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02-28-2010 , 12:22 AM
I read the first post you made and it made me rage. Then I went to make some tea and this seems much more well reasoned. I think many of the problems people have with doing cleans/etc is that they have bad form which inhibits their ability to improve at the lift. (See the TomCollins squat fails for how form can loltard you.) But eventually having a more complex rotation of back exercises is ideal as you want to fix the lack of horizontal rowing, but not at the expense of cleans.
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02-28-2010 , 02:15 AM
Quite. While I'm mostly happy with my offseason training, it had a significant lack of horizontal pulling and explosive lifts at the expense of heavily training my squat and deadlift. Obviously this isn't a huge mistake, but it's one I should rectify as I have about two months before the season gets underway and three tryouts I need to schedule workouts around in the month of March.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Micturition Man
I guess my argument is that once you get your PC reasonally consonant with your DL, you're better off doing them once a week or even bi-weekly rather than every other day. You can use the extra time for rows or chins or both.
I think in most peoples case, by the time things start to stall they are better off dropping DLs to once a week or less and keeping the cleans but I could be wrong.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 03:04 AM
On Friday I did the SS Day Two exercises.

On my first power clean (45lbs), when finishing the rep and as the bar was near my chest, my right elbow had a pretty distinct twinge. It was acute, but not too painful. I stretched it out a bit and tried another rep, same thing, but a little more pain. It was definitely a "THIS IS A BAD IDEA" type of pain.

Given I have a history of demolishing my elbow every summer playing baseball, I'm sure this is related.

The pain went away real fast and it didn't hurt anytime after.

But, I am REAL afraid to try it again, especially adding weight.

What should I do? I'm just getting into SS and want to do all the exercise but I really don't want to **** my elbow up.

Is there a replacement exercise or something?

Also, the elbow problem is something I should address. Obviously I am going to have to seek professional help to do that.
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02-28-2010 , 03:10 AM
Just drop cleans from your workout. And get your elbow MRI'd FFS. You almost definitely have ulnar nerve problems or ligament fraying.
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02-28-2010 , 03:14 AM
honestly, i would be really surprised if someone could hurt themselves trying to power clean 45lb. you could knock a tooth out or get a bad bruise, but any kind of joint pain should really be minor. it is also very unlikely that you're really cleaning at all, anyway. getting 45lb into a rack position isn't something many people can do.

i would just scratch them for now. get your deadlift stronger, and then add them back in after a couple months. if they still hurt you at that point, just don't do them. there are other explosive movements you can do.

edit: i conveniently skipped the line about baseball. so i guess your elbow could be genuinely owned.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 12:06 PM
Crosspost from my Prop-Bet Thread.

Played rugby yesterday. My huge increase in strength was really noticeable. Much much faster from a standing start, much stronger in the scrum and upper body felt much stronger in rucks and tackles.

My cardio was beyond horrible though. Think I might move to

Monday - SS (Squat, Bench, DL)
Tuesday - Fitness/Metcon
Thursday - SS (Squat, Press, PC)
Saturday - Rugby

Although planning on playing rugby only once every two weeks, so will do a normal 3 day SS in off weeks.

Any suggestions for good fitness workouts?

Want something
- Good cardio/heart etc
- No too legs focused, as they get hammered by Squats and rugby
- Can be done in a gym with barbells etc, running machine, but no rower
- Low impact (have a dodgy foot I'm trying to rest)
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 04:24 PM
How long can you take between reps in a set and still consider it a 5-rep set and not 5 singles? Towards the end of my last set of squats i think im taking a bit too long and taking too long in between reps for deadlifts.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 07:10 PM
On the descent of my press I sometimes feel a little shock in the middle of my right forearm. I can't really explain it any other way than being mildly electrocuted. Any guesses as to what this is?
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 07:58 PM
Hey Guys, Quick question.

I am 6'2 203lbs and am in moderate shape.

When I am bench pressing I am wondering if you would recommend Wide grip or standard grip?. I almost always do wide(just outside the Strips on and Olympic bar).
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kedu
On the descent of my press I sometimes feel a little shock in the middle of my right forearm. I can't really explain it any other way than being mildly electrocuted. Any guesses as to what this is?
My first guess would be that you could be pinching a nerve, but that is a completely uneducated guess.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Skelaton4
Hey Guys, Quick question.

I am 6'2 203lbs and am in moderate shape.

When I am bench pressing I am wondering if you would recommend Wide grip or standard grip?. I almost always do wide(just outside the Strips on and Olympic bar).
Here's a good video for bench pressing

Nevermind, this is probably better
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Just drop cleans from your workout. And get your elbow MRI'd FFS. You almost definitely have ulnar nerve problems or ligament fraying.
Will prob get an MRI after I pay taxes or something. My health insurance is gay.

But, should I add anything? I feel like only doing squats/press every other workout is somewhat pussy.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
02-28-2010 , 10:12 PM
you could do rows and chins.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 01:38 AM
thank you pkrplyx
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Skelaton4
Hey Guys, Quick question.

I am 6'2 203lbs and am in moderate shape.

When I am bench pressing I am wondering if you would recommend Wide grip or standard grip?. I almost always do wide(just outside the Strips on and Olympic bar).
Normal grip ftw. It has better range of motion, which promotes more strength gains, and is better for your wrist health.

Wide grip is only good for bragging to your friends.

Remember, more weight doesn't always mean more strength.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 03:12 AM
What Wolfram said.

From SS DVD; wide grip = less work.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 03:46 AM
I have noticed a lot of people focusing on the 1rm numbers.

Is there any benefit to 1rm as far as strength gains, whats the big deal?

Last edited by KhalynYohrk; 03-01-2010 at 04:04 AM.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 04:01 AM
1rm is the best measurement of strength?

i dunno, ive never measured my max. and i dont know how it should fit into a program.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
I have noticed a lot of people focusing on the 1rm numbers.

Is there any benefit to 1rm as far as strength gains, whats the big deal?
for me, it's marginally different than trying a PR set of 5 on a texas method friday. it's nice to test 1rms every once in a while.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:16 AM
Whats the difference between pushing a prowler and pushing a sled that is low to the ground (like the one that kyleb had in his video)?

Last edited by dtemp; 03-01-2010 at 05:24 AM.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:18 AM
Can I just take creatine by spooning it into my mouth then washing it down with water?

Links to shoulder rehab exercises? The SS wiki is lacking IMO
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by dtemp
Whats the difference between pushing a prowler and pushing a sled that is low to the ground (like the one that kyleb had in his video)?
like which is harder? what kind of answer are you looking for?

Originally Posted by toothy
Can I just take creatine by spooning it into my mouth then washing it down with water?
i'm not sure why you would do this, and i think it would be bad. just mix it into water you'd already drink. 3-5g pretty much dissolves completely in a normal-sized glass of water.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
like which is harder? what kind of answer are you looking for?
Yeah I couldn't figure out a better way to word that.

Are they similar movements with similar adaptations/results or are they fairly different exercises? Is there a reason for KyleB pushing a sled rather than a prowler? I hope that makes more sense.

Last edited by dtemp; 03-01-2010 at 05:57 AM.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:45 AM
Pretty much just looking for some extra mileage on my cheapo water bottles. Wont have a glass handy (all workouts to be done straight after uni at the uni gym)
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