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***Official H&F LC Thread*** ***Official H&F LC Thread***

09-13-2018 , 03:01 PM
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 03:11 PM
"Take off your clothes... Now"

Got the opener!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 03:21 PM
"Come with me if you want to live" seems like the slam dunk finisher.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
Serious question:

I'm looking to integrate some Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions into my sex life.

Where do I start?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 03:27 PM
When she says she has a headache tell her it might be a tumor?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
American football obviously. Yes, There are american and british schools in China. lol @ soccer strength and conditioning coach, that'd be the most depressing job title ever. No, I am thankfully not the head coach; we have 1 other foreign coach who knows what he's doing but got fired for politics, found a new job, and now only comes by one saturday per month. We also have a few guys from the local Chinese club-football team coming by to coach, but they seem nearly as clueless as me and are only there once a week on wednesday. I am the Tuesday+Thursday coach. We have 18 players now, but only about ~7 of those had real coaching last year, the rest are new.

why he lost his job and how I got myself into this:
Head coach hired me to do S+C only way back last feb since obv I'm a full time econ+math teacher, but he was our school's "head of pastoral care" which meant the discipline guy. This job title is usually a death sentence. Unfortunately, although there are American, Canadian, and British Schools in China, corruption is rampant and if you piss off the wrong parents you will lose your job. He wanted to give some little ****head 30 mins detention and refused to be dissuaded so that was that. Little ****head got arrested+expelled later for beating up his girlfriend.. with security camera footage.. on campus... when her mom is a cop. Apparently it had gone on for years too. He was 17.

I watch football on average maybe 8-9 times per year.

I have no clue what offense or defense they ran; assume that they play the game more like the pee-wee level with next to no tactical depth or organization because they commit far less time and energy to it than a real high school team would. I have about 1.5-2 hours with them 2 days a week and then they do an hour of jack-off practice for about an hour on Wednesday.
OK, well assuming you want to stay away from some of the more psychotic coaching I received, and you obviously can't do full scrimmages, but you can do things like cut the field in half and scrimage plays just to the one side.

Plus lots of simple skills drills. This site looks OK:

But you can just google "football drills" and find tons of stuff on youtube like this helpful chap:

***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 03:51 PM
After you pay: "I'll be back."
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
"Come with me if you want to live" seems like the slam dunk finisher.
Montecore delivers!

She wont get any of the references. She probably hasnt even seen 1/10th of his movies.

Everythings in play.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 04:09 PM
The ****

***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 05:21 PM
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-13-2018 , 05:33 PM
Guess I'll have to try that when I'm in town!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-14-2018 , 04:48 AM
DT: A+. Soulman needs to take notes. This is how to write satirical fanfic.

others: I've got some studying to do. You have not been grunched. I will report back next week.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-14-2018 , 04:52 AM
Larry Wheels obviously does not follow the John G. programs he sells at all throughout most of the year. He is just so genetically gifted that he can do anything and he'll set PRs every time he sets foot in the gym. He only needs a "coach" to advise him against stupid injury causing and career shortening bull**** because everything he does will work.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-14-2018 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
DT: A+. Soulman needs to take notes. This is how to write satirical fanfic.
Everyone needs to take notes from DT on how to write satirical anything. He could seriously make a living from stand-up comedy if his live performance is anywhere near his written material!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 06:40 AM
Sup bros
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 08:02 AM
He is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comeback time!! See my avatar.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 09:07 AM
Damn, the legend returns!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 09:32 AM
Summoned from the dead by some fakeb roasting. Powerful
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 09:38 AM
Probably just worked his way through all the feet in China and wept after he saw there were no new soles to conquer.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 09:57 AM
nice, that's nice

welcome back, Synbr0

what's new?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 11:23 AM

Pretty much perfectly summarizes Asianomics.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 11:32 AM
There are no more soles to conquer indeed, but that's because I got married last year!

I got sucked deep into the crypto hole around June 2017. Got so obsessed with technical analysis I literally forgot to eat and train. I rolled into a crypto startup that did an ICO and moved the family (me, my wife and our cat) to Prague for a job as a product manager.

Half a year in I realized it was a sinking ship and nobody had any clue at all, so I decided to quit and focus more on trading. I made a buttload of money. Almost half a million in a year.

This entire time I haven't been training. Tried getting back into it a few times but kept getting distracted with charts. I wake up at 5AM just to draw lines on my screen. Lol

We were forced to leave our apartment in Prague last month because the landlord sold it. So we moved back to China. Arrived last week. Feels amazing, just like coming home.

Market is dead as hell lately. Time to get back under the bar! Signing up on Monday.

Oh, and my morning wood is back too!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 01:05 PM
But how much did you lose?

Welcome back!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 01:39 PM
Not quite g4s but my first ever home gym!

***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
09-15-2018 , 04:23 PM
I love it, nice set up!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
