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***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread ***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread

08-21-2010 , 02:54 PM
guys speaking of soccer, where can i good feed of the barcelona sevilla game? the feed is sucky. btw for people who think soccer is boring, this is a game that i don't think will be.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 02:55 PM
Its cool. I walk among you. I know your habits and inclinations. Much like Dian Fossey I have decided to name and even "befriend" some of your kind.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Its cool. I walk among you. I know your habits and inclinations. Much like Dian Fossey I have decided to name and even "befriend" some of your kind.
Was Fossey ever sexed by a gorilla though? That is the question.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
no one side does not have to be making a mistake for the other to make none, that is a bs assertion
I think it was in Theory of Poker or one of the other older 2p2 books where Sklansky talks about "mistake free poker" vs "making small mistakes which will take advantage of your opponent's weakness and force him into making big mistakes"...his conclusion was that the latter was clearly more optimal. I think the same thing applies here.

Originally Posted by Thremp
I think it speak volumes for Euros that their ideal game is a 0-0 draw. Sweet sport.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I think you missed my post. Read it again.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Hey Jewb

I disagree dude. Most are, but some are unstoppable. When a free kick taker bends it around the wall and puts it in the far corner, out of reach of the keeper, the only mistake the keeper made was to forget to grow an extra two foot or learn superhuman powers.

I think a keeper not being able to reach a ball that another keeper could reach definitely disqualifies his team from being able to say they played a perfect game(which was the original point of this conversation).
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:13 PM
How to get Americans (USA) to watch Football during 2010 FIFA World Cup

On another note, The 2-6 game between real madrid and Barcelona a couple seasons ago is perhaps one of the best displays of how beautiful football can be (not because of the number of goals). The vigilance and technical proficiency required to play such a quick and accurate passing game can only really be appreciated if you've played the game yourself.

Having said that, there is also a certain amount of beauty about the almost perfect execution of the catenaccio approach that Inter gave against Barca in the CL semifinal last season. I also think that this is somewhat what tmcdmck was referring to. If you play perfect defensively (and this includes not giving away dangerous freekicks, hey jewb) there is nothing the attacking side can do, because of the nature of the game.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
I think a keeper not being able to reach a ball that another keeper could reach definitely disqualifies his team from being able to say they played a perfect game(which was the original point of this conversation).
Nice straw man. DUCY?
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hardgrove
[...] and this includes not giving away dangerous freekicks, hey jewb [...]
I understand your point, definitely. I could have easily have said "a shot from outside the box" though. Feel free to substitute that if you want.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:17 PM
This is pretty much like a guy saying that he enjoys the barbie doll pronz star look. I know these people exist since the prevalence of pronz sales with these living Real Doll impersonators, but I don't really wanna associate with their kind.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
This is pretty much like a guy saying that he enjoys the barbie doll pronz star look. I know these people exist since the prevalence of pronz sales with these living Real Doll impersonators, but I don't really wanna associate with their kind.
I'm a ******ed Euro and as such don't understand. Can you explain what this means, preferably using some kind of primal noises and by banging your fists against your chest gorilla-style? xx
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Hardgrove
If you play perfect defensively (and this includes not giving away dangerous freekicks, hey jewb) there is nothing the attacking side can do, because of the nature of the game.

lol what?
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:26 PM
Aside: wtf at real doll site. Elf ears? A full plethora of trannie options? wtf wtf wtf wtf
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Aside: wtf at real doll site. Elf ears? A full plethora of trannie options? wtf wtf wtf wtf
Lol, this was probably the one time when a Google search wasn't necessary. Crazy **** though, I agree.

EDIT - No, NOT the only time. If anybody asks you to Google "meat spin" I highly recommend ignoring their advice. Pretty strongly.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:29 PM
I'll never look at another **** doll in the same way.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 04:32 PM

so this was the defense's fault? IMO it is simply impossible to make such a skilled and beautiful play as this in a different sport.

ETA: this was scored in the opening game in the german league, yesterday.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
really dont approve of this mockery of football. soccer is a wonderful sport which is just unfortunate enough to have its reputation tarnished by a bunch of pathetic pros. at amateur level it is just generally excellent.
wow youre the m2tr of the soccer world.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:28 PM
It's clearly and unequivocally lolz how Ameritards view football. It's like a five year old debating the merits of advanced physics. You clearly don't have the cultural background to even debate the mere basics of the sport.

PS: tmcdmck, don't stoop to calling it "soccer".
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
Sevilla put on a poor defensive performance tonight. Really don't know what your point is. Messi and Xavi played brilliantly (as always), but it doesn't change the fact that Sevilla didn't perform their best, and certainly had no where near a "perfect" defensive structure.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500

so this was the defense's fault? IMO it is simply impossible to make such a skilled and beautiful play as this in a different sport.

ETA: this was scored in the opening game in the german league, yesterday.
A great goal, but a solid defence would have prevented it:

Freeze the frame just before Müller passes the ball to begin his 1-2 with Kroos:
- Müller has 3-4 defenders close by, yet none of them manage to even remotely pressure him enough, since he easily turns around with the ball.
- Kross has way too much free space in front of the box. Wolfsburg obs need to either fix their pressing game (their approach on Müller) or make their defensive midfielders track back and cover for Josue when he presses Müller (and leaves Kross by himself).
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 12:25 PM
Can non-Americans call it s*ccer please, it's a horrible word. is superb.

I suspect that people who don't like football have never played it. It isn't the best sport to watch, since about 30 of the 90 minutes is spent with the ball out of play, and the other 60 yields on average about 2.5 goals, numerous passes backwards and sideways and a few shots.

But to play it's one of the best sports there is, simply because the number of options available to the players, bar the 'keeper, is far greater than any other sport. Players can run anywhere on the pitch, pass with their left foot, right foot, inside or outside of foot, heel, knee, head, shoulder, chest, arse. On the ground or in the air, short or long. They can volley, overhead kick, scissor kick, nutmeg, do step overs, dragbacks, feign to shoot, feign to pass, feign to cross or feign to tackle. Curl the ball to the left, to the right, pass so that the ball holds up when it bounces, pass to players, pass to space, pass quick and pass slow.

So it rarely gets boring or repetitive. And players also contribute when they don't have the ball by positioning themselves well to receive the ball, or intercept passes, or mark areas of the pitch or specific players. And anticipate the movements and actions of their teammates and opponents.

And in what other game can players score points for the other team like this:
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Hardgrove
A great goal, but a solid defence would have prevented it:

Freeze the frame just before Müller passes the ball to begin his 1-2 with Kroos:
- Müller has 3-4 defenders close by, yet none of them manage to even remotely pressure him enough, since he easily turns around with the ball.
- Kross has way too much free space in front of the box. Wolfsburg obs need to either fix their pressing game (their approach on Müller) or make their defensive midfielders track back and cover for Josue when he presses Müller (and leaves Kross by himself).
and what about the messi goal?

i agree that great defense can stop great offense, but i was responding to the people who want to demean soccer by making silly comments about how a defense that makes no mistakes will give up goals. it's true in a sense, but a very uninteresting one based on semantics and definitions.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500

so this was the defense's fault? IMO it is simply impossible to make such a skilled and beautiful play as this in a different sport.

ETA: this was scored in the opening game in the german league, yesterday.
There were a couple of mistakes the defense made in the build up to that goal. Obviously a great goal. But i think you're wrong if you're trying to say the defense made zero mistakes in the build up and that it was unstoppable or something.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hey Jewb
I think you missed my post. Read it again.
I saw your post. You are not the one that said 0-0 is a perfect game, so I wasn't replying to you.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
08-22-2010 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Hey Jewb
Nice straw man. DUCY?
No, I don't.
***** OFFICIAL unsophisticated Americans and nitty Euros football (NO handegg!) debate thread Quote
