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MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. MT Becomes an Anti-Bro.

08-09-2016 , 12:40 AM
First some stats.

-32 yr old normal sized American male. 6'0, 182 pounds.


1. PAIN FREE...This is my overall goal. I have had back problems for ~10 years that go from stiffness to wtf pain seemingly randomly. MRI shows 4 bulging disks but not enough for surgery so I get pain meds and a pat on the back.

When I starting working out and doing starting strength, when my squat got up to ~175 it would trigger spasms so they make me nervous. One of the main reasons I am doing a log is to track what triggers my pain. The worst offenders seem to be barbell bp (dumbells are fine), sitting in a chair for >30 min, longer car drives, and stress. I also always wake up with back pain and it subsides as the day goes on.

2. Generic health/ENERGY. Last year I had low T, ~310 in whatever the unit is. I generally get very tired if I don't get 9 hours a sleep, and sometimes I still want a nap when I get home from work. Only drug use is daily 2-3 cups coffee and 5-10 drinks a week.

3. Recomposition. I am happy with my weight and have no desire to get hyooge, but I am a little flabby around the waist and have bird legs. Ideally I would go from whatever I am now bf wise (~22ish) down to about 15 and stay in the 185 range.

Was following 5/3/1 but lately just kind of doing whatever when I get a chance to workout.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-09-2016 , 12:45 AM
8/8 workout.

I'm starting really low with squats to be careful with my back. worked up to 3x5x115 and they felt really fine/easy. Doing HBBS and I am pretty sure I am going below parallel, hard to know when to stop.

Did sets of 3 in OP to get an idea of where my max is.

These felt fine and could probably have gotten 120 but had to leave. Obv I am a bro squatting and pressing the same weight.

No back pain today, slight neck stiffness.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-09-2016 , 11:50 AM
Where are the herniations? Its been said that nearly everyone will have some measure of herniations as they age and the degree of them and whether or not or how they affect a person is unique.

For your disc issues you really need to find a strength coach/chiro/ART/PT guy, Sensei won't be long behind me here to recommend a ton of core work as I am as well.

If a barbell bench press is causing low back issues, its likely due to a loose form with a slight back arch. You may need to avoid the arch altogether (assuming there is one?). See how floor press feels - with your feet planted firmly it changes the dynamic of the lift moving away from any potential lower body involvement. You can still have an arch, but its more awkward IME.

Consider your sleeping position as well as the age and sturdiness of your bed. Maybe you need softer or harder if your back is not neutral at night?
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-09-2016 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
Where are the herniations? Its been said that nearly everyone will have some measure of herniations as they age and the degree of them and whether or not or how they affect a person is unique.

For your disc issues you really need to find a strength coach/chiro/ART/PT guy, Sensei won't be long behind me here to recommend a ton of core work as I am as well.

If a barbell bench press is causing low back issues, its likely due to a loose form with a slight back arch. You may need to avoid the arch altogether (assuming there is one?). See how floor press feels - with your feet planted firmly it changes the dynamic of the lift moving away from any potential lower body involvement. You can still have an arch, but its more awkward IME.

Consider your sleeping position as well as the age and sturdiness of your bed. Maybe you need softer or harder if your back is not neutral at night?
I have 1 neck, 2 thoracic, and one lower back. BP doesn't affect my lower back at all. I tried again a couple weeks ago and worked up to only 135, and the next day felt a sharp pain in my mid thoracic back and bad stiffness in my neck/traps. Took 50mg of tramadol which helps somewhat.

Good news is the next day after overhead press/squats I am not feeling hardly any pain or stiffness. I think for now I will stick with OP, pullups, and dumbell work for bench/incline.

Any advice about core work is welcome and that is part of the reason I started a log; I really want to experiment with different things and keep a record of what helps/hurts.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-09-2016 , 01:34 PM
Oh, C and T. Ew. I jumped to the assumption it was mostly lower back where the vast majority are at.

You may need to stay away from *flat* benching entirely, for awhile, until those herniations no longer present. The upper back pressures present when you are in a flat back or arch back won't help. They are posterior bulges? Its possible incline at 15-30 will work for you without putting pressure on the back.

You might benefit from upper back strengthening - front squat isometric holds for example. Harder than you think when you go 15-20% over your 1RM.

Really need to find a PT that specializes in strength training. Your GP's gonna shrug his shoulders at every turn in that context unless he himself is a lifter.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-09-2016 , 02:19 PM
Ya, my lower back rarely bothers me. The only real triggers are prolonged driving and stress, but it does get nasty and radiate into my right glute/IT band.

Yes, posterior bulges.

Frustrating about the GP as well. He sent me to get an MRI, then to the pain doc. He then gave me Tramadol and Meloxicam sp?, as well as a cortisone shot to the spine which he said would cure my pain. It was "cured" for about 3 months.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-10-2016 , 08:26 PM
8/9 - Pain was low and not too much stiffness.

8/10 - Pain level was really good in the morning. Had to go to a training at work where I had to sit for 3 hours. After 20 minutes my back and neck just went completely stiff, this hurts but the worst is the mental side after dealing with this **** for so long. Took 50mg Tramadol and did some foam rolling to prep for my workout.

Squats - worked up to 3x5x125 and they felt pretty good. Will probably start just doing 5 pound increases to not push it.

DL - worked up to 1x5x215 and they felt great. For whatever reason DL doesn't bother my back at all but I get nervous trying to lift heavy as I am always walking on eggshells trying to avoid tweaking something.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-11-2016 , 10:46 PM

6am. I wake up with a back that is completely stiff that is concentrated in my upper-mid spine. The worst part is the terrible neck pain that comes along for the ride. Get up and spend some time laying on the floor, hanging from the pull up bar and back extension stretches. Took some nsaid that is labeled for back pain. Start feeling pretty good around lunch time and no issues the rest of the day.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-13-2016 , 11:58 AM

Felt pretty good today, just light stiffness.


These started to feel taxing, and I am pretty sure my back was caving in on the last couple reps. I will get some form videos up soon to check. Also I think my knees are probably tracking too far forward but no pain or anything.


Felt super tired after the first set and I have a lot to do today so didn't want to push it with press and chins.

MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-16-2016 , 06:47 PM

Had 30 minutes after work for a short workout.

Incline dumbbell BP

One armed dumbbell rows (supersetted with 3x3 pull ups).

BP felt good and probably could have gone heavier but want to take it easy on my back.

Rows are easy at this weight but I worry about form. Should I fully extend my arm as far as it will go or make sure to keep my shoulders retracted?

Back felt good today. Haven't had to take my pain meds for about a week which is really good. I have cleaned up my diet a decent amount since I have been back at work but no idea how much of an effect that can have.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
08-23-2016 , 09:02 PM
Lame week. I could blame my neck pain or working a lot but pretty much just haven't made the time. I did ~20 pullups on 8/22 by putting the doorway pullup bar back up and making myself do 2 everytime I pass that doorway.
MT Becomes an Anti-Bro. Quote
