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Melchor's Running Log Melchor's Running Log

06-27-2010 , 07:02 PM
hey I did a small search and I couldnt find one(delete if needed) but maybe people with questions can come to this thread and other posters with more knowledge can help me(us) and give us their advice......

Im starting to run my self, mostly cross training though, and I find what Im lacking is some technics and a proper training exercises.........

so my Q if someone can answer it is, If I wanna prepare to run a 10km race(july, 24th), across some mountains and through a beach if it matters, what exercises I should be doing to improve my performance.................... an example could be something like twice a week an hour at a mid of 150 ppm or do intervals of 5min at 130 and the next 10 at 145 or so on................

Im currently doing 10km on the street in 1h20min at a mid of 155 ppm, if that helps, stopped smoking 6 weeks ago, so Im not in great shape to say the least, ............... thx in advance
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-27-2010 , 07:07 PM
heres a vid of last years race, same everything
hope the vid works
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-27-2010 , 07:18 PM
Try the health and fitness forum.
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-27-2010 , 07:29 PM
lol, you re right, thx........... maybe a mod can move it and change the title or w/e
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-29-2010 , 11:46 AM
Strangely, I can't edit the title.. but moving right now. Good luck OP.

Last edited by RayPowers; 06-29-2010 at 11:47 AM. Reason: Crap I could have changed the name when I moved it but clicked too fast... sorry. :/
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-29-2010 , 11:55 AM
What do you mean by ppm? Are you talking heartrate? Do you know what your max heartrate is?

A lot depends on what you are capable of now. If you can do 10km in 1:20 comfortably, you already are in decent shape. How many km per week do you run? What is the longest you could go at once at an easy pace? Build up your weekly running amount and increase your long runs and you should be in decent shape. You'll want to increase your turnover, but you might want to shorten your stride to keep things easier.
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-29-2010 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
Strangely, I can't edit the title.. but moving right now. Good luck OP.
Originally Posted by TomCollins
What do you mean by ppm? Are you talking heartrate? Do you know what your max heartrate is?

A lot depends on what you are capable of now. If you can do 10km in 1:20 comfortably, you already are in decent shape. How many km per week do you run? What is the longest you could go at once at an easy pace? Build up your weekly running amount and increase your long runs and you should be in decent shape. You'll want to increase your turnover, but you might want to shorten your stride to keep things easier.
yeah heartrate, my max is 189......

I run 4 times a week 3 of 10km and one longer, maybe 15km or so..................
whats the turnover???? Ive tried shortening my stride but I still need to improve it, cause honestly I dont really know what would be optimum........ thx for your imput
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-29-2010 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Don Melchor

yeah heartrate, my max is 189......

I run 4 times a week 3 of 10km and one longer, maybe 15km or so..................
whats the turnover???? Ive tried shortening my stride but I still need to improve it, cause honestly I dont really know what would be optimum........ thx for your imput
Ok, wasn't sure if the number you were saying was heartrate or turnover (steps per minute). I assumed turnover at first, then figured you probably meant heartrate. 150 is 80%, might be even a bit too fast for easy training, but it's not awful.

I made a playlist of songs that are around 90bpm (I found some awesome software that updated all my mp3s, and sorted it in iTunes). I run with my left foot on the beat of the music and it's an easy way to force myself to keep the same pace. If I get tired, I go shorter strides, if I want to go faster, I'll do longer strides.

45km / week is a pretty solid distance. I'm not going to recommend a specific plan, but your base is at least at a good level. There are intervals you may want to run to improve your speed. A beginner to intermediate 10K training program might be useful for you and there are plenty to search for online.

Adding an extra day or increasing your long run might be somewhat helpful. Keep your heart rate down (where you are at or even a little slower) and keep at it and you should see some improvement.

I'm somewhat surprised your 1:20 time for 10km with the distance you are running. Have you been doing this for a while, or is this pretty new?
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-30-2010 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Ok, wasn't sure if the number you were saying was heartrate or turnover (steps per minute). I assumed turnover at first, then figured you probably meant heartrate. 150 is 80%, might be even a bit too fast for easy training, but it's not awful.

I made a playlist of songs that are around 90bpm (I found some awesome software that updated all my mp3s, and sorted it in iTunes). I run with my left foot on the beat of the music and it's an easy way to force myself to keep the same pace. If I get tired, I go shorter strides, if I want to go faster, I'll do longer strides.

45km / week is a pretty solid distance. I'm not going to recommend a specific plan, but your base is at least at a good level. There are intervals you may want to run to improve your speed. A beginner to intermediate 10K training program might be useful for you and there are plenty to search for online.

Adding an extra day or increasing your long run might be somewhat helpful. Keep your heart rate down (where you are at or even a little slower) and keep at it and you should see some improvement.

I'm somewhat surprised your 1:20 time for 10km with the distance you are running. Have you been doing this for a while, or is this pretty new?
the thing about your play list sounds like a great idea!!!

you are definitely right I should get my heartrate a bit down, Im just figured I should be running harder, which may not be correct at all, Im also running once or twice a week on a soccer field with intervals of 3min at 140 and 2 min at 155ppm, for an hour and then going for a few miles afterwords........

1h20min was my first time timing* the 10km, I usualy just go with time and circuits, but Im mostly running cross trail so I cant messure distance all the time............... Ive been running for about 4 months now, if thats what you where asking.....

did you see the link I posted???? the race is 10km there, wich imho is a bit harder than 10km flat on the street.............
thx a lot!!!
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-30-2010 , 03:45 PM
I didn't open the link. I noticed there's a good amount of running through creeks and other rough terrain? In that case, it might be more accurate, but will depend a lot on the course on how bad it is.

I'd try to keep your heart-rate closer to the 140 range. Eventually you'll end up going faster with the same heart-rate. What you are doing is probably fine to do once a week or so. In a race, you'll be keeping it at a higher rate. I'm not an expert on this, but I've seen a lot of advice about making sure training runs were at a comfortable pace. It's an easy mistake to go too fast when training. Tons of people who run 6-7 minute miles in races will run 10 minute miles when jogging. No need to go all out all of the time.
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-30-2010 , 04:28 PM
I am interested in running hills as I made a small bet with my friend that in 2 months I will be able to run up this very big and steep hill 5x w/in an hour. I think that if i was in top shape I'd be able to run up it in 5 mins and would take 3 mins to walk/jog down it. I can barely do it once now, what is the best way to start my training? So far I have been sprinting up and walking down the smaller hills next to it (there are about 4 in a row) and am trying to conquer those ones first.
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-30-2010 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by p-shootah
I am interested in running hills as I made a small bet with my friend that in 2 months I will be able to run up this very big and steep hill 5x w/in an hour. I think that if i was in top shape I'd be able to run up it in 5 mins and would take 3 mins to walk/jog down it. I can barely do it once now, what is the best way to start my training? So far I have been sprinting up and walking down the smaller hills next to it (there are about 4 in a row) and am trying to conquer those ones first.
Just practice. Maybe add some stairs if you can get a nice stairwell with 5 flights or so. Jog up slowly, then recover walking or slow jogging down. Repeat. If that's too hard, do smaller intervals where you only run halfway up, then walk down.
Melchor's Running Log Quote
06-30-2010 , 06:42 PM
awesome...thank you for the advice
Melchor's Running Log Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:19 AM
Im gonna update this thread to keep track of my training, Goal running at least 40km on a cross trail race..... and then going for longer distances(60/80kms)
Ill use a polar to give details of each day trained, thing is I can only use it when I run....

16th of april I ran my first race of the year on a 11km race, 75% trails and mountains and the rest on the street(sp), my time was 1h50min, FC max 196and med 162ppm, 2002 calories, going up 1h3 min and 46.47 going down.... half the race going up and then the rest goibng down, great race, scenary, staff, everything, ........ Ill post pics later......real happy with my performance as my goals where to finish the race at a pace I felt comfortable and not burn my self at the start, which happens to me while I train with my friends.......

training for this race for about a month...

this sunday was my 2nd race, 12 kms as well ,but on a different terrain, very swingy but nothing special...... ended up being around 11km with a time of 1h5m.... max 218 and med was 153ppm, I think the polar **** up tho, burning 1087 cal..... going 33.49secs and the 2nd part 31.51secs.......... not happy at all with this race, as I feel I should be doing a lot better...... but I have a long way to go, so no sweat........

my step brother who just finished his 2nd half iron man, will be planning my work outs and helping me out anyway he can, hes an engineer fwiw, so not a pro....... cool dude
Melchor's Running Log Quote
04-27-2011 , 12:30 AM
this week, monday went to the pool and did 900 meters on a 50meter long pool, got home and did crunches? for about 25 min and then rest all day(work). today I went for a small run just to get my legs going...
We call this circuit the downhill heres a link of the trail,
I love it, its around 7km long.....
my time today was 55.47 max of 172 and med of 147 ppm and burned 858 calories..... just what the doctor ordered

Melchor's Running Log Quote
04-27-2011 , 03:18 PM
today I just went for a swim, 1300 meters and 20 min abs..
Melchor's Running Log Quote
04-29-2011 , 05:30 AM
nothing for a few days, got a new tat done....
Melchor's Running Log Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Don Melchor
got a new tat done....
Nice! What did you get it to "remember"?
Melchor's Running Log Quote
04-30-2011 , 04:39 PM
Ill upload a few pics... its kinda big :P
Melchor's Running Log Quote
05-01-2011 , 02:49 PM

still need to go back to do a couple of things
Melchor's Running Log Quote
05-01-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Don Melchor
still need to go back to do a couple of things
Like a leg amputation and a fit for a prosthetic replacement?
Melchor's Running Log Quote
05-01-2011 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
Like a leg amputation and a fit for a prosthetic replacement?
that and I need my pipes cleaned.....
Melchor's Running Log Quote
05-01-2011 , 06:07 PM

Now that we got that out of the way, what's the story/background on the tat?
Melchor's Running Log Quote
05-04-2011 , 06:27 AM
just a polynesian tat.... I went for a quick run today, dont have my watch on me..... 45 min just to go out and feel the leg, couldnt wait to do something.........
Melchor's Running Log Quote
05-06-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Don Melchor
just a polynesian tat.... I went for a quick run today, dont have my watch on me..... 45 min just to go out and feel the leg, couldnt wait to do something.........
this sesh was max 184 med 151, 728cal

today I ran 1h9min max 199(fing polar) 158 med and 1167 cal burned..... nice Run uphill back down and back up again.... maybe around 7 or 8 kms
Melchor's Running Log Quote
