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05-08-2019 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Mason is a Republican and posted some Milton Friedman videos. Matt Sklansky dissolved the Politics forum because he disapproved of the ethos of uniformity, exclusivity, and intolerance in the name of diversity, inclusivity and tolerance. David Sklansky had the temerity to suggest that it might be counterproductive to label people racists who were likely motivated by other factors, among many other intolerable thought crimes.

If you can't see the intense bigotry of such actions, it is probably time to turn in your woke card.

K (Can I call you K? K.),

intellectually honest as always!

Calling yourself a Republican these days is, of course, instantly grounds for calling someone a deplorable (not kidding!).

There were definitely overly aggressive tools in old Politardia as well. David is a bit of a tool but I don't see the need to be super harsh towards him. His son is infinitely worse and deserves all the crap he took.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 05:57 AM

You seem rustled. Please remember that Nu-H&F is a place free from thoughtcrime and fascists. We all live in harmony here. Except people who leave. They don't live here anymore.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 07:29 AM
I am very mildly rustled, like 2/10. Which is more than 1/10, I'll give you that.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 08:13 AM
I don't get it.

I don't understand the new forum either. Why are JT and montecore over there? How is that new forum going to get new blood after fatties like suzzer die off?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 08:35 AM
afaik they're discussing that. For sure a chance that it'll die off.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 09:19 AM

I mostly lurk for the news, as many are pretty informed and knowledgeable, and I don't really have the inclination to stay as abreast of the comings and goings as I "should". I also try to help some of them be slightly less dumb about nutrition/exercise. IIRC I've made less than five posts about the site's raison d'etre (to borrow a term from Soulman's people) and expect that low ratio of participation to remain pretty constant. Observing some of the peacocking about ideological purity is a nice side benefit, though.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore

I mostly lurk for the news, as many are pretty informed and knowledgeable
Exactly what I used old politardia for, and what I expect I will use the new one for. Just ignore the more aggressive idiots, like fly (though he's funny in a decidely Thrempian way from time to time) who mostly wants to argue and yes, call everyone racist.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 06:10 PM
Iirc, they don't really *mind* being called racist so much as they really mind being called stupid. This is unfortunate for me because I'm actually not certain they are uniformly racist. Conflicts with my purehearted noble desire to be more honest especially since I've been having trouble keeping track of the lies. Never quite understood why I keep getting told calling them stupid is going to make them stupider or vote stupid to spite me or something. Not sure if calling them racist is supposed to have a similar effect. What if I called them all child murderers or goat ****ers?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Iirc, they don't really *mind* being called racist so much as they really mind being called stupid. This is unfortunate for me because I'm actually not certain they are uniformly racist. Conflicts with my purehearted noble desire to be more honest especially since I've been having trouble keeping track of the lies. Never quite understood why I keep getting told calling them stupid is going to make them stupider or vote stupid to spite me or something. Not sure if calling them racist is supposed to have a similar effect. What if I called them all child murderers or goat ****ers?
Only one way to know for sure. Report back the results when you find out.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 07:55 PM
But enough about 2+2 politics. I have an actual important question with real life ramifications.

I am guessing most of you have seen Avengers. I am going in a couple days, so no spoilers. Anyways, there is no way in hell I am making it through a 3 hour movie without having to pee (sober realities of a middle age prostate). So I need some advice what scene I can miss and approximately how far into the movie it is.

Edit: Took out unnecessary trolling.

Last edited by Kelhus999; 05-08-2019 at 08:05 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 08:40 PM
I feel like I just got broke up with by Fake Busto & I've never even met the dude. Can't say he's wrong on anything he wrote tho. Godspeed F Busto, Godspeed.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 08:48 PM
I'm with QuickBan again. This may be a record. Perhaps those of us who have faced real persecution understand the joys of freedom.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
But enough about 2+2 politics. I have an actual important question with real life ramifications.

I am guessing most of you have seen Avengers. I am going in a couple days, so no spoilers. Anyways, there is no way in hell I am making it through a 3 hour movie without having to pee (sober realities of a middle age prostate). So I need some advice what scene I can miss and approximately how far into the movie it is.

Edit: Took out unnecessary trolling.
Even googled how to say it without spoilers!

*Around the one hour mark, once they are in a diner, you've got ten minutes. You'll miss some jokes but not plot.

*After about 2 hours, the words, "New Jersey" will appear on the screen and you've got ten minutes. You'll miss nothing.

**Do you want to improve the movie for yourself? With about 20-30 minutes left, when A Woman oddly says, "Hi" to someone--go then, go fast, cover your ears, look away from the screen, and give it about 2 minutes.

Last edited by Holliday; 05-08-2019 at 09:22 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Even googled how to say it without spoilers!

*Around the one hour mark, once they are in a diner, you've got ten minutes. You'll miss some jokes but not plot.

*After about 2 hours, the words, "New Jersey" will appear on the screen and you've got ten minutes. You'll miss nothing.

**Do you want to improve the movie for yourself? With about 20-30 minutes left, when A Woman oddly says, "Hi" to someone--go then, go fast, cover your ears, look away from the screen, and give it about 2 minutes.
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-08-2019 , 11:40 PM
The more common one I've read online is that when they ask Thor about the Reality Stone you've got some time too and do not miss anything terribly important.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
But enough about 2+2 politics. I have an actual important question with real life ramifications.

I am guessing most of you have seen Avengers. I am going in a couple days, so no spoilers. Anyways, there is no way in hell I am making it through a 3 hour movie without having to pee (sober realities of a middle age prostate). So I need some advice what scene I can miss and approximately how far into the movie it is.

Edit: Took out unnecessary trolling.
40 ain't that old and 3 hrs ain't that long. Do you really wake up 1-2 times per night? Man, getting the olds really sucks.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 08:06 AM
48 here and have to get up a minimum of 1 time per night, often 2. About twice a year I manage to make it through the whole night uninterrupted. Damn olds.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 08:12 AM
Im 27 and I probably get up once a night on a frequent basis. Went to be around 8 last night and woke up around 12 with a raging piss boner
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
40 ain't that old and 3 hrs ain't that long. Do you really wake up 1-2 times per night? Man, getting the olds really sucks.
Well, there will assuredly be an extra large Diet Coke involved in the process. If I really wanted to sit down for 3 hours and not drink anything I could probably make it through a 3 hour movie. But I am not that invested in comic book movies. I am very ok getting my carbonation and caffeine fix and dipping out during a slow scene.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 12:40 PM
There's a app for that

I kinda think long movies should have intermissions. Or complimentary Stadium Pals.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
40 ain't that old and 3 hrs ain't that long. Do you really wake up 1-2 times per night? Man, getting the olds really sucks.
Sick brag; "I'm not a beer-aholic."
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
But enough about 2+2 politics. I have an actual important question with real life ramifications.

I am guessing most of you have seen Avengers. I am going in a couple days, so no spoilers. Anyways, there is no way in hell I am making it through a 3 hour movie without having to pee (sober realities of a middle age prostate). So I need some advice what scene I can miss and approximately how far into the movie it is.

Edit: Took out unnecessary trolling.
Depends. Seems to have worked for this crazy lady.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-09-2019 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Well, there will assuredly be an extra large Diet Coke involved in the process. If I really wanted to sit down for 3 hours and not drink anything I could probably make it through a 3 hour movie. But I am not that invested in comic book movies. I am very ok getting my carbonation and caffeine fix and dipping out during a slow scene.
Well, that seems more plausible. I'd just go with the no drinking option myself. I hate leaving during a movie for any reason. Even if it's one I'm not that into.

But the whole issue would be a bit of a self-correcting problem for me. If I'm invested enough to see it in a theater, then I'm not going to do anything that involves me missing part of it. And if I'm OK missing parts, then I'm never watching it in a theater anyway.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-11-2019 , 02:30 AM
We need the form checkers on upsidedownchucks log.

Honestly, my advice would be to stop squatting and deadlifting. To reconstruct at zero, learn to hip hinge, and get by with unilateral training for now. But then I will get a whole bunch of blowback from everyone and probably get kicked out of his log. Look at partygirlUK, banned me from his log. And ironically, I am now one of the few that can help him with running. Luckily, Thremp has taken me back in his log so I don't even care about partygirlUK.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
05-11-2019 , 05:19 AM
I think that inflexible people should train block pulls until they figure out how to hip hinge. It's like 95% as effective as the deadlift for training the same musculature. Probably training full-ROM deadlift or SLDL on another day with much lighter weight just to get more practice in the mobility-compromised position.
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