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*** November LC Thread *** *** November LC Thread ***

12-01-2017 , 01:03 AM
Whoa even Garrison Keillor fired on sexual harassment allegations? I used to listen to his show as a child from age 8-15 or so. Doesn't hold up well, but I sure loved it as a young kid.

One can't help but notice that most of the male celebrities recently accused of sexual harassment are ugly. Good ole' SNL skit. Being famous/rich is alas no substitute for being good looking. Nothing wrong with that, of course. I just wish society were a little bit more realistic about male and female sexual natures. Both ultimately mostly care about superficially observable physical traits, and that's totally fine and natural. Let's not shame either gender for this or pretend that women have some refined ultra holistic less primitive and shallow selection criteria for physical attractiveness. I think people overall are becoming more accepting of this not exactly groundbreaking or offensive truth which is great imo.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 10:45 AM
It is amusing that people deride "swipe right culture" when dating has always been "swipe right" and always will be.

Online dating, and Tinder especially, just made it possible to blast through a ton of pictures based (how much?) on just a single picture.

People don't wear placards around their necks giving a few paragraphs about themselves when they are out at a bar....

Which is why F.G.A.S. is so prevalent, as well as bots.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 12:59 PM
It is interesting in situations where for whatever reason we (humans) are not constrained by concern for political correctness you see that everything you are probably taught in college humanities course about human nature is more or less nonsense.

Online dating is a good example of this. Another good example is hip hop videos. In this arena the general overarching theme is the men pea cocking their status, material wealth and sexual virility and the women pea cocking their physical attributes and sensuality. There you have it. Human gender 101 in a 4 minute song.

It really is that simple.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 01:09 PM
And just to make sure there is a little something for everyone, I'll bring it back to the gym. Now that I am old and broken and don't do free weights for lower body anymore, I have been hitting the machines a lot for leg stuff.

One thing I have noticed that is interesting is how much more rude and aggressive the old people who habituate the machines are compared to the younger people using the squat rack. This includes behavior such as just picking up your **** and dumping it on the ground if you get up to get a drink of water in between sets and passive aggressively standing right next to you giving you death ray stares waiting for you to finish your set.

And this is mostly old skinny fats who DNEL. This is in complete juxtaposition to the G4S type dudes who tend to be very courteous in such matters. Very interesting how this works out. One would think it would actually work the other way, where the jacked up meat head would be the ******* and the 55 year old DNEL housewife would be the considerate, courteous person; but in practice it is the opposite in my experience.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 01:12 PM


Think my fave is notch pozzing Jay-Z and Beyonce on a house. (Prob because he's over double up their networth.)
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 01:13 PM
lol @ that GGO

That is probably the most accurate thing you've ever posted.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
lol @ that GGO

That is probably the most accurate thing you've ever posted.

And that reference makes me so nostalgic, I just went back and re-banned BTM.

You're all welcome.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-01-2017 , 06:01 PM
Always be banning BTM
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-03-2017 , 08:44 PM
The woman and the boy left earlier to see a movie with kids from the boy's class. It's a modern day version of "Mask" basically. Anyway, they haven't come back yet, so I'm watching movies at full volume on the main screen. They may be dead, I dunno. #dadlife
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-03-2017 , 09:04 PM

I'd just be grateful you don't have a partner who wants to incessantly text you when you're apart for a few hours. One of my friends does that and I tell her "Give him a chance to miss you ffs" lol.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-03-2017 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rexx14
I'd just be grateful you don't have a partner who wants to incessantly text you when you're apart for a few hours. One of my friends does that and I tell her "Give him a chance to miss you ffs" lol.
She left her phone here. Amateur!
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
12-03-2017 , 10:37 PM
They came back. But I did get through 2 entire movies.
*** November LC Thread *** Quote
