Nice analysis of a bunch of diff protein bars. Seems legit imo.
Tier 1 Lean Clean Powerhouses: Quest Bar, VPX Life Lift, Rise bar, Oatmega 3
Tier 2 Upper Echelon: VPX Zero Impact, ON Whey Crisp, Power Crunch, Green's + Protein
Tier 3 Travel Companions: Dymatize Elite, thinkThin, Detour Classic, Pure Protein, Detour Low Sugar, ProMax LS, Powerbar Protein Plus
Tier 4 Middle of Nowhere: Atkins Advantage, Doctor's CarbRite, Muscle Milk, Balance Bar, CLIF Builder's Bar, LUNA Protein, MetRX Protein Plus
Tier 5 The Nuclear Waste Zone/AKA Garbage: Supreme Protein, ISS Oh Yeah!, ABB Steel, ZonePerfect, EAS Lean 15, ProMax, EAS Myoplex 30, MetRX Big 100