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12-31-2023 , 09:35 AM
In this case I suggest getting a few buddies and doing the three's protocol. 3 rounds of sauna, 3 beers for consumption while in the sauna, 3 shots of vodka starting before the first round and in between the subsequent rounds. Shower and call it a night.

Obviously pickles and chips are mandatory. Frens are not mandatory but definitely enhance the experience.

My body tells me it feels good and this is how its historically been done by people who have 1000s of years of experience. Granted I do use the modern metal stove with wood so this style is only 100s of years old.


FWIW 70 degrees is an incredibly cold sauna and 45min is an extremely long session. That is around 10 degrees colder than even old lady sauna temps (80-85). This is kinda why I look at the "research" with a great degree of skepticism. Who does this?!?

ETA: There are also major differences between wood fired and electric saunas, mostly due to how the heating works and how they're set up, which has subsequent effects on ventilation and the humidity within the sauna. While there may be some designs that mitigate these issues, I can liken it to grocery store sushi. If you really really want it, it is passable. But almost always a source of sadness and regret after the fact. There is also a weird fascination with barrel saunas in the US which are designed for poor people who can't build an actual sauna house, or a temporary solution for construction workers. I feel like this newfound American fascination with saunas is like many things that exist and are loaned in from another culture and meaningfully changed to some weird bastardization of what they once were. Obv need to get the steam room/cold pool/wood fired hot tub since not poor.

Last edited by NotThremp; 12-31-2023 at 09:44 AM. Reason: ETA
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 03:01 PM
Theres this thing called context

If I took cocaine today my bodies response would not be to take more of it.

Someone else might not feel they gain benefit from sauna, for me theres no question about it

Yea, I typically just make time when I can usually about 4x a week for 30 min a session sometimes 2 30's in a row

huberman seems to disagree and supports suana use afaik
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp


FWIW 70 degrees is an incredibly cold sauna and 45min is an extremely long session. That is around 10 degrees colder than even old lady sauna temps (80-85). This is kinda why I look at the "research" with a great degree of skepticism. Who does this?!?
Yeah, I don't even sauna. Looked at a couple of studies and thought they were pretty weak. Just reporting what I read, which I don't have much confidence in and am not even sure I remembered correctly.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 03:07 PM
Its the measure of a man
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
Theres this thing called context

If I took cocaine today my bodies response would not be to take more of it.

Someone else might not feel they gain benefit from sauna, for me theres no question about it
That's cool, man. The key here is that is feels, not evidence.

Yea, I typically just make time when I can usually about 4x a week for 30 min a session sometimes 2 30's in a row

huberman seems to disagree and supports suana use afaik
I'm not sure who you think is against sauna use. There seems to be some weak evidence in support. Not much against except maybe fertility and if you have some medical conditions. If those things don't apply, it's a free roll. Maybe it will help, probably not gonna hurt. And if it makes you feel better, why not.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 04:18 PM
My point is that there are levels to the game.

There are things that my body reacts to like sauna/ice bath that are painful but my body and mind are clearly gaining benefit

Personally I love the sauna for the simple reason that all I have to do is sit there and I get to enjoy a visceral feeling of impending doom while understanding that its actually for my benefit and I can work with it. Similar to taking ice baths or lifting heavy.

It never ceases to amaze me watching my will to endure begin to erode. I prefer to volunteer for it so when its involuntary and the stakes are higher I have something to measure it against
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 05:32 PM

Yeah, I'm just explaining how normal folks use a sauna. A grown man in an at home sauna will likely stay in for 10-15min a session for 2-3 sessions assuming a normal sauna temp of like 90-105 and liberal water usage. (Not getting into the autism of the height of the stove/ceiling/perceived hotness/ventilation/etc. It should be enough that it feels uncomfortable for more than a bit, but not enough that you wanna die.) You also follow this with either: 1) roll in snow 2) jump in local water body 3) cold pool 4) cold shower. So its super normal to do the sauna/cold plunge routine 2-3x while drinking beers with your buddies.

Most of these studies seem like they just dragged some random numbers out of a hat. Do they even dump water on the rocks or just sit in some dry ass room like crazy people? I would guess no since that would add huge degree of complexity.

Regardless, this kinda sums up my view on Ameritards and sauna culture. A bunch of people who seemingly found one and now have entirely new and weird protocols that are achievable by literally any drunk teenager across Northern Europe, but can feel good and elitist about it.

Although it is a great tool to exfoliate a rough heel or sole of your foot. The moisture and heat make that skin buttery soft and it'll just slough off with the slightest abrasion. I sometimes use a door mat for this.

Oh. If you do sauna like a normal human being, make sure to use the ass pad, and I prefer a quick cold rinse before hopping in. The later is optional, the former prevents you from burning your ass/balls.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

Yeah, I'm just explaining how normal folks use a sauna. A grown man in an at home sauna will likely stay in for 10-15min a session for 2-3 sessions assuming a normal sauna temp of like 90-105 and liberal water usage. (Not getting into the autism of the height of the stove/ceiling/perceived hotness/ventilation/etc. It should be enough that it feels uncomfortable for more than a bit, but not enough that you wanna die.) You also follow this with either: 1) roll in snow 2) jump in local water body 3) cold pool 4) cold shower. So its super normal to do the sauna/cold plunge routine 2-3x while drinking beers with your buddies.

Most of these studies seem like they just dragged some random numbers out of a hat. Do they even dump water on the rocks or just sit in some dry ass room like crazy people? I would guess no since that would add huge degree of complexity.

Regardless, this kinda sums up my view on Ameritards and sauna culture. A bunch of people who seemingly found one and now have entirely new and weird protocols that are achievable by literally any drunk teenager across Northern Europe, but can feel good and elitist about it.

Although it is a great tool to exfoliate a rough heel or sole of your foot. The moisture and heat make that skin buttery soft and it'll just slough off with the slightest abrasion. I sometimes use a door mat for this.

Oh. If you do sauna like a normal human being, make sure to use the ass pad, and I prefer a quick cold rinse before hopping in. The later is optional, the former prevents you from burning your ass/balls.
105 deg C seems a whole lot hotter than I would have guessed.

I think the paper I skimmed suggested that the benefits (cardiovascular in that case) only really manifested themselves if you were in there for a long time and allowed certain physiologic responses to take place. Also once you get past a certain temp, hotter doesn't really help (with whatever benefits they were studying). Same with duration. Once you get past a certain session length or number of sessions per week there was no additional benefit.

Sounds like they were recommending that you do sauna like you do a roast: low temp, but longer time.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 07:51 PM
Your perception of normal folks seems pretty biased

105 is not an average sauna temp based on what the local gyms use here in vegas

we get 75c maybe 80 rarely on best days

I would loove to try 105 that sounds amazing
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 07:57 PM
There has to be some sort of miscommunication on the temps here.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
12-31-2023 , 08:04 PM
Yea I'm referring to the dry sauna thats my bad

I use the steam room as well but we have no temp guage in there , I should ask for one
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 02:53 AM

105 is a very hot sauna and none of the ones I goto on the reg utilize that temp. That being said there are a variety of circumstances that make that temp more palatable. FWIW it is really all about the water amount being dropped. A sufficiently large stove in a small sauna rocking 95ish with lots of water will be immensely hotter than 1110-120 in anywhere. If you aren't dropping water OTR, w/e. Is that really even a sauna?


You have no clue what you're talking about. And you sound like a complete buffoon.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 02:57 AM
How so?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 03:05 AM
So to be blunt, I've always thought you're a bit... touched as they say in the South.

So I will attempt to be clear and not mean.

Your experience with using what you think is a "sauna" is vastly different than the people who literally invented the word and people who use it around the world. You sit in a sauna that an elderly woman would walk out of saying "too cold" and think these insane thoughts about being tough or whatever. It is a George Zimmerman fantasy. You have never actually been to a sauna. Please goto an actual sauna. Have a lapin kulta. Have 8. See a bunch of other dude's sweaty dicks while you roll around in the snow. (Not touching, no ****.) Just have a ****ing passable familiarity with a subject beyond this slackjawed viewpoint you've put forward.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 03:15 AM
lol k
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
This seems like a quite apt self-descriptor of your views.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 04:54 AM
This is one of the aidsiest conversations I’ve ever read on tpt and that’s a huge achievement
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
This is one of the aidsiest conversations I’ve ever read on tpt and that’s a huge achievement
Oh, you sweet summer child . . . this was just a normal day back in the glory days.

Happy New Year, S&F!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-01-2024 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
. Please goto an actual sauna. Have a lapin kulta. Have 8. See a bunch of other dude's sweaty dicks while you roll around in the snow. (Not touching, no ****.)
Well, I'm sold.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-02-2024 , 02:28 PM
If you live in Texas, you will be in a sauna all summer. This last summer we had 100 consecutive days of 100F. WTF.

I just got engaged in Oaxaca. Now we talking. Great food. Great weather. Good peoples.

I seriously think good weather comprises 75% of a great quality of life. The other 25% being money and friends and family (whatever ratio tickles your fancy).

So I am thinking, is there any way I can live in San diego/oaxaca/or flagstaff during the summer and winter in Texas? I think you need serious money for that. San Diego year round or oaxaca. But mexico gonna mexico, especially starting a family. San Diego it is. Back to work, I guess money important.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-02-2024 , 04:28 PM
Congratulations! May you still be packing a baseball bat and living the EV good life on your wedding night.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-02-2024 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by loco
If you live in Texas, you will be in a sauna all summer. This last summer we had 100 consecutive days of 100F. WTF.

I just got engaged in Oaxaca. Now we talking. Great food. Great weather. Good peoples.

I seriously think good weather comprises 75% of a great quality of life. The other 25% being money and friends and family (whatever ratio tickles your fancy).

So I am thinking, is there any way I can live in San diego/oaxaca/or flagstaff during the summer and winter in Texas? I think you need serious money for that. San Diego year round or oaxaca. But mexico gonna mexico, especially starting a family. San Diego it is. Back to work, I guess money important.
SD is a solid choice. I'd move there tomorrow, but wife isn't on board. She likes having seasons. FML.

Also congrats on the engagement.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-02-2024 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I seriously think good weather comprises 75% of a great quality of life. The other 25% being money and friends and family (whatever ratio tickles your fancy).
Spot on.

Absolutely. I was never as happy as when I lived in CO. Part of it was I was stoned 24/7 but CO spoiled Vegas for me. Sunny all the time? Whatever. Better than Wisconsin but pretty boring.

I'll take the 75 and sunny one day and 15 and snowing the the next all day. Air so clean. The mountain melt overflowing the rivers in spring. Summertime in the mountains is pure. Fall colors incredible. So are the winters. The snow was nothing like midwest winter. Getting snowed in and turning the house into a roasty cozy refuge. A+ Would do again.

That being said I could get down on some central america weather, I dont mind the heat either.

Congrats on the engagement man!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-02-2024 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by loco
If you live in Texas, you will be in a sauna all summer. This last summer we had 100 consecutive days of 100F. WTF.

I just got engaged in Oaxaca. Now we talking. Great food. Great weather. Good peoples.

I seriously think good weather comprises 75% of a great quality of life. The other 25% being money and friends and family (whatever ratio tickles your fancy).

So I am thinking, is there any way I can live in San diego/oaxaca/or flagstaff during the summer and winter in Texas? I think you need serious money for that. San Diego year round or oaxaca. But mexico gonna mexico, especially starting a family. San Diego it is. Back to work, I guess money important.
How old are you again? Is this your 2nd time being married? I can't remember. There was something about a Chinese lady but I can't recall the details.

I hope your fiancee is at least 15 years younger than you.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-02-2024 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
How old are you again? Is this your 2nd time being married? I can't remember. There was something about a Chinese lady but I can't recall the details.

I hope your fiancee is at least 15 years younger than you.
IIRC, have no fear. I think that he's mid 40s and she's around 15yrs younger. Probably a bit more.

If was married in the past, I missed it.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
