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MLYLT learns to love herself and changes her life (for real this time!) MLYLT learns to love herself and changes her life (for real this time!)

11-08-2017 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Smartest thing you have said in a while.

Yes, they think they are health and fitness gods. And they are when they congregrate in a 5'7" 215lb female log.
11-08-2017 , 11:50 PM
I will explain what that means.

EV and I have posted tons of nudes at 160. We are leanish. You can make the argument we are small, you have seen me in real life.

Now the trio of LOL, citanul, and El diablo? No clue what they look like but they don't even lift. So while they range from 155-175, they most certainly are skinnyfat! Which can be really bad.

I am thinking because you are starting to move around a lot and are getting stronger, you might be healthier than one of them. You seriously might have better blood work than one of them.

Now the case of our beloved mihkey is tougher. He lifts but don't even upperbody. But he has a decent front squat so he might not be skinnyfat at 160.

So that's where those comments come from. As you get leaner and stronger, they will respect you more. And if you do what you say you are going to do, you will be queen of h&f and will rule over all of us.

Mihkey cut 8.5% of his bodyweight. Montecore did impressive work, 25%. But 50 facking percent? And keep it off?!!! We all bow.
11-09-2017 , 12:36 AM
I though LoL ran ultra-marathons o/s and only eats broccoli and apples. Doesn't sound skinny fat to me.
11-09-2017 , 12:53 AM
It's hard to not be skinny fat if you don't do resistance training. LBM will scale down accordingly as you lose weight.
11-09-2017 , 01:14 AM
I now see they are called TOFIs. Thin on the outside and fat in the inside.

It has been my life journey to destroy skinnyfatism. At age 35, I was 183lb with 330 cholesterol and a 37" waist around navel. According to my old coach, I was a walking ticking timebomb.

While the remnants of my skinnyfatism are still present, I mostly destroyed it. 162 31" waist.

Anyways OP, the point is lolskinnyfats.
11-09-2017 , 08:02 AM

Think Monte covered this. Although I'm a bit heavier, but my gut appears the same size. Prob just wrenching down on the old tape measure.


Literally no way to know. Sometimes I wish I could see what my back looks like when I pull, since I am a narcissist. But that would require me taking my shirt off and someone taking a video which is just absurd. Everytime I see some tool with a social media video of him doing pushdowns with his shirt off all oiled up, and I can't help but wonder at how that process must go and what other patrons think. Could def pass for an intro to a porn!


Sorry, I don't keep up with the colloquialisms of normies. I'm more used to using it like how it is used in the dictionary:

Good strawman btw. You may wanna reread what I actually wrote. There are dozens if not hundreds of regular athletes who compete at a national/international level. I've only trained with maybe a dozen who would be considered world class. (Hence why I say the Olympics/Worlds.) And some of these bros have medals. One is prob somewhere in the top 10-20 strongest people on the planet. It just provides good perspective on where you are in the world as opposed to just hanging out with a bunch of other derpy middle aged office workers who're just happy they can walk around without hurting themselves or whatever other feats of mediocrity they want to compare.

Regardless, I'll make a note if I interact with normies in one of these places you go where people bandy about words like "athletic" referencing other's appearance. (My goto is thick, solid and tight)
11-09-2017 , 09:11 AM

Dude, youre coming off much like a parent who tries to live through their children playing sports with all this bragging about having met these world class athletes and them being in you non-normie circle. It sounds really sad and I'm kinda feeling sad for you right now.
Having a more superior definition of athleticism does not really make you superior, just sad.
11-09-2017 , 09:26 AM

I'm sorry you're mistaking my candor for bravado. I was trying to give some context into how my views were formed.

One day I hope to have the most superiorest understand of the definition of athleticism. Citanul is doing an excellent job of helping, so ty.

Just for clarification. Where do you draw the line at "athlete"? I would generally draw it at competition. (So no 5k fun run, participation medal silliness, beer league softball, etc)
11-09-2017 , 09:27 AM
Steadily going down this month
11-09-2017 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Just for clarification. Where do you draw the line at "athlete"? I would generally draw it at competition. (So no 5k fun run, participation medal silliness, beer league softball, powerlifting, etc)
11-09-2017 , 10:01 AM
Sorry I wasn't clear. What you are doing is not coming off as Bravado which can sometimes be positive and show confidence.
You come off as feeling superior because you have met or been around world class athletes and their accomplishments somehow reflect onto you because you are around them, and this is sad.
You were coming off superior as well with the whole this Olympic sprinters body is athletic and attractive and if you don't have this you don't look healthy and if your not attracted to this you don't know what athletic looks like.
11-09-2017 , 10:28 AM

Bravado isn't positive. That isn't what the word means. I'm not sure how you're inferring that their accomplishments are mine. I'm happy with what I've achieved this life. My trolling is good, but not fyad/4chan levels. I have gotten loco's "maybe skinnyfat" upgrade. Life is pretty good.

BTW those women are a basketball player/long jumper/heptathlete. None are "sprinters". I didn't make the leap that if you don't look like that you're not healthy or not attractive. I was pointing out the absurdity of your hip bone digression and "looking anorexic". I don't think any of those women are anorexic despite all having underweight BMIs (and Darya being a big **** from <17.5 which would put her under the population cutoff). I'm simply stating what most actual athletes look like in terms of leanness. Most athletes (actual, not citnaul approved normie usage) are not benefited by carrying a bunch of extra fat, which is the only way you don't have "protruding hip bones".

Anyway, you're kinda ranting at a strawman. I guess if you mean "middle aged people with guts" by athletic, we're wholly in agreement.
11-09-2017 , 02:11 PM
loco: I've been lifting for 30 years, son. And I have much bigger arms than Mik!

mik, cit: more lol @ you both.
11-09-2017 , 02:14 PM

Mik leaves in some third-world Communist hellhole where the only reason lots of people are thin is because they have to make it through the harsh winter with a couple of potatoes and turnips.
11-09-2017 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
loco: I've been lifting for 30 years, son. And I have much bigger arms than Mik!
I smell another carefully tuned loco fitness challenge!
11-09-2017 , 03:11 PM
22lb curls

This guy lifts
11-09-2017 , 03:45 PM
Apparently we got a regular Milo of Croton over here
11-09-2017 , 11:21 PM
"Milo was also said to have carried a bull on his shoulders, and to have burst a band about his brow by simply inflating the veins of his temples."

I'm interested in finding out more about his vein workout.
11-09-2017 , 11:24 PM
Log 11/9 Thur:

I guess I'm done eating today, got distracted doing laundry when I was about to sit down and eat dinner....I've been a little scatter brained today.
11-09-2017 , 11:46 PM
choc chip cookie rules the protons
11-09-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Log 11/9 Thur:

I guess I'm done eating today, got distracted doing laundry when I was about to sit down and eat dinner....I've been a little scatter brained today.
Someone's gonna be huuungry tomorrow.
11-10-2017 , 12:06 AM
I've been thinking a lot about getting loose skin. 87lbs down and no loose skin yet, but my stomach is starting to look wrinkly. I know loosing slow is helping, but it's bound to happen with the next 70lbs
I'm scared I'm going to look like this.

It's already in my savings budget to pay for skin surgery next year.
11-10-2017 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I will explain what that means.

EV and I have posted tons of nudes at 160. We are leanish. You can make the argument we are small, you have seen me in real life.

Now the trio of LOL, citanul, and El diablo? No clue what they look like but they don't even lift. So while they range from 155-175, they most certainly are skinnyfat! Which can be really bad.

I am thinking because you are starting to move around a lot and are getting stronger, you might be healthier than one of them. You seriously might have better blood work than one of them.

Now the case of our beloved mihkey is tougher. He lifts but don't even upperbody. But he has a decent front squat so he might not be skinnyfat at 160.

So that's where those comments come from. As you get leaner and stronger, they will respect you more. And if you do what you say you are going to do, you will be queen of h&f and will rule over all of us.

Mihkey cut 8.5% of his bodyweight. Montecore did impressive work, 25%. But 50 facking percent? And keep it off?!!! We all bow.
Lol loco... en la cabeza. I lift 3 days a week and my name is in the lottery for Western States. Guys like you and renton think pushing and pulling weight is some secret only known to obese people trying to lose weight, but it's standard for athletic conditioning in fit people, regardless of the sport.

I don't believe I've ever disparaged MLY's efforts (other than to laugh at her absent-minded, and/or inaccurate food entries, which everyone has, including you, which I assume, like me, was in a genuine attempt to get her to see the error in her ways for her own good). Anyway, go have a few cans of tuna, and let that mercury set in a while.
11-10-2017 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Lol loco... en la cabeza. I lift 3 days a week and my name is in the lottery for Western States. Guys like you and renton think pushing and pulling weight is some secret only known to obese people trying to lose weight, but it's standard for athletic conditioning in fit people, regardless of the sport.
I was just pointing out that it is quite possible for someone who eats well and runs ultra marathons to be skinny fat. I'm not very familiar with the running community, but it seems like almost all of the running/cycling logs on this board feature approximately zero resistance training.
11-10-2017 , 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
it's standard for athletic conditioning in fit people, regardless of the sport.

Easy using the word athletic around mik unless you’re planning on winning western states.
