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Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Mrh86's HIIT log and questions

11-21-2007 , 03:57 PM
I'm 21 years old, and I weigh 184 lbs. I've been running on and off for about eight years. Today I started a HIIT program using a stationary bike at my gym. It's winter in NJ so I decided against a running HIIT program for now.

I stretched for a few minutes and then got on the bike. I warmed up for 2:30 while messing with the resistance settings. I then did 30/30s, using resistance level 7 for sprints and 5 for cooldowns. I did this for a total of 5 minutes before cooling down and stretching again.

I'll keep a regular log once I understand everything about my routine.


My heartrate never reached beyond 165. My heartrate calculator says that my maximum heartrate while cycling is 194. Should I be shooting higher, and how high?

I'm used to doing crunches and leg-lifts for my abs. Should I continue doing these everyday or only on non-HIIT days?
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
11-27-2007 , 04:14 AM
This is the OP posting under an alias. I have my routine under control now and I'm gonna start my log. My first workout was on Monday. I'll do this M/W/F for 8 weeks.

Week 1/Workout 1:

Weighed in at 185 lbs.
2:00 warmup
4:00 30/30 workout
2:00 cooldown

I used resistance level 6 for my sprints, and was pedalling at 125 rpms. I used resistance level 5 for my 50% phase. I got home and got ready to do 150-250 crunches like I used to do after my long aerobic workouts, but my stomach didn't feel right. I think I'll only work on my abs on off days.
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
12-08-2007 , 03:08 AM
Just finished my 2nd week, which means that today I did my 6 minute 30/30 workout. I still drink heavily 2-4 times per week, yet I'm STILL losing weight with this workout. I've lost nearly 2.5 lbs in under two weeks.
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
12-08-2007 , 04:05 AM
if you are near death at the end of HIIT, then you are on the right track.

you need to mix in some lifting of things too. and at least attempt to cut back on drinking.
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
12-08-2007 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by POKEROMGLOL
if you are near death at the end of HIIT, then you are on the right track.

you need to mix in some lifting of things too. and at least attempt to cut back on drinking.
I can't do heavy lifting because of my occupation. My job is to load boxes up to 150 lbs. It takes a huge toll on my joints and muscles.

I've been doing heavy cardio for the past 8-9 years.
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
01-06-2008 , 09:02 PM
I'm starting week 7 tomorrow. It's gonna be my first 13 minute HIIT workout. I haven't really lost any weight because of my diet and drinking habit, but I can tell that my lungs are in much better shape than they were previously.
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
01-07-2008 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by mrh86
My job is to load boxes up to 150 lbs.
That qualifies as heavy lifting, if you ask me.

Anyway, you're doing HIIT right if at the end of the session, you want to vomit.
Mrh86's HIIT log and questions Quote
01-23-2008 , 02:34 AM
Well I ended up finishing the full 8 weeks on a bike, and then I decided to start running again. I'm gonna stop drinking and smoking cigarettes because after that run I felt like I was in the worst shape that I've been in in years, and I didn't lose any weight during the HIIT phase because of it.
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