I'm just sayin' man,
From what I've observed through my life so far, I think many people (not necessarily you or Snitch) basically cannot actually determine if they are actually marrying up/down or not - or if their marriage will last or not (this point seems pretty obvious though). Again, it's not what I think you guys are referring to, but it's what bothers me about the term.
In terms of being part of the "self-esteem" generation, does that mean a generation of ppl who are unstably overconfident/arrogant? Or emo and unconfident? I'm 31 so am not necessarily part of what is likely the "young" generation at this point.
I've given a lot of thought to relationships in general and think there are a lot of societal terms and groupthink that are either simply incorrect, misguided, or in some cases, pretty dangerous for the actual relationships people form. So just discussing these types of things interest me in general,
. If I get to rustle a few jimminies, all the better.