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*** March LC Thread *** *** March LC Thread ***

03-25-2015 , 09:30 PM
Jesus biggerboat don't you have any imagination? Tell her you have a nephew dying of cancer who's a big fan of hers and ask for an autographed pic.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-25-2015 , 10:22 PM
For those playing along at home... Yep, just got an ultrasound on my pinky. According to the ultrasoundographer, yep, the ligament is "sprained or torn". So yep, I'm just going to keep ignoring it.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-25-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
"Hi boss. I've been telling some dudes on the poker forum that you're hot so they want to see a picture. So, could you pose for me in a bikini or something so I can post it on the internet?"
Did you check Facebook already?
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-25-2015 , 10:54 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking "In this age of technology, how can one not find a candid picture of their boss" ...but then I realised we are talking about biggerboat.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-25-2015 , 11:50 PM
Watched Broad City episode 1. Didn't really like it enough to consider watching a second episode. Does it get better?
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 02:23 AM
Lol snitch

My one coworker sees all the comedians in Phoenix when they come through. Says BC is good when it's good, average the rest of the time.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Watched Broad City episode 1. Didn't really like it enough to consider watching a second episode. Does it get better?
You could stop at episode 1, but then..

how will you make a graph of how the show is going?
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 03:48 AM
You guys will probably like this:

I'm editing some 2MR stuff and we were reviewing some red velvet based product. I do a quick summary of what constitutes red velvet, pause and finish with 'And fat girls love it.'

And we look at each other like 'that's true but we probably can't put that in the final cut because last time we put a comment about fat girls we had some people flip out on us.

So I go, 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that. In my experience, fat girls love it'

Won't make the final cut so I wanted to share it with somebody.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 04:00 AM
hhnnnngg red velvet cake is sooo gooood. does every red velvet cake come with cream cheese frosting? that's the one i get near my house and it's delish
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 04:22 AM
It's supposed to, yes. But a lot of 'red velvet' products we try have a pretty weak cream cheese frosting quality. The red velvet oreos did a pretty good job and were just overall super tasty. The M&M version was also somewhat close but just super tasty overall. the blizzard just kinda tasted like chocolate cake and ice cream. The sonic dessert was surprisingly good.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Yeah, I'm thinking "In this age of technology, how can one not find a candid picture of their boss" ...but then I realised we are talking about biggerboat.
I've looked. Nothing out there anywhere.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 09:17 AM
BB — Can't you get Apu on this? I can't believe it's not priority #1 given your lack of actual work to do.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 09:17 AM
SS: touche, lol

JF: how does red velvet cake ben & jerry's stack up to the other flavors?
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
You guys will probably like this:

I'm editing some 2MR stuff and we were reviewing some red velvet based product. I do a quick summary of what constitutes red velvet, pause and finish with 'And fat girls love it.'

And we look at each other like 'that's true but we probably can't put that in the final cut because last time we put a comment about fat girls we had some people flip out on us.

So I go, 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that. In my experience, fat girls love it'

Won't make the final cut so I wanted to share it with somebody.
I'd leave it in... just imagine the views if you could get going on tumblr! (Jezebel,, etc)
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 09:37 AM

That you were a former megafat and are just now discovering B&J is kind of confusing to me.

ETA: still open, brb
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore

That you were a former megafat and are just now discovering B&J is kind of confusing to me.

ETA: still open, brb
Yeah I was more of a goldfish + coke kinda guy.

When I'd have sweet it would be cookies & cream ice cream with oreos and pb mixed in and choc syrup on top.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 12:11 PM
That BTM was a megafat reminds me that two former fatties that must be applauded are him and rustybrooks. These guys fall under the radar because they don't really make the rounds in other logs and talk about their weightloss very often. But both guys have been able to keep it off.

Another dude that recently joined this 60+ lb weightloss group, is the former behemoth 300lb downtown who is now coming in at svelte sub230. Jordanesque for a 6'6"er. Will he be able to keep it off? Only time will tell.

It's also interesting that two of these guys lift and one doesn't. And the one who doesn't bikes. And he was DEXAd at UT Austin and came in at 6' 165 25% bodyfat. Kinda scary and tells you the importance of the Iron Game.

When donks ask about my weightloss, they are not very impressed by the numbers. 183 to 160. Think I have lost my mind. Sux because I consider myself a dieting and bodyfat expert.

I do have a student though. A 6'3 megafatty who I have down from 335 to 285. It's taking a long time but we are barely working on the laws of thermodynamics and fatty delusion. This guy swore to me that he gained weight on 2800 calories. Just swore and swore. Well we have been working together on and off the last 6 months. And I have worked him in the past. His body literally facking melts on 2400 daily calories. So I keep telling him are you sure you are only eating 2800 calories a day when I am not around? I kept telling him it's impossible and his maintenance is clearly in the mid 3000s even though he is sedentary. Guy was insane and just would laugh at me for claiming his maintenance was that high.

Well after being on the road for a while, he is finally fessing up. Finally telling me about the late night waffles dipped in peanut butter blow ups. The road trips where at the free hotel breakfast he would have 20 sausage links, three omelettes, four muffins and three OJs. There is zero doubt that to hit his high of 335 this guy has had many many many 8000+ cal days.

So that's been huge progress just to get him to understand that his body follows the law of thermodynamics. Slowly destroying his fatty delusion is working. We were coasting. Took him to an all you can eat buffet and he saw the light and logged a 1200 calorie meal. He considered it a blowup but I was like no, that's perfect. I shed a tear. A lot of my diet is buffets and I am a master of eating 800-1200 calories. So for him to get close was very encouraging.

Alas we had a setback last night. AYCE in vegas. I have talked about AYCE in the past. It's straight up the devil. I have major problems consuming less than 1500 calories. I usually stick to 1300 but wow it's hard. Some rice is wrapped under napkins and discarded.

Anyways, I thought he was ready. I told him the strategy. We were shooting for 1400 cals (one roll, maximum chicken/fish/sashimi and premium nigiri with possible rice dumping). He scoffed and said WTF, I am only eating 900 bro. I warned him AYCE is super easy to eat 2000+cals.

We got there and he started awesome. 2oz ribeye and 2oz new york. One roll (brutal 500kcals). I ordered a whole bunch of tuna poke and tuna salad and he followed suit. He started sweating profusely and that's when I started losing him. Jalapañe poppers? I told him oh, you are going to use a blowup day? That's fine, you can make this meal 1800 and overall for the day have 2800.

I completely lost him for the next 10 minutes. His eyes glazed over and he started ordering ramen noodles and more rolls. I lost it and asked him WTF he was doing, that he was on a crash course to a 4000 cal meal. He finally snapped out of it when the waiter came back to confirm the last order. He told me he didn't even realize what he had ordered. I was a super dickhead and said, sure sure.

We contained the damage to 2200 cals. I took a hit for the team and ate most of the jalapeño poppers and fried mayo infused bullshiet. I was furious inside and had a hard time keeping control.

My bad I thought he was ready for the AYCE sushi sub1500 cal meal. Nope. I need more time with him. We had conquered McDonald's. We had dominated a buffet. We had survived a mexican restaurant. But we lost to AYCE. This is almost a full time job. I am confident we would win this war vs food. But I just need more time but next week I leave for panama. I hope he can keep making progress by himself.

I applaud you rustybrooks and BTM.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 12:16 PM
Sorry my longest post ever. Did that real quick on my phone. So frustrating.
We going to the gym in a bit. The whole post reminds me that I need to take deep breaths and be less of an arsehole. He just makes me so mad. I was eating facking fried cream cheese jalapaño poppers topped with mayo for the love of facking ..... I truly lost it last night. I told him straight to his face as I was stuffing them in my mouth, "dude who the fack orders this shiet at a premium AYCE spot, look at the facking toro tuna on the board!!!!!!!"

Jalapeño poppers were okay though, tasty. I force ate 4, he had 1.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 12:27 PM
Good read. Also impressed that was on your phone. My phone posting is typically just short sentences.

Was not aware any of those three were previous fats.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 12:34 PM
It's also interesting that two of these guys lift and one doesn't. And the one who doesn't bikes. And he was DEXAd at UT Austin and came in at 6' 165 25% bodyfat. Kinda scary and tells you the importance of the Iron Game.
It was actually 174 at 25% but, yeah. It's not good. It might be a little better this year than last but I dunno. My legs are like giant solid tree trunks covered in blubber. I got down to 163 briefly last year, I'm currently at 171.

The plan is to start lifting again this summer. The obstacle is time and willpower. I've put more anaerobic time in this year than last, which might help some on it's own, I dunno.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
Good stuff loco, good stuff.

I lost 60 lbs once (fat 220 to skinny-fat 160), do I get to be part of the club? I have pictures of me looking like a marshmallow to prove it anyone is interested, lol.

I'm sure Cha thinks that with regular lifting 220 won't be fatsville for me but I'm sub 185 atm and no one would call me ripped. Just not fat or skinny-fat at least.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 02:30 PM
I'm in the 60 lb club but mostly because I force fed my way to fat wannabe powerlifter status. It sure was fun though
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 02:32 PM
I didn't bring enough for lunch today so I ate about 1350cals of almonds at my desk. Time to balloon back up to fatty status.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
I didn't bring enough for lunch today so I ate about 1350cals of almonds at my desk. Time to balloon back up to fatty status.
We moved into a new office about a month ago. They have a vending service now, which means that snack cupboards (and there are many of them) are always full, and not with random pseudo-healthfood, but with everything.

Like, within sight of me, there is a filing cabinet sized drawer full of peanut m&ms. And several more full of every kind of chips. The "healthy" ones have oatmeal and breakfast bar nonsense.

If I skip or am late for lunch it's really hard not to eat 1k cal of peanut M&Ms.

ETA: the place I work is called "MapMyFitness" but after our move I suggested they change it to "MapMyFatness". Denied.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
03-26-2015 , 03:11 PM
I'm not planning to get fat. But if I did I am pretty sure it would be by eating thousands of calories of almonds.

FakeB & BtM really need to come out with a book on how to make eating sound, at best, not completely awful. I guess it'd have an entire chapter on Ben & Jerry's and another on donuts, but the rest would be cold, unappetizing meats, flavorless carbs, and possibly nothing resembling a "proper" meal.
*** March LC Thread *** Quote
