Originally Posted by PokerRon247
Tried watching Masterchef Australia the other day and it was just so gimmicky. Masterchef: The Professionals is on in the UK atm and it's one of my favourite shows. If you like serious cooking you'll love that show. It's all professional chefs competing with no ****ing around or 'fun' challenge type stuff, just serious top-class cooking throughout.
Yes, MasterChef confirmed gimmicky. Only watched the US version, but I suspect it's as gimmicky or more than the Lolstralian version. I prefer Top Chef (which while gimmicky, isn't built all SUPER DRAMA-like), but unfortunately I've watched all the seasons. MasterChef UK for some reason too hard to find on the interwebs last time I tried.
ETA: worst part about MaaaaasterChef is imo the constant overuse of superlatives. Guess what bros, every episode can't be the most challenging pressure test ever. Not everything is stunning and delicious. Tilting as ****.