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***** November Bitches ***** ***** November Bitches *****

11-19-2010 , 11:32 AM
I need to take a phys ed course in college next semester....Look up weight training and register but I would like to talk to the dude to see if I can do real exercises.

I call him and we start talking about the program, he then goes onto tell me that it will be machines for about 3 1/2 months then we would move onto "chest pressing" and spotting.

I say no barbell squatz???....

"They are really really super bad for your knees and your joints"

"No they are not"

"Well thats your opinion"

"No, its fact"

...."well leg pressing is what we will be doing in this course as I find it safer and more effective at targeting the muscles the squat would..."

Then we go back and forth for a while, but I soon realize this dude is ****ing clueless and just say thanks for your time and hang up.

Seriously though how do these people get hired? BAD FOR YOUR KNEES?! I am still in a rage about it...when I explained this to my friends who aren't into lifting at all really I compared it to a Western European History class and the professor goes onto talk about how the holocaust didn't happen. IGQBPGIEYGBQERIGBU
11-19-2010 , 11:38 AM
See endless articles/rants (and I do mean endless) on this topic by Rip & friends for an explanation.
11-19-2010 , 12:15 PM
AF, I promise to use your number service (the $20) one when I get out of MU.

If it was irl I would give you $20 bucks but its like too much hassle to pay u any other way, and I don't have any money in my stars acct that I don't owe my backers. But when I get out of MU I will use your number service.
11-19-2010 , 01:39 PM

how do your services compare to that of patrick jane in the mentalist
11-19-2010 , 02:08 PM
Bobbo is way luckier than Assani. I'd only pay $20 for a lucky number if I could be sure it was generated by Bobbo.
11-19-2010 , 02:26 PM
I am proud to announce my own lucky number service for only $15 per set. And for a limited time, money-back guarantee that my numbers are luckier than theirs!!!!

Luck will be verified by 10 independent trials using some accepted public random number generator. And if their numbers turn out to indeed be luckier than mine, I will refund the cost of Assani's/Bobbo's service. That's more than the cost of my service!!!

Accepting FTP/Stars/Paypal. PM with NOVEMBERBITCHES promo code in the subject.
11-19-2010 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
I am proud to announce my own lucky number service for only $15 per set. And for a limited time, money-back guarantee that my numbers are luckier than theirs!!!!

Luck will be verified by 10 independent trials using some accepted public random number generator. And if their numbers turn out to indeed be luckier than mine, I will refund the cost of Assani's/Bobbo's service. That's more than the cost of my service!!!

Accepting FTP/Stars/Paypal. PM with NOVEMBERBITCHES promo code in the subject.
How will you compare luck? Because as they say, luck does not always imply winning.
11-19-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by DWarrior
How will you compare luck? Because as they say, luck does not always imply winning.
we'll put the two number sets against each other and see which one wins most often. this will not pick the luckiest set every time, but will rather measure their luck in a randomized fashion.
11-19-2010 , 02:51 PM
Assani, you are a weird dude
11-19-2010 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
we'll put the two number sets against each other and see which one wins most often. this will not pick the luckiest set every time, but will rather measure their luck in a randomized fashion.
The thing is, since it's your business vs theirs and this is your idea, their perceived lucky numbers for you would actually be numbers that lose, because that will signify your picks are better and thus help your business. If their numbers come out winners more often, it will be bad for your business, hence their number picks weren't lucky for you at all.

EDIT: now that potential customers are aware of this fact, significance of the outcome cannot be interpreted in any meaningful way by mere objective mortals. But you and Assini both knew that.
11-19-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by DWarrior
The thing is, since it's your business vs theirs and this is your idea, their perceived lucky numbers for you would actually be numbers that lose, because that will signify your picks are better and thus help your business. If their numbers come out winners more often, it will be bad for your business, hence their number picks weren't lucky for you at all.

EDIT: now that potential customers are aware of this fact, significance of the outcome cannot be interpreted in any meaningful way by mere objective mortals. But you and Assini both knew that.
it's ok. i still hold a 3-1 edge. sshhhhh. don't tell anyone.
11-19-2010 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by tmcdmck
its a few posts down in the thread assani linked to. fwiw aejones didnt post it, assani quoted it claiming aejones posted it
2p2 tip for you....

On any quoted post theres a little arrow to the right of where it says "Originally posted by _________" that arrow to be taken to the original post. It works fine on the AEJones post.
11-19-2010 , 04:59 PM
BOOM!!! I managed to tick off one of my lifting goals today (Chip up bodyweight+50% of bw). I did 2 reps of chin ups for a few sets @ bw 200lbs+100lbs weight

This is good as the other lifting goals feel unattainable atm
It's the SQx2bw, DL 2.5bw, BP 1.5bw goals that where posted on leangains.
11-19-2010 , 05:10 PM
sick. How many can you do at bw at one time for reference?
11-19-2010 , 05:26 PM
My first set of bw chins normally float around the 15 rep range +/- 2 reps either way. I alternate workouts between bw chins and +50lbs most workouts and get around 7/8 reps with 50lbs. I love chin ups.

I'm wondering if I should just drop the bw only sessions altogether seeing as I'm in the endurance-ish rep range, at least for the first set.
11-19-2010 , 07:26 PM
One time I went over to Assani's hose and I'm pretty sure he knew I was coming.

Totally not a level.
11-19-2010 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Maximum Rocknroll
One time I went over to Assani's hose and I'm pretty sure he knew I was coming.

Totally not a level.
What were you doing with his hose? Might explain the bolded part.
11-19-2010 , 09:22 PM
haha, actually made me LOL in real life
11-20-2010 , 03:29 PM
Brag - kicked someone in the ribs cleanly with enough force to double them over.

Beat - that same person kicked me in the head about three minutes later dazing me.

Variance - I have dozens of tiny cuts on the inside of my forearms from clinching a guy with a shaved head.

Violence is more fun than squatting (although I plan to do some of the latter tomorrow).
11-20-2010 , 03:41 PM
wtf did you have a muay thai match or something?
11-20-2010 , 04:16 PM
Something like that yeah - I train MMA a couple nights a week and we have a weekly sparring session on Saturday mornings. Today several of us felt like banging rather than trying to be functional and work techniques so there were a few hard rounds.

That said, it's not as hardcore as it sounds, when you get caught hard you can stop and reset (pretty much like tapping in BJJ - you have got the better of me with that move, let's start again). This means you don't get pounded with the combos - combos are what really **** you up. It's rarely the first strike that does much damage as you should be pretty well set to take it. The guys I spar with are all cool, nobody wants to hurt anyone or prove dominance or anything, just improve each other's game.

I believe that unless you put yourself under genuine pressure you don't know if you've learned anything or not.
11-20-2010 , 04:38 PM
Sounds valid, my brother did a few months of MMA training and said it was a good crowd. I'd kind of like to learn to handle myself but getting my head kicked in doesnt appeal.
11-20-2010 , 06:32 PM
Find the right place to train and getting your head kicked in is not an issue (unless you decide you enjoy it and then it's the price you pay).
