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*** New Year's Revolutions - Low Content Cool Thread*** *** New Year's Revolutions - Low Content Cool Thread***

01-19-2016 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
Hey guys watch me eat 8 serving of yogurt and granola to myself
01-19-2016 , 07:56 PM
not bad, but gotta step up your game if you wanna compete with this girl

01-19-2016 , 09:16 PM
Just got back from skiing in SLC. Miss anything?
01-19-2016 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Just got back from skiing in SLC. Miss anything?
01-19-2016 , 09:33 PM
Why am I drinking bottom/mid shelf bourbon when I have a dozen bottles of premium stuff open in the same cabinet? Time to rectify this situation.
01-19-2016 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Very true. I have been missing those for a while, so that's nothing new though.
01-19-2016 , 11:14 PM
How's everyone's gyms doing with the resolution people mine is packed and it only has 1 rack to begin with
01-19-2016 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
How's everyone's gyms doing with the resolution people mine is packed and it only has 1 rack to begin with
There's literally no one, they all heard how easy walking is and they're out walking 50 miles
01-19-2016 , 11:27 PM
Blah blah put your money where your mouth is
01-19-2016 , 11:53 PM
Gym has been really quiet from all of December up until today. Pretty surprised but definitely not complaining. Hope the gym is doing okay. I will say I don't think I've ever seen the same person twice in the gym.

Woman in her mid 30s today, pretty thin with gigantic b00bs working out today gave me a glance though.
01-20-2016 , 12:04 AM
Gym (my buddies garage) has been the usual amount of busy but much colder than I like since Jan 1
01-20-2016 , 01:16 AM
Was shocked how empty it was midday Sunday.
Usually I go by 5am and the crowd has remained sparse then.
01-20-2016 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
How's everyone's gyms doing with the resolution people mine is packed and it only has 1 rack to begin with
Packed... Although I'm sure many will drop off after they get punched in the face a few times.
01-20-2016 , 05:41 AM
slightly more crowded than December
01-20-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
How's everyone's gyms doing with the resolution people mine is packed and it only has 1 rack to begin with
Not bad at all. Only a couple of newbies. However, they are in the process of getting new equipment so they moved out an old bench press which leaves us with just one and in this gym it's the second most used piece of equipment after curl bars.
01-20-2016 , 11:01 AM
Completely empty. Unless my wife is doing laundry.

Oh and sometimes the dog sneaks in when I'm in between sets but he's sure to vacate once a set is about to start.
01-20-2016 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Very true. I have been missing those for a while, so that's nothing new though.
It's ok, they come back.

Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
How's everyone's gyms doing with the resolution people mine is packed and it only has 1 rack to begin with
Haven't seen a single new person yet, but I have seen a few who are trying to get back into lifting. No real effect on me.
01-20-2016 , 11:23 AM
Seems like everybody in H&F lifts in obscure powerlifter/lolympic gyms. Mine's the same, same tired faces, lots of space. Weirdly enough the powerlifter club now includes 4 girls out of ~10. Unusual around here anyway.
01-20-2016 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Seems like everybody in H&F lifts in obscure powerlifter/lolympic gyms. Mine's the same, same tired faces, lots of space. Weirdly enough the powerlifter club now includes 4 girls out of ~10. Unusual around here anyway.
I wish. I alternate between my work gym and the YMCA, which have 1 power rack and 2 squat racks, respectively.
01-20-2016 , 02:03 PM
CT Fletcher

"**** series" of motivational videos. Genius, wtfbbq, or somewhere in between?
01-20-2016 , 02:20 PM
Gym is more packed, but diesnt really affect me cause I don't even need a squat rack anymore.

Also, lots more attractive females (with the caveat I find skinny-fat females more attractive then dedicated gym hard bodies) so actually an improvement on that front.
01-20-2016 , 09:20 PM
Couple steak questions:

1. Bought steak on Sunday. Schedule got screwy and haven't cooked yet. OK til Friday or Saturday or should I put it in the freezer?

2. I usually reverse sear, but this steak is barely an inch thick. Just straight high heat?
01-20-2016 , 09:30 PM
Freeze, and yes.
01-20-2016 , 09:31 PM
Leave it in the fridge another couple weeks & it'll be perfectly aged
01-20-2016 , 09:36 PM
Thanks wook.
