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New log---6 week BB routine New log---6 week BB routine

04-09-2012 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by DerrtySlime
So I'll be on a 2day on, 1 day off schedule from now on. 6 days on, 1 day off is just not enough recovery time for me.

This is good. 6 on 1 off is for steroid cycles, natural human beings cannot handle that (unless you are genetic freak).

Also be real careful about setting up your routine so that your muscles get enough rest. I seen some really bad BB routines that only someone on roids could benefit from. For example, you can't workout biceps the day after a big
back workout. Tiny muscle like the biceps getting worked out two days in a row? LOL. Same thing with deltoids, can't train them the day after chest or the day before. Stick them with chest day or put them a couple of days away from chest.
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-10-2012 , 10:16 PM
deltoids assuming posterior and anterior get worked in some fashion with The Press, bench press, BB row so you are bound to train them back to back. good point though, with BB routines recovery is very important so proper form, eating enough before workouts, getting carbs in before workouts etc. are crucial. I will be foam rolling a lot tommorow and in future days.

Today I did:

BB row 3x6x145
Lat Pulldown 3x6x90
Machine Row 3x12x80
Deadlift 1x3x135, 1x1x225, 1x1x275
various ab exersizes
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-12-2012 , 06:47 PM
Wednesdy was a rest day. Much needed. Did some foam rolling and went back at it today.

Squat 1x3x185, 1x5x225, 2x5x245 ( my goal is actually to keep this steady at 225 but i thought heck why not)
Leg PRess 3x6x270 ( first time I did this in 2 years+)
Abs ( back extensions, Myotatic crunch,crunches, hanging leg raises)
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-13-2012 , 10:50 PM

Close Grip Bench Press 3x10x145
The Press 3x7x110
Tricep Dips 3x10x25lb plate
Lat Raise 2x8x10lb dumbbels ( lol)
Myotatic crunch
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-14-2012 , 03:34 PM
Talapia, sweet potatoes, ezekial bread
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-15-2012 , 05:25 PM
Bench Press 3x7x185
DB inclince Press 1x12x40. 2x9x40
Chest Dips 2x10x35s. 1x4x35s
Bicep Curls 2x10x60s
Hammer Skull Crushers 2x10x30s
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-16-2012 , 11:34 PM

BB Row 3x6x155 ( 10lb jump. Should have made it a 5 pound jump. Felt OK but some reps weren't the nice smooth ROM that I usuallyu get)
Machine Row 3x7x80 ( very hard. trained biceps which were still recovering from yesterday. Am going to move my back workout to not follow my bicep/tricep workout)
Lat pulldown 1x6x90 ( wasn't feeling it. my only set. arms were stil sore from the machine row+ yesterdays bicep/tricep workout)
Deadlift 2x2x225 ( not good enough, but again was really sturggling with the workout and didn't want to push myself.)
Back extensions ( incorporated this into my last workout and I really like this one. Works the hamstrings and with a weighted ball it can challenge the core.)
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-18-2012 , 03:37 PM
Squat 3x5x245 ( tough. back hurt a little bit afterwards, but about 10 minutes later it was gone. Did some foam rolling before, will do some more later)
Leg Press 3x10x180 ( dropped weight here by 90lbs. A mistake for sure. TBH I don't really care about my legs too much. I think I can feel like I'm still recovering slightly from Monday's deadlift so didn't feel like pushing it too hard)
Back Extension 3x10 ( used a 5lb medicine ball. I was swinging my first two sets, then realized tension is added if I don't swing and consequently my third set was much harder)
Myotatic crunch ( the bread and butter of my core exersizes. If I get any definition there, its thanks to this one. It has been researched that this exersize works the most muscle fibers out of all the "ab" exersizes)

Last edited by DerrtySlime; 04-18-2012 at 03:42 PM.
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-18-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by DerrtySlime
Will NOT be doing roids.

New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-19-2012 , 11:40 PM
Press 3x7x115 (last rep 3rd set was a real slow, grinding one. Just got it up)
Close Grip Bench Press 3x10x135 (135 was a real comfortable weight, so really trying to push out one more rep was fine even with no spotter. I knew that bar would go up eventually.)
Pull Ups 3x7 ( roughly)
Back Extension 3x10
Myotatic Crunch
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-21-2012 , 05:12 PM
Chest: Workout A

Bench Press 1x7x185, 1x5x185, 1x6 and two thirds of 185 (Middle set did not feel up for it. Didn't allow enough rest after the first set. Also Im sure that I let the tension off after the 4th rep)

Inclince Bench Press 3x10x45lb Dumbbells ( I feel like this one also works the shoulders a decent amount. Felt good and I should be able to gho with 50s next time)

Chest Dips 2x10x25s

Bicep Curls ( didn't count reps. Focused on keeping my elbows firm against my torso, and trying to establish that mind-body connection. Also went slower on the way down---concentric phase of the movement)

Hammer Skull Crushers 3x10x50 (a step up in weight and was able to handle it handily)

1 brief set of Back extensions, and 1 brief set of hanging leg raises.

Overall a good workout. Partied last night, and although it seemed to affect me slightly I wasn't too far off my usual mark. Felt the pump. Not sure if I'm doing back tommorow, as last week I am almost certain I overtrained my biceps because some of the back exersizes utilize the biceps/triceps.
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:07 PM
Decided to do Back today.

BB Row 3x7x145
Deadlift 1x1x225. 1x3x275
Cable Row 3x7x80
Abs ( myotatic crunch, plank)

dropped weight in the BB Row and worked on my form. Found myself adjusting small things during the workout. Going to have to post a video up here on that one next week.
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:53 PM
Threw my Shoulders on today.

Close Grip Bench Press 2x12x155, and 1x7x155 ( I find with BB routines reps in each set rarely come equal. Actually you've probably picked a challenging weight if you can't bang out as many reps on the third set as you did on the first and second. Much different than just 5 all the time.)
The Press 2x8x105 and 1x4x105
Tricep Dips w/25lb weight. 3x10 ( roughly)
Myotatic Crunch and one set of Back Extension.

Hurt my kneww today as I banged it against the door. If it recovers I'll see if I can squat tommorow. ELevating it and icing it now.
New log---6 week BB routine Quote
