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Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log

10-13-2009 , 12:08 AM
Background: 22 years old, 5’10, 190-194 lbs depending on the day. I was a highly competitive tennis player from ages 12-19, 6 days a week all year round, traveling 3 out of 4 weekends a month to tournaments. Was very highly ranked in my region, played in junior national competitions, etc. Played at a top tier D3 program, but ended up quitting mid way through my sophomore year as I was sick of playing 2-3 hours a day, 6 days a week year round. I only enjoyed the competition, and the fun had been lost from the practicing and training. Worked out off and on in the gym over the course of my next 2 years in college, but never lifting free weights –actively avoided them as a tennis player, coaches constantly advocating specific cross training exercises, foot work drills, etc. over the “bulking and injury prone nature of free weights” that would hurt my athleticism and flexibility for tennis (/big eye roll now)

As a result from all the tennis training, I have a slightly skewed muscle dynamic. My quads, thighs, calves, and upper mid section/core are all still pretty strong even two years away from competition – but my lower back and upper body/arms are horribly lacking behind. I never developed the muscles because they weren’t needed for top level tennis playing (sounds strange, but core muscles relied on much more then arm strength, just wrist/elbow rotation and snap).

Anyways, 2 of my closest friend really got into body building our senior year of high school, each putting on roughly 30+ lbs of mass in a year. They continued to lift religiously all through college, and seeing where they are now has me relatively jealous. I used to consider myself very athletic and tennis competition fit, but this doesn’t necessarily mean I was strong nor looking muscular. So last month to start lifting (same time as starting my job). Spent about a couple sessions with both of them teaching me and watching my technique (both are avid rippetoe/SS supporters) for some of the basic lifts; DLs, squats, bench, press. Wanting to further my knowledge I started lurking these forums, reading logs, reading stickies, reading stuff on rippetoe/watching his vids. While I’d say I have some understanding of form, I’d readily admit I’m obviously still a novice at this.

Getting to the point, I figured I’d start a log. Having a regular place to post and track my progression will definitely help me reach my goals (not that I’ve decided on what they are to be yet), as well as get some criticism on what I’m doing. I’d say I think my ideal weight is somewhere in the 180-190 range, and I’d like to get to <15% body fat (I’m probably around 18-20% now).

I’ve spent the past few weeks starting with very low weights and building up 10 lbs a session, with a focus hopefully on technique. I see the weightlifting game as a long term race, not a short sprint – I’m trying to slowly climb to my 5rm, all while making sure to do what I can to limit my injury risk.
I’ve also tried to work hard on adjusting my eating habits to 5-6 smaller meals a day instead of the classic 3 a day stuff. I’ll be posting my meals as well. Everything up for criticism and suggestions!

Here’s what I’ve been doing; I know the standard response will be “just stick to the SS plan”, I’ve needed to adjust it to fit my needs.

1) I’m used to working out every day of the week, and I have found (even ove the previous three weeks) that the day on/day off schedule more often then not leads to day on/day off/day off/day on/etc.. basically, routine breaks down quickly. Even if it’s just cardio, or more flexibility/rotational/light resistance work, I really need to be doing something.

2) I workout during my lunch hour at work, giving me roughly 45 minutes (including warm up/stretch out after). I know this is not ideal at all from my own personal history of working out, but I’m just too mentally frustrated by my job to workout after. I tried coming in an hour early to workout the first week, and it just killed my sleep schedule/recovery. Still trying to maintain a healthy social life, as well as put in 1-2 hrs of poker per day once I’m home from the 9-5. While this does restrict what I can and cannot do, I’m trying to maximize my time within the given parameters.

3) The other reason to workout on the off days is to try and focus on some upper body muscle groups that are waaaay behind. No, I don’t want to be one of those curl monkeys, but I am currently unable to do even one pullup. Sets of 20 pushups at a time are hard (Yet I can crunch 45s very easily).

Here’s been the plan
MWF: Warmup, Squat, DL, Bench Press/Press
T/TH: Warmup, rowing/running cardio, Some combination of DB curls, press, tricep work (skull crushers, pulldowns), ab work. Still working this out.

Ok, here’s today:

5 min warmup on elliptical, 500m rowing @ 2:21

x8 95
x8 115
x8 135
x8 165
2x8 185

x8 95
x8 115
x8 135
x8 155
2x8 175

Bench Press (time for some LOLz)
X8 65
X8 85
2x8 95

10 Min stretch out

Notes: Bench is still super crap. The difference in strength capability and balance/control between my left arm and right arm is staggering the more I think about it. I will def get a video of this the next chance I get – my left arm practically quakes/wrist hurts while my right arm doesn’t feel strained at all when doing this.


710: 2 egg omelet w/ steak, provolone, peppers, onions

10: banana and PB

1245: apple and pb, turkey sandwich w/ mustard and American on lite rye bread

Snacked on a cup of wasabi roasted almonds over the course of the work day, + 80oz of water.

515: sword fish with a couple shrimp, mashed sweat potatoes, half a loaf of garlic bread, salad.

9: about a fist size serving of white chicken bean chili with a slice of lite rye bread. Another 24oz of water since work ended.

And now for the critiquing! Took these vids last wed/thurs.





Have some thoughts of my own as to things that need improving, but curious to hear some responses/comments first - even if all that comes to mind is "SS works, don't change the plan".
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-13-2009 , 12:28 AM
Looks like you are doing a high bar squat, if your friends are doing SS properly they should have taught you low bar. It also looks like your knees are coming forward at the bottom of the squat which is apparently a bad thing.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-13-2009 , 12:34 AM
Squat deeper for sure
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-13-2009 , 12:37 AM
Squats are partial leg presses at the moment.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-13-2009 , 12:46 AM
You'll find this useful for your DL start position:
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-13-2009 , 07:31 AM
Looks like you are doing a high bar squat, if your friends are doing SS properly they should have taught you low bar.
Yea, forgot to mention this when I typed it up. They had started me with the low bar positioning, but it felt incredibly awkward on my shoulders/scapula (sp?). I probably just need to man up, drop back down and work on it.

As far as long term effects, is low bar significantly better than high bar?

Squat deeper for sure
Squats are partial leg presses at the moment.
It also looks like your knees are coming forward at the bottom of the squat which is apparently a bad thing.
Was thinking that might be the case. At the lower weight (135) it looks like I was getting parallel/deeper much more often then the 185 (where I'm not getting below parallel/just barely there). I'll drop back some weight in my next session, take some new vid, and focus on getting deeper.

You'll find this useful for your DL start position
Good stuff. One question I have - I notice in many posts about vids, people keep mentioning addressing the bar/setting the grip without bending your knees. From the look in my video and just how I feel, I'm not sure I can stretch that far down yet (at the moment) without a little knee bend (hamstrings need more flexibility).

I thought I was (at least) keeping my back relatively proper/not rounding - yes/no? Will do the set up steps on wednesday.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-13-2009 , 11:21 PM

5 min warmup eliptical + 500m@2:49 on erg

DB Curl
x8 15
x8 20
2x8 25

Tricep Pulldown
x8 65
x8 75
x8 85
2x8 95

DB Skull crushers
2x8 15
x8 20 (some struggle)

DB Press
x8 15
x8 20
2x8 25

Incline crunches
x8 bw
x8 10
x8 20
2x8 25

10 min slow stretch out

710 banana and pb

1030 half a homemade chef salad; mixed greens, cucumbers, carrots, bean sprouts, broccoli slices of rolled up turkey/roast beef/provolone, with some rice vinegar as dressing

1245 (PWO) Full version of the chef salad + apple with a whole lot of PB. Handful of wasabi covered almonds (~ 40 oz of water by this point)

330 tried to have the other half of the chef salad from 1030, and realized there was no more protein .. so F that shaz and...

515 all you can eat honey mustard and honey BBQ wings at the greatest wing place with friends from home - probably about 14 of these breaded bad boys. Yes, overindulgence.

1030 bout half a grilled chicken breast, still stuffed from 515.

Notes: Workout was decent. Trying the DB skullcrushers as the disparity between my left/right arm is enough that using a BB causes some serious wobbling problems - similarly to my bench my left arm will be all over the place while my right is fine. I'm not sure how to try and fix this imbalance any faster then just slowly working up as my left arm strengthens, because if I start lifting +15-20lbs on my right it's just going to increase the gap I have. Thoughts?

Printed up the starting notes for placement of DLs to take with me tomorrow. Going to drop down to about 135 to work on the tech, same with the squats. More vids to come!
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-14-2009 , 09:24 PM

Relatively quick workout today, had to get back for a meeting so cut my reps/weight short, just wanted to get the video for more comments on form.

5 min eliptical, 500m@ 2:43

x5 95
x5 115
4x5 (or 4?) 135 (was trying to get a few angles/views, see what worked best)

x5 95
x5 115
2x5 135

Stretch out for about 10 minutes.

710 am about half a chicken breast, banana and pb

1015: half a turkey/roast beef with provolone, lettuce, mustard on lite rye

1245 (PWO): salad with mixed greens, cranberries, goat cheese, walnuts, and maybe a full chicken breast, apple and PB

310 ( was hungry): finished the other half of the sandwich, 2 tbsp peanut butter

~52oz of water over the course of the work day

530-now: some snacking on grilled chicken, about to go make an actual meal. Def too long between eating, oops.

Here's the vids:

DL 135;

I printed up the link you suggested, only to promptly forget it before I walked down to the gym. I tried to do what I could remember - halfway over feet, reach down without dropping hips, try and pull with chest, don't move bar - and I think it helped my form get closer to having the lift be directly vertical. Thoughts?

SQ 135: (still high bar, I know)

Vid 1 (crappy angle):

Vid 2 (better angle:

So it looks like my knees are still pending/moving forward at the bottom, and I'm not exactly sure how to fix this. I thought I was doing better about getting to/below parallel.

From the "Squats are partial leg presses at the moment. ", I'm curious as to what's indicating that to you - are you saying they have some partial leg press in them, or are just standing leg presses? I just want to be able to identify what to look for/change.

I will note that I don't particularly feel the squats in my hamstrings, but more in my quad/thighs. Is this due to high bar vs. low bar setting? I'm not sure if it's just due to my quads being that much more developed and my body is just using them/compensating because of all my years in a semi squat position for tennis.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:07 AM
why aren't you doing ss programming
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-15-2009 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Parlay Slow
why aren't you doing ss programming
"1) I’m used to working out every day of the week, and I have found (even ove the previous three weeks) that the day on/day off schedule more often then not leads to day on/day off/day off/day on/etc.. basically, routine breaks down quickly. Even if it’s just cardio, or more flexibility/rotational/light resistance work, I really need to be doing something.

3) The other reason to workout on the off days is to try and focus on some upper body muscle groups that are waaaay behind. No, I don’t want to be one of those curl monkeys, but I am currently unable to do even one pullup. Sets of 20 pushups at a time are hard (Yet I can crunch 45s very easily)."

Those are the main two reasons. Whereas I originally had said I would squat/DL/bench on mwf, I think I'm going to use the SS programming for those three days, so switch between A/B.

The reason I'm not doing the every other day workout is a) My gym is in the building I work, about 45-hour round trip driving, and I'm not going to travel that far during my free time to lift. I'll do light cardio, crunches, pushups, tennis, etc. on the weekend, but I'm not to keen about making the hour round trip, and b) the two points I made above. To consistently be making sure I'm in the gym for the SS days, I need to be in on the "off" days doing something - I've chosen mainly upper body work for that for the time being, although it may quickly change to flexibility work and cardio once my lifts get to the point of exhausting me.

I'm hoping by your not commenting on it that the SQ/DL tech was looking better?
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:25 AM

Saw this posted in another thread watched it again - big doh on my behalf about the leg press comment. Starting to better understand.

More vids to come tomorrow - hopefully with improved bar placement too.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:26 PM

5 min eliptical, 500m@3:05

DB Curl
x10 15
x10 20
x10 25
2x5 30

Tricep pulldown
x8 65
x8 75
x8 85
x8 95
2x5 90

DB Skull crushers
x8 10
2x8 15

Rows (first time)
x8 65
2x8 85

Forgot to stretch out (doh)

Notes: Like the DB skull crushers more than the BB, able to do them without worrying about my left arm wobbling. Large difference in diificulty between left and right arm curling, left is pretty damn hard to do 2x5 30s, right felt solid, probably could be at 35-40.

Looking forward to squatting tomorrow, focusing on depth, as well as DL footwork. Maybe some more vids. In doing some more reading about squatting I'm not sure if I will adjust to the low bar tech - I tried messing around with the placement today and it was just painful/awkward (arms/shoulders apparently not super flexible).

Watch Dave Tate's bench press video, going to try a couple things out, hoping that helps cause my bench bloooows.

And yes, the set numbers for rows and skullcrushers is ****ed; building up small, not enough weight between my max and 15 lb DBs for the skullcrushers to warmup (use the tricep pulldown for that). Rows will definitely space out in weight faster.

EDIT: In thinking about end of the year goals, I had originally set numbers, but in thinking a little longer I'm less concerned with those and more about generally getting fit for life, developing proper eating and working out habits, etc.

The one goal I really do want though; Be able to do 5 pullups. Never been able to do even one.


7am open face BLT with a slice of american cheese
multivitamins and fish oil

1015 banana and BP

1245 home made salad with cranberries, walnuts, goat cheese, about breast and a half of chicken

only 45oz of water at work

530: another of the above salads

1030 another open face BLT, a couple bites of chicken.

Last edited by Madmaniac21; 10-15-2009 at 11:39 PM.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
10-17-2009 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Madmaniac21
"1) I’m used to working out every day of the week, and I have found (even ove the previous three weeks) that the day on/day off schedule more often then not leads to day on/day off/day off/day on/etc.. basically, routine breaks down quickly. Even if it’s just cardio, or more flexibility/rotational/light resistance work, I really need to be doing something.

3) The other reason to workout on the off days is to try and focus on some upper body muscle groups that are waaaay behind. No, I don’t want to be one of those curl monkeys, but I am currently unable to do even one pullup. Sets of 20 pushups at a time are hard (Yet I can crunch 45s very easily)."

Those are the main two reasons. Whereas I originally had said I would squat/DL/bench on mwf, I think I'm going to use the SS programming for those three days, so switch between A/B.

The reason I'm not doing the every other day workout is a) My gym is in the building I work, about 45-hour round trip driving, and I'm not going to travel that far during my free time to lift. I'll do light cardio, crunches, pushups, tennis, etc. on the weekend, but I'm not to keen about making the hour round trip, and b) the two points I made above. To consistently be making sure I'm in the gym for the SS days, I need to be in on the "off" days doing something - I've chosen mainly upper body work for that for the time being, although it may quickly change to flexibility work and cardio once my lifts get to the point of exhausting me.

I'm hoping by your not commenting on it that the SQ/DL tech was looking better?
I have to admit being completely confused by your explanations. I zoned out entirely when you started talking about the distance from your house to the gym as a reason you have to do skull crushers on recovery days. I didn't watch any of your videos.
Madmaniac21 Get Fit/Adapted SS Log Quote
