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****Official Beginner Question Thread**** ****Official Beginner Question Thread****

12-28-2011 , 05:14 PM
Sometimes I don't go down 100% since it doesn't feel that great on my joints to do lots of reps from a dead stop. Maybe leave 30deg, so 5/6-chins.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:19 PM
Which joints are you talking about, DW? If it's elbows, you are likely powering through it with your arms, instead of making it a more efficient upper back lift.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:24 PM
elbows. I never really think about what I'm powering through with, I just go up and down (so probably arms). How do I change it?
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:29 PM
I am not the best guy to explain it in a post, but as with many lifts, tightness in the back is paramount. I've always been able to do 12-15 bw reps with no problem, but there are definite advantages if I pull my shoulders back (different than pinching shoulder blades) "out of the hole" so to speak. It effectively changes the angle so it's a tiny bit like a row, rather than a straight arm pull.

It also kinda makes sense that your elbows would be under the greatest stress if you are just hanging and decide to power out of the bottom with essentially only your biceps.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:41 PM
ok, I'll do some tonight and focus on that.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by BPA234
OK. Fine.

now get one of these too:
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by mike ski
I want to try GOMAD but I'm not a big fan of milk. Can I replace whole milk with all chocolate milk instead?
I'd try whole milk, it grows on you. The fat is probably better for e.g. recovery. Not a huge deal though.

I'd also be very careful about actually doing GOMAD (assuming you steal eat other food) unless you're a very skinny young guy - you'll add a ton of fat with the Rip-approved diet. And it won't help your lifts too much. Under any circumstances I wouldn't do it until after a month or so into a novice program to get technique crap out of the way.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 06:38 PM
FWIW my elbows don't like chins either, and I'm pretty sure I'm pulling enough with my back.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 11:05 PM
Is it common for grip strength to be the limiting factor for beginners doing deadlifts?

I've been doing SS for about 5 weeks and my DL has steadily progressed to 102.5kg (I weigh 70kg), but for the last rep or 2 my grip actually came loose a bit and by the end of the pull the bar was just hanging in my fingertips.

I'm still doing a double overhand grip b/c I've heard you should stay with it as long as possible. Should I just stay at lower weights than I might otherwise do until I build up grip strength? Maybe do outside exercises to build up grip strength faster or just let it naturally build via SS?
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 11:12 PM
hey guys, had my shoulder surgery today. what the dr thought was a partial labral tear turned out to be a complete panlabral tear, requiring 8 anchors to repair, so im glad i decided to go through with it after all.

month in a sling, then 3 months of triweekly rehab let's see how much weight i lose
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by MegaFossil
Is it common for grip strength to be the limiting factor for beginners doing deadlifts?

I've been doing SS for about 5 weeks and my DL has steadily progressed to 102.5kg (I weigh 70kg), but for the last rep or 2 my grip actually came loose a bit and by the end of the pull the bar was just hanging in my fingertips.

I'm still doing a double overhand grip b/c I've heard you should stay with it as long as possible. Should I just stay at lower weights than I might otherwise do until I build up grip strength? Maybe do outside exercises to build up grip strength faster or just let it naturally build via SS?
Your grip strength will increase with time. Just use double overhand for warmup sets as heavy as you can, then switch to a mixed grip when you get to a weight where you can't use double overhand.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-28-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
hey guys, had my shoulder surgery today. what the dr thought was a partial labral tear turned out to be a complete panlabral tear, requiring 8 anchors to repair, so im glad i decided to go through with it after all.

month in a sling, then 3 months of triweekly rehab let's see how much weight i lose

Originally Posted by MortalWombat
Your grip strength will increase with time. Just use double overhand for warmup sets as heavy as you can, then switch to a mixed grip when you get to a weight where you can't use double overhand.
and use chalk
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:34 AM
and really try to crush the bar (also during warmup sets). helped me a lot with grip problems on DL.
but yeah, definitely use chalk if you haven't yet. soooo much easier!
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 01:59 AM
I think I'm about done with basic SS.

Should I do the The Advanced Novice Program to start?

I gained about 30 lbs on SS and I want to stop gaining or lose a bit. I don't want to do anything that involves sets of less than 5. Aesthetics are more important than strength (but that's important too).
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 07:12 AM
Advanced Novice is a fine way to finish off your linear gains. You'll obv have to keep eating at a surplus to get more gains (I assume your lifts are ok), so make your choice on what to do.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I'd try whole milk, it grows on you. The fat is probably better for e.g. recovery. Not a huge deal though.

I'd also be very careful about actually doing GOMAD (assuming you steal eat other food) unless you're a very skinny young guy - you'll add a ton of fat with the Rip-approved diet. And it won't help your lifts too much. Under any circumstances I wouldn't do it until after a month or so into a novice program to get technique crap out of the way.
Originally Posted by DWarrior
I've heard yes.

afaik, all creatine is the same. The cheapest is just a powder: which is the only one I buy, capsules are probably a little more convenient, but more expensive.
Thanks for the replies. I have three more questions:

- How healthy is canned tuna? I know fish is good but I've also heard that canned tuna has lots of mercury. Should I be looking at fish alternatives or is this a small rock?

- Does anyone have experience with a chiropractor/massage therapist? I get semi-regular pain in my lower back and my spine is weak imo. Would seeing a chiro or massage therapist improve recovery? I just started ss btw

- I sprained my wrist a few years ago. But I still get some tingling/mild pain when I force my hand back. This isn't a problem now but I don't want to aggravate it as I progress through ss. Would gloves help or should I just worry about technique when pressing?


Last edited by mike ski; 12-29-2011 at 07:46 AM.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by mike ski
- Does anyone have experience with a chiropractor/massage therapist? I get semi-regular pain in my lower back and my spine is weak imo. Would seeing a chiro or massage therapist improve recovery? I just started ss btw

- I sprained my wrist a few years ago. But I still get some tingling/mild pain when I force my hand back. This isn't a problem now but I don't want to aggravate it as I progress through ss. Would gloves help or should I just worry about technique when pressing?
I'd guess you probably have a weak core and not a weak spine. Check out the following link to find a provider in your area and look for the people that have the highest level of certification.

The ART provider should help with both your back/core issues as well as your wrist.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by RippedAirForceDude
I'd guess you probably have a weak core and not a weak spine. Check out the following link to find a provider in your area and look for the people that have the highest level of certification.

The ART provider should help with both your back/core issues as well as your wrist.
Look for someone certified at the Biomechanics level ^

also, read this to learn about training your core safely:
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
hey guys, had my shoulder surgery today. what the dr thought was a partial labral tear turned out to be a complete panlabral tear, requiring 8 anchors to repair, so im glad i decided to go through with it after all.

month in a sling, then 3 months of triweekly rehab let's see how much weight i lose
Good Luck!
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 02:54 PM
thx guys. vicodin is making me itchy as hell but im really not in too much pain...until rehab
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
thx guys. vicodin is making me itchy as hell but im really not in too much pain...until rehab
Give Claritin a shot. I used to get itching on my forearms and shoulders that was so bad I was about ready to jump out the window. Stuff pretty much saved me from a trip to the looney bin.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
thx guys. vicodin is making me itchy as hell but im really not in too much pain...until rehab
You should talk to a doctor or pharmacist about that. You're probably allergic to it.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I'd try whole milk, it grows on you. The fat is probably better for e.g. recovery. Not a huge deal though.

I'd also be very careful about actually doing GOMAD (assuming you steal eat other food) unless you're a very skinny young guy - you'll add a ton of fat with the Rip-approved diet. And it won't help your lifts too much. Under any circumstances I wouldn't do it until after a month or so into a novice program to get technique crap out of the way.
Is 20 yrs old, 5 foot 10 and 75kg something like what you mean by a skinny young guy?
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by pbowenroe
Is 20 yrs old, 5 foot 10 and 75kg something like what you mean by a skinny young guy?
That totally depends on your frame size and how those 75kg fit inside you heh.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
12-29-2011 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
You should talk to a doctor or pharmacist about that. You're probably allergic to it.
i'm going to get my dressing removed tomorrow so ill def mention it but my quick research seems to indicate that it is just a common side effect (along with the constipation i have) and not an allergy.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
