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03-24-2012 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
no, it's not. I fail to see a reason it should be.
i used to press more like you. i'd take a huge breath, let my rib cage, expand, and basically "cheat" the very bottom ROM out of the lift. see here:

then i started using a more dynamic start. if you try to keep the bar away from your body and use a dynamic start, it will drop to your collarbones anyway, so you might as well just let it settle and make contact.

i imagine some people, based on arm dimensions, would be very foolish to press without the bar in contact with the body. if it takes any sort of effort to keep the bar up there, it's wasting energy.
03-24-2012 , 09:41 PM
fml that's a sexy press
03-24-2012 , 10:59 PM
i agree that if you can naturally rest it anywhere, do it, but i can't without putting myself at a disadvantage. The way I press I start in a mechanically better position than I would if I rested it on my shoulders or clavicles. Call it cheating if you wish.

Since switching to this style of press, it's improved substantially.
03-24-2012 , 11:22 PM
Miles - what exactly is the cheating part in that first video you posted? I don't see it, looks just like you press it up normally, but I have a very unperceptive eye.

On second thought, I'm really confused by this whole conversation.
03-24-2012 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by DWarrior
Just bought an 80lb vest. About to walk home with it.

Originally Posted by SiQ
p90x convos are the best. i tell a friend who's doing it he'd probably be better off doing sets of pullsups/pushsups and going swimming, and if he wants to get strong lift progressively heavier things, and he gets pretty defensive.

on a different note a kid i know who's in the air force right now has been hitting the gym for 2-3 years hard mega bro-ing it up. his form is horrible and he refuses to believe anyone (like rippetoe, wendler, etc) could possibly know more than his bro who just got a PT cert. and thinks squatting is bad for your knees.
he deadlifts with the bar like 3-4" away from shins, i've told him this was bad - yesterday tells me his shins were bruised from DLing and I was proud until he told me "it's only because the weight was so heavy" - i told him well do you see why you should keep it by your shins? if that's what happens with heavy weight you should probably do it with ligher weight... his exact words:
"i believe keeping the weights off your shins means you have more control of the weight as opposed to having your shins assist with the lift" and then "difference between bodybuilder and weightlifter... you should google it... bro"
03-24-2012 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Miles - what exactly is the cheating part in that first video you posted? I don't see it, looks just like you press it up normally, but I have a very unperceptive eye.

On second thought, I'm really confused by this whole conversation.
the ROM is shorter because the bar starts a bit higher.
03-25-2012 , 12:23 AM
My new shades:

RB3183 004/82 (Gunmetal frame, Polarize Gray Mirror Silver Gradient)

Last edited by DWarrior; 03-25-2012 at 12:28 AM.
03-25-2012 , 12:29 AM
I thought I was the only one who thought Hershey's sucks. I usually keep it to myself.

I don't think Ameritards care about % in chocolate, only when I buy Euro chocolate does it have %

I've found that I almost exclusively like the lower % stuff
03-25-2012 , 12:31 AM
Meet results(probably go more in depth with pics tomorrow in my log)
Better day for me than expected going in, but nowhere near where I should have been. Super excited with how well Kayle did. She ended up weighing in at 76.1 kg, so just missed her 75 kg expected class. Still should be state records since there aren't any in that weight/age class.
Squat: 190 kg, 200 kg, 207.5 kg-fail
Bench: 115 kg, 125 kg, 130 kg-fail
DL: 190 kg, 200 kg, 212.5 kg-fail

Daughter (14yo)
Squat: 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg
Bench: 30 kg, 35 kg, 40 kg-fail
DL: 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg
03-25-2012 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I thought I was the only one who thought Hershey's sucks. I usually keep it to myself.

I don't think Ameritards care about % in chocolate, only when I buy Euro chocolate does it have %

I've found that I almost exclusively like the lower % stuff
It's nut low chocolate, but it's still chocolate. If someone offers it, I'll still take some, but I don't think I've ever bought it myself.
03-25-2012 , 01:40 AM
wtf is this usa =/= #1 talk... hersheys is fine
03-25-2012 , 01:58 AM
giradelli is overrated, imo
03-25-2012 , 02:10 AM
I made giradelli brownies from a box recently and they were damn good though
03-25-2012 , 02:47 AM
People using 'inbox' as a verb on facebook irritates me. Thatisall.
03-25-2012 , 03:08 AM
Hershey's is pure aids.
03-25-2012 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by skeletor121
Meet results(probably go more in depth with pics tomorrow in my log)
Better day for me than expected going in, but nowhere near where I should have been. Super excited with how well Kayle did. She ended up weighing in at 76.1 kg, so just missed her 75 kg expected class. Still should be state records since there aren't any in that weight/age class.
Squat: 190 kg, 200 kg, 207.5 kg-fail
Bench: 115 kg, 125 kg, 130 kg-fail
DL: 190 kg, 200 kg, 212.5 kg-fail

Daughter (14yo)
Squat: 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg
Bench: 30 kg, 35 kg, 40 kg-fail
DL: 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg

Well done man! What sort of PR's did you post?

Awesome effort by your daughter as well. I really hope my son naturally gets into lifting as he grows up. Certainly dont want to be one of those parents with the insanity & insistence, but if he signs up of his own free will it will be excellent.
03-25-2012 , 03:28 AM
I weigh less than your daughter and my bench is at least 5 kilos higher

Suck it, father of the year
03-25-2012 , 03:36 AM
Only set a meet PR in bench. The failed lifts would have been PRs.

Spenda: I wouldn't be proud of the fact that you weigh less than a 14 yo girl.
03-25-2012 , 06:02 AM
got hemorrhoids for first time ever, they were pretty terrible (painful to sit down) for about three days and I stopped lifting, but they appear to have gone away nearly completely this morning. I am afraid to lift again so soon, maybe they come out to visit again? Should I wait a week?
03-25-2012 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
i used to press more like you

Originally Posted by DWarrior
My new shades:

Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue
I thought I was the only one who thought Hershey's sucks. I usually keep it to myself.

I don't think Ameritards care about % in chocolate, only when I buy Euro chocolate does it have %

I've found that I almost exclusively like the lower % stuff
This means you're a chocolate noob according to the pros. I like really dark chocolate (70%) as well, but would agree that lower % is generally better. Especially for mass consumption.

Originally Posted by skeletor121
Meet results(probably go more in depth with pics tomorrow in my log)
Solid work by both, looking forward to the log
03-25-2012 , 06:23 AM
LOL@ "really dark" being around 70%

86% at least for me, brah

90% if I decide to live on the edge
03-25-2012 , 06:26 AM
I bought 96% once, it was total crap. give me a snickers and Im happy
03-25-2012 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by cobrastatus
LOL@ "really dark" being around 70%

86% at least for me, brah

90% if I decide to live on the edge
lol, I guess...I think anything above 80% tastes pretty crappy. Just too bitter and dry (or something). I tell myself it's because I'm a super taster, and we super tasters don't like bitter things.
03-25-2012 , 10:34 AM
Even usa#1tards can't in good conscience defend Hershey's chocolate. However, some of their non-chocolate stuff is not bad.

For eg: Cookies n Creme

Since I eat a bar of chocolate everyday (relax brah, it's PWO), I've tasted pretty much all of the standard Lindt, Ghiradelli, Godiva offerings i.e. those available at chain pharmacies and supermarkets.

Some current recommendations:

If you want to go darker, but find 85%+ pure too bitter, try the Ghiradelli Intense Dark Toffee Interlude (darkish chocolate, crunchy toffee and caramelized almonds) or the Lindt truffles/bar with 60% cacao.

If you like more of the milk chocolate stuff, the Lindt double-milk is pretty good, as are the lower cacao Lindor truffles (milk, dark, stracciatella).

For real dark, the Lindt 85% and 90% are standard, and the Ghiradelli 86% is nice as well.

Remember, Chad Waterbury recommends dark chocolate for fat loss (ANTIOXIDANTS), strength gains (NEUROTRANSMITTERS), sex drive (PHENYLALANINE), and probably even reduced motor accidents. Plus it fits milesdyson's food-color-goodness rule.

ETA:I should contribute this to the Optimal Alertness thread.
03-25-2012 , 11:00 AM
+1 to Lindt, they also make some good marzipan products covered in dark chocolate. Vosges, is another brand that is pretty easy to find. In addition to standard dark and light chocolates, they have flavored ones, including two with bacon in it.

Have your dark chocolate with a glass of milk. Rather than chewing it, let it melt in your mouth. Dark chocolate also goes good with bourbon.
