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12-12-2016 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Skepta is a ****ing awful excuse for a rapper. Bad even by pop rap standards. Holy **** not sure if I've heard anything worse. Might be sub T-pain levels.
You posted almost exactly the same thing about Deadpool. "Not sure......anything worse"


The things you like though are the best. That's a good thing bruv, means you ain't settling for mediocre.

But really, I don't give a flying gender.
12-12-2016 , 08:15 AM
Yugo, yea man Rilo Kiley is good for the 'lookin' out the window appreciating being me' times. Zoners. Although First Aid Kit takes top spot there.
12-12-2016 , 08:32 AM
GOD deadpool was so offensively terrible. I would rather listen to Skepta for 90 minutes than watch deadpool.
12-12-2016 , 08:34 AM
Anyways Gay4Sale, Fartian, Montecoco etc. and maybe everyone else can rejoice in the fact that I won't be posting here until the 28th of December. Maybe day or two here but look out for loco's log from then till EOY.

Gonna be some 'ard weights pushed and pulled. All my yearly goals surpassed. Watch loco's space.

Sorry brehs (maybe all of you) who were hoping I was goners for good. I wanted 2 2, but it's harder than you think and there were tons of PMs xchanged and reasoning done. So i'm 'ere - at least till Two Thousand and 2 2

Till then, bye, laters, gwan. Do your thing. Watch no face.

For Evo,

Originally Posted by Evoken
GOD deadpool was so offensively terrible. I would rather listen to Skepta for 90 minutes than watch deadpool.
12-12-2016 , 08:34 AM
Soulman mod imo ainec.
12-12-2016 , 09:22 AM
SS - As far as I can tell, this is the only comment I've ever made to you, or even about you:

Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
SS - you're making this thread borderline unreadable.
And these are your responses to that:

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
9. The likes of G4S and CB do nothing but aggravate and bait me.
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Anyways Gay4Sale...
But hey, you can't really play the victim card like you want if you don't have a complete overreaction to every comment, right?

And you wonder why some people would choose Thremp over you...
12-12-2016 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
H+F's favorite avant-garde youtube cartoonist makes a more accessible and mainstream offering. It's still pretty good, but not his best work. Nothing compared to the legendary YOLO series. I believe Montecore was particularly fond of that one.

Also reminds me I will never be a successful bodybuilder because I just can't handle the stimulants, man. Too mentally ill srs.
Solid 6/10

Thought it may have turned into some weird Aussie Trump thing for a while there, though, which would have been interesting.
12-12-2016 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Soulman mod imo ainec.
First of all, this is clearly marked as a no French thread, so maybe you should apologize to DT for desecrating it thusly.

Second of all, unless I have a tumor, I think he did mod H&F for a while around the time I started or a bit before? I'm assuming his French peacock dancing classes and actually living a complete and fulfilling life with his lady would probably get in the way of his accepting the post (again?), but I agree he'd be fine.

Any of those three would, really, as would half the regulars here. Present issues excepted, not much really goes on here anyway though.
12-12-2016 , 10:44 AM
Who's in the other half?
12-12-2016 , 10:49 AM

The ones that aren't around enough or are new enough that they likely don't have enough history with the forum to be able to do it correctly, though your attempt at getting me in trouble with more people is noted and appreciated.
12-12-2016 , 11:02 AM
Modding seems like a fun and nice job "unpaid internship" where you get to interact with cool, likeminded people from around the world.
12-12-2016 , 11:03 AM
Hahaha LOL so good
12-12-2016 , 11:08 AM

Understood. I've forwarded your application through the appropriate channels and you should be hearing a response shortly.
12-12-2016 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
GOD Golden Globe Nominated deadpool was so offensively terrible. I would rather listen to Skepta for 90 minutes than watch deadpool.
12-12-2016 , 11:28 AM
I wasn't around much when G4S was making a lot of posts, but he seems like the kind of guy that if he chimes in, you done ****ed up good.
12-12-2016 , 12:00 PM
That is definitely the correct read on G4S.
12-12-2016 , 01:10 PM
I would nominate yugo for mod but i like him too much.
12-12-2016 , 01:59 PM
I thought deadpool was horrible also. I started watching it a couple of times, passed out once and then next time just changed channel. Not my sense of humor, didn't laugh.

I think my free three months of the movie channels are up soon. Westworld looks tempting, we will see if I pull trigger. Have never seen a tv series ever. I have plenty of minor habiddictions (habit + addiction) including porn/sex, food, internet, and sleeping. Pass on TV. Only hope for humanity is exercise, which can also be a habiddiction but one of the rare ones that is almost always positive. And it's powerful enough that it trumps some of the negative ones.
12-12-2016 , 02:01 PM
loco, it's the golden age of television. **** is better than movies so I'd suggest you get in on that.
12-12-2016 , 02:21 PM
I have just come to chime in that Bobo was on the ATF forum and seriously requested him to consider a new mod. Even post here and get feedback.

Sorry again for breaking my promise of not posting here but I'd really like Bobo and all those guys to consider changing the mod up in here. That would be awesome not just because I've got something against AB, but necause we all know how thinly modded this place is.

Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
SS - As far as I can tell, this is the only comment I've ever made to you, or even about you:

And you wonder why some people would choose Thremp over you...
comment was unnecessary if we don't have any past history. Keep a lid on it mate. Don't come 'round 'ere in the thick of things and take a **** then leave. I'll swing a left uppercut flush on your lip. Then you can decide who you choose after you wake up twelve past six.

CB also posted once or twice but have a brain and choose your words and timing carefully. I wroted down the names of the last two people I remembered and sorry bredrin, one of them was you.

That's honestly it. Sorry but Monte's name was bait and so were a few other's. Them guys the super mod already knew about.

Now, if this G4S acronym is getting your jimmies tingling imagine the **** storm I had to deal with. I don't call out on people and say stupid **** like Thremp. He's just a wrong man in a right forum.

People will judge me or thremp in the context of our feud. It's not like someone is just cruising 2p2 and suddenly decides he needs to choose Sensei over Thremp.

Why are you bothering if an LC with 4 or some posts of yours in it is suddenly 'boderlne unreadable'

Of course it was, you're passing a judgement from way too far. I bet you had to squint to read it all.

I am sorry if it hurt your feelings. No qualms. The point still holds but I shouldn't have used your name, you are right, but partially wrong.

In any case, whynotboth.gif
12-12-2016 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Don't come 'round 'ere in the thick of things and take a **** then leave. I'll swing a left uppercut flush on your lip. Then you can decide who you choose after you wake up twelve past six.
12-12-2016 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Now, if this G4S acronym is getting your jimmies tingling imagine the **** storm I had to deal with.
It isn't. I'm shocked that it would bother any adult on here, honestly.

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
I don't call out on people and say stupid **** like Thremp.
Your overreaction to my post sure seemed like you did exactly that.

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
People will judge me or thremp in the context of our feud. It's not like someone is just cruising 2p2 and suddenly decides he needs to choose Sensei over Thremp.
I judge Thremp over the many years I've posted here, and the actual content and value of his posts in this forum, directly related to topics at hand. The trolling I just either chuckle or shake my head, I assumed everyone did.

I had no judgement of you previously.

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Why are you bothering if an LC with 4 or some posts of yours in it is suddenly 'boderlne unreadable'
So I need to up my posting count to enjoy reading a forum?

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
The point still holds but I shouldn't have used your name, you are right, but partially wrong.

In any case, whynotboth.gif
Sure, why not?
12-12-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
I'll swing a left uppercut flush on your lip. Then you can decide who you choose after you wake up twelve past six.
You need to stop smoking weed and take a look at G4S' log before making a comment like that, especially if you are serious as to what your uppercut would do to him.

Originally Posted by Gorilla4Sale
Appropriate gif
12-12-2016 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
I wasn't around much when G4S was making a lot of posts, but he seems like the kind of guy that if he chimes in, you done ****ed up good.
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
That is definitely the correct read on G4S.

Originally Posted by skeletor121
You need to stop smoking weed and take a look at G4S' log before making a comment like that, especially if you are serious as to what your uppercut would do to him.

Appropriate gif
Also true of this guy!

Sup skel?
12-12-2016 , 03:48 PM
what in the world
