 4 ****ing reps son of a ****ing bitch.

Then this dumb workout.

#Occupy Strength Balboa
Complete three rounds:

40 seconds of One Arm DB Thruster 50 lbs
Rest 20 seconds
40 seconds of Strict Pull Ups
Rest 20 seconds
40 seconds of One Arm KB Power Snatch 28 kgs
Rest 20 seconds
40 seconds of Mountain Climbers
Rest 20 seconds

Who gives a **** about numbers. No 5RM PR. Goddamn it.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-12-2012 , 11:44 AM
High box squat 3x8 @ 100# Knee feels good man.

Bench 3x5
@ 215# Cake.

Tried to do some sprinting and 70% felt a bit shaky. Gotta ween myself into this. Took 2 separate 5 min ice baths and stretched.

Big conditioning and heavy volume day tomorrow.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-13-2012 , 10:25 AM
So much swimming today. Swam about 600-700m. Technique is coming along nicely as I have a former junior Olympian giving me pointers.

Power clean 5x3
@ 205# Pretty easy.

@ 225 - feeling really lazy and just got some volume in.

Wiped out.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-14-2012 , 08:06 AM
More swimming technique today. Did some sprint work (300-400m total distance) and I feel like I can't cool down right now. I feel like a ball of fire.

Nap time.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-18-2012 , 11:36 AM
10,000 lbs
Complete 10 rounds for time of:
1 Squat - 365 lbs
1 Press - 180 lbs
1 Deadlift - 455 lbs
*The goal is to lift 10,000 lbs as fast as possible.
*If you must scale, adjust the weights so you can complete the 10,000 lbs in the least amount of the sets. You still can only do one rep at a time and must cycle through all three lifts to complete a single round.
Post fasteset times to comments.

These are Wellbourn's numbers and I clearly cannot do those. So I scaled to:
Squat 100# x 2 (****ing knee)
Press 150#
Deadlift 350#

14 total trips through and took about 20 min. Smoked as ****ed. Real fun though.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-18-2012 , 01:57 PM
Wow, cool log, and great lifts.

As a lifelong Eagles fan, I have a soft spot in my heart for Welbourn and his general badassery (I still have his Broad Street Brawlers t-shirt), and his version of Crossfit sounds like it's less likely to give you a SLAP tear or rhabdo, so I'm all for it.

Any challenges training in Thailand?
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-19-2012 , 10:12 AM
Thanks! Ya he has a site called TTMJ and its ****ing brilliant. I love his perspective on training, diet, and life- just an all around bad mother ****er. I was skeptical on the program but he basically follows Rip's advice with regards to strength and as far as the crossfitty type workouts they are like 90% untouchable for the population.

I'm like a hipster crossfitter... I did crossfit football before it was cool etc etc.

As far as training in Thailand goes- the food is incredible, cheap, and its hysterical that I'm known as the big body foreigner (far-ang dooo-wa yai) at my go to restaurants. I speak enough thai to make friends with the shop keepers and they will usually tell people around "That's the guy, this one! He's eating all the eggs"

The major issue is I am completely self taught at this point and my video camera is all I have to go off. I have my CF level 1 (lol- didn't pay for it) and USA-W- which is all well and good, but Everett's book, Rips SS and Practial Programming are how I got started, nevermind infinitely better at a fraction of the cost.

Secondly, I tore my PCL (level 1) and their isn't really any sports doctors or doctors that have any ****ing clue what to do with me. I am essentially trying to rehab by feel and the internet which is really ****ing discouraging as there are good days and really bad ones. I am a giant ****ing nerd so I am constantly learning/reading- I've probably watched all of pendlays videos twice and every time Klokov or Average Broz posts on youtube its like the gospel.

Wishing I had a training partner though but beyond that its wicked dope.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-19-2012 , 10:19 AM
Complete 8 rounds for time:
3 Hang Power Cleans - 225 lbs
Sprint 50 yards
*Rest 45 seconds between rounds
Post times to comments.

Scaled this to 190# (bodyweight) and used the airdyne (10 second sprint). No misses and the cleans felt light. Pretty smoked ~9 mins.

15 min airdyne: 301 calories. Lotta rehab and icing.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-19-2012 , 10:22 AM
Bench 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)

@217.5# Cakeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Got a voodoo band for the shoulder and holy **** is that donny tompson guy right. I was using a bike tire a la Glenn Pendlay but this is the real deal. Especially since I didn't pay for it.

5x5 Push press @ 175#
Easy-ish. Felt pretty wiped from lack of sleep the last few days and I have a giant day tomorrow. I'm pretty sure its going to be 50m and 100m intervals to the face at the pool then power cleans at night. Lotta milk tonight.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-21-2012 , 05:30 AM
Swam about 500m today learning backstroke and just the kick. ****ing wiped for my strength session which was:

5x3 Power clean @ 210#
Made the first 2 and failed the third. Went to 207.5 made the first 2 and missed the 3rd.
Called it a day.

RDL 3x8 @ 195#

Glute ham raises 3x10

Knee rehab
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-21-2012 , 05:32 AM
Going to take a week off as some of my lifts are stalling and they shouldn't be. Diet is **** and sleep is worse. Going to follow CFFB a week behind and concentrate on rehab/eating this week.

Swam 800m today at a decent pace and working on technique. Conditioning is coming along nicely.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-23-2012 , 01:14 AM
Strict press 3x5 @ 142.5#
Morning work out so a little tough.

Knee rehab for years. Lot of mobility, deceleration drills, and eccentric loading. Going to come back tonight for more rehab and conditioning on the airdyne.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-24-2012 , 08:53 AM
Deadlift 5RM @ 390# (PR)
Milk and sleep the solution to any strength problem. So ****ing pumped.

Tabata flutter kicks for a finisher.

Weighed in at 85kg that makes 22lbs I've lost since June 1st. Swimming and the airdyne are no ****ing joke. I wanted to be this weight by February so the good news is I get to eat whatever I want.

Off to go drink.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
07-26-2012 , 10:22 AM
Bench Press 3x5 @ 217.5# w fat bar.

Tabata Sledge hammer swings
Tabata Burpees
Tabata SHS


Trying to get 9 burpees in 20 seconds is so ****ing hard. I made 5 rounds of 9 and lost it on the last 3. SHeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Swimming tomorrow.
Padkapow- shamrock20s log Quote
