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10-29-2009 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Thinking about being ghey
10-29-2009 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
lololol don't try that in prison
thremp learned this the "hard" way

10-29-2009 , 08:32 PM
I feel like spamming this thread tonight apparently...

Back extensions: should I add weight every time on this as well? Why/why not?

Rack pull-ups/chin-ups: does the setup with the feet matter - flat bench or inclined bench? Is this ok?
10-29-2009 , 11:30 PM
Huh, M.A.C.'s post made me wonder if I'm doing something wrong also. I've been doing SS for ~ 4 months and have been struggling mightily with squats. Have had to reset a few times due to working on form, taking breaks due to work, and haven't been maintaining much of a caloric surplus. I'm 5'11'' 146 lbs (down from 170!) and my last workset was 3x5x180. Is this really weird?
10-29-2009 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Duerig
Huh, M.A.C.'s post made me wonder if I'm doing something wrong also. I've been doing SS for ~ 4 months and have been struggling mightily with squats. Have had to reset a few times due to working on form, taking breaks due to work, and haven't been maintaining much of a caloric surplus. I'm 5'11'' 146 lbs (down from 170!) and my last workset was 3x5x180. Is this really weird?
No. If you keep taking breaks due to work and don't eat, you should not expect your lifts to go anywhere meaningful.
10-30-2009 , 12:26 AM
20 foot front flip

Holy crap. This somehow manages to be not as crazy as it sounds but more impressive at the same time. For me, anyway.
10-30-2009 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
20 foot front flip

Holy crap. This somehow manages to be not as crazy as it sounds but more impressive at the same time. For me, anyway.
We had a team "decathalon" two years ago with some track events and a bunch of wierd events. Our Long jumper front flipped a high jump bar at 7'2".
10-30-2009 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by axel_nld
saw someone post some deadlift by mike tuchserer a couple days ago, thought i'd post an impressive squatter for motivation.

462x20 and 605x1 after that. (raw)
i can confirm that maria is a good squatting song.
10-30-2009 , 04:01 AM
loll, so i look and see that i have a PM from somebody, don't recognize the name

the title is
**** YOU

perplexed, i look at the guys posting history and see that he put up a post i responded to in OOT. It was in the halloween costume thread. Something along the lines of, "FML i bought a greenman outfit XXXL and it doesn't fit, no refunds
5'11" 265

so i responded

I suggest you go as this guy

something about this whole thing really makes me laugh, between the dude trying on the greenman outfit and just bulging and his snappy little pm. i'm tickled pink haha
10-30-2009 , 04:44 AM
that's a pretty epic picture.
10-30-2009 , 08:33 AM
Hey guys,
I just moved to London, UK and want to get serious about training (did three months of SS before traveling) anyone here a trainer or know of a good one?

Or anyone want to train?


Last edited by poesaste; 10-30-2009 at 08:35 AM. Reason: added last sentence
10-30-2009 , 08:55 AM
crossfit london owner andrew stemler is a great trainer imo. instead of just doing a level 1 cert he actually went out and trained in a PL gym an Oly lifting gym and a gymnastics place, qualified kettlebell trainer, level 2 CF etc etc. he's in east london i think, i got some weights in my garage (pic in log) if you wanna travel down to Sutton sometime
10-30-2009 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by byronkincaid
crossfit london owner andrew stemler is a great trainer imo. instead of just doing a level 1 cert he actually went out and trained in a PL gym an Oly lifting gym and a gymnastics place, qualified kettlebell trainer, level 2 CF etc etc. he's in east london i think, i got some weights in my garage (pic in log) if you wanna travel down to Sutton sometime
Thanks heaps bryon,
I'm living in Shoreditch, East London so the trainer you mentioned is really close would he be able to help on my SS core lift technique? I might take you up on your offer it's a pitty you aren't closer but it seems you have a sweet setup and I would love to train with someone.
10-30-2009 , 09:28 AM
i would email him and ask, make sure to say you do SS low bar squats (assuming you do) cos standard CF is high bar but he has trained PLing so I'm sure he would be able to help
10-30-2009 , 09:57 AM
wow that was way to easy for you poesaste. I'm mildly jealous. GL getting into a good place to workout.
10-30-2009 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
wow that was way to easy for you poesaste. I'm mildly jealous. GL getting into a good place to workout.
Haha thanks Johnny, I actually posted on BBforums but to no avail, really just got flamed, I lurk here a lot and thought I would give it a try, I will start a log here once I get my routine down pat, but if anyone else is around london give me a yell.
10-30-2009 , 10:52 AM
Get a log going sooner than later. Upload form checks and get as much feedback as you can. I'm along way from getting anything down 'pat' and am very glad I didn't wait until I did to start a log.
10-30-2009 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by M.A.C.
Ive been on SS for about 2 months, and i just stalled on my squat at 130lb. this is worrying me because i just benched 130. everything seemed to be progressing well until i got my weight lifting shoes (i had been using running shoes). the first day i used them was the first time i couldnt get all my squats in. is it possible that the shoes make me use other muscles that i hadnt been using before, thus making me stall?

also is it harder for tall guys to squat? im 6ft 2 about 185 (up from 165)

i was also thinking that that im not able to heal enough squatting 3x a week. would it be bad if i only squat on mondays and fridays giving me more rest?

didnt think this needed its own thread. thanks in advance
sort of in same boat. i realize i have issues with rounding my back. when i am doing air squats - warming up - i could see myself rounding. i think i am getting better, especially as of yesterday, but lower back still hurts.

either way BP = squat right now. i am 6.3. 210.
10-30-2009 , 12:43 PM
How much can you guys snatch grip deadlift compared to your normal deadlift? what is the limiting factor here?

What is the limiting factor in doing overhead squats? What is this a good lift to improve?

It seems like both are good for gaining mobility. I just did them today...
10-30-2009 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Back extensions: should I add weight every time on this as well? Why/why not?

Rack pull-ups/chin-ups: does the setup with the feet matter - flat bench or inclined bench? Is this ok?
Bump for clarity?
10-30-2009 , 04:23 PM
I've been alternating between front and back squat each workout. I have the impression that front squats help my wrist flexibility, which I'd like to work on for powercleans. Is this a stupid plan? Also, it ******s my linear progress, as I only add weight every other workout for each lift.
10-30-2009 , 04:25 PM
What the hell.
10-30-2009 , 04:27 PM
did a bunch of homework yesterday on the squat. was able to squat 135lbs easily today, and the lift itself felt so much better. getting this up also made the rest of my workout 1000x better. thanks guys
10-30-2009 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by M.A.C.
did a bunch of homework yesterday on the squat. was able to squat 135lbs easily today, and the lift itself felt so much better. getting this up also made the rest of my workout 1000x better. thanks guys
nice work. what in particular did you change/improve?
10-30-2009 , 04:29 PM
Kyle I assume that's directed at me. I guess I'll just stick back squats. I hate back squats, however, as I can't get below parallel without rounding my back at least a little, and it's always made me afraid to add weight.
