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<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log <3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log

12-04-2010 , 01:07 AM
From today:

Cleans- Doubles @ 155, Singles @ 170
Box Squat- 200x6x2 against monster-minis
DB Forward Lunges- 60x2x8/side
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-07-2010 , 09:22 PM
Winter Blues = dark times

from Saturday-

Speed Bench- 140x6x3, 60s rest
Push Press- 135x3x6
BB Row- 185x2x6, 205x6

Had to cut wo short so I stopped after that.

Missed yesterday's workout and I'm just merging the 4 day split into 3 days this week

From today-

Deadlift- Just some conventional singles, up to 345--really easy. This is the first time I've pulled conventional from the floor in ~8 weeks.

Box Squat- Up to 275x1

Push Press- 145x3, 155x3
BB Row- 215x3, 235x3
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-09-2010 , 08:57 PM
Deload continues

DB Bench- 140x2x12, 150x12
Weighted Chins- BW+35x6, BW+40x2x6
1-Arm Cable Row- 35x3x10
Back Extensions- BW+45x3x8
External Rotations
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-10-2010 , 10:08 PM
More deload

Hang Cleans- 155x2x2

Squat- 275x2x2--first time I've free squatted in a long while--the next phase calls for free squats so I just wanted to get used to being back under the bar--weight was pretty easy

Speed Bench- 135x4x3, then up to 225X1

Cable Row, External Rotations, Stretching, etc
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-13-2010 , 09:11 PM
Squat- 260x2x2, 275x3x3, 255x3 (pretty easy, going to have doms like a mother****** tomorrow--this is the most volume i've done in like 3 months)

Barbell Forward Lunges- 65x3x6/side, 75x2x6/side (way harder than i thought it'd be, though i was already sore as **** from squatting)

Reach, Roll, Lift- 3x8/side

KB Swangz- 1px3x8
Cable Woodchops- 2x8/side

<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-16-2010 , 05:23 AM
Push Press- 145x3, 155x3x3, 160x2x3
Weighted Neutral Grip Pullups- BW+50x3, BW+60x2x3, BW+65x3x3
1-Arm Rotational Row- 3 sets
1-Arm DB Bench- 2 sets

Other stuff
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-19-2010 , 12:01 AM
Missed yesterday's workout because I saw Jerry Seinfeld.

Combined lower/upper workout

Rack Pulls- 365x4x3, 385x3 (lol grip strength)
DB Split Squats from Deficit- 35x8/side, 50x2x8/side
DB Rows- 105x2x8/side, 110x8/side
GHR- BWx1x6 -- lower as slowly as possible (like 5s per rep)
DB Pullovers

Abs, Cuban Presses, Stretching
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-20-2010 , 10:13 PM
Push Press- 155x2x3, 165x2x3, 185x1 (WR)
Neutral Grip Pullups- BW+60x2x3, BW+70x2x3, BW+85x1
1 Arm Rotational Row- 3 sets
DB Bench- 150x8, 160x8

Other stuff
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-21-2010 , 06:42 AM
congrats on the WR. very nice pullups also. what program are you doing right now?
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-21-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
congrats on the WR. very nice pullups also. what program are you doing right now?
Thanks -- I'm doing a bastardized version of Eric Cressey's Show-and-Go.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-21-2010 , 10:12 PM
Squats- 265x2x3, 275x3x3 (rage, rage, rage for not doing these for a long time - however i set my programming in the future i need to be squatting at least 2x/week)

KB Swangz- 60x3x10 (idk why the **** my gym has a 60lb kb)

Cable Woodchops
Reach, Roll, Lift

Pullups and Pushups in some aidstastic attempt at a complex.

whole lot of fail today
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-23-2010 , 11:23 PM
Clap Pushups- BW+4x4
Reverse Band Bench (using orange bandz, these are the light tension - my bandz are elitefts)- Some triples @ 255, singles @ 285, single @ 300, fail @ 315
DB Rows- 110x4x8/side

Cuban Presses
DB Pullovers
Triceps Extensions

Should note that I nearly shat my pants midway through my workout and had to take an extended bathroom break - had little energy afterwards. This occurred after my first single @ 285 and after my 3rd set of rows.

Last edited by <3_Tha_Grind; 12-23-2010 at 11:28 PM.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-23-2010 , 11:34 PM
TMI imo
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-24-2010 , 12:37 AM
Been there done that
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-24-2010 , 12:39 AM
Yeah, it's no fun.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-24-2010 , 05:18 AM
biiiiiig sharts
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-24-2010 , 09:14 AM
I find weighted reverse hypers to be extremely shart inducing
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:39 AM
Missed my last workout of last week/yesterday's workout with life stuff and I was also feeling a bit sick, so today was a bit of a mixed bag -- I'm trying to get as caught up as possible this week though.

Pretty terrible workout today.

Rack Pulls- 385x2x1, 405x4x1 lol @ my grip - these were much harder than they should be and its b/c of my grip, FAIL FAIL FAIL

Close Grip Floor Press- 185x3x3, 195x3x3

Neutral Grip Pullups- BW+60x3x3, BW+70x2x3

1-Arm DB Bench- 60x2x8/side

GHR- 1x6, lower as slowly as possible

1-Arm Cable Rotational Row s/s Kneeling Tall Cable Lift
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-29-2010 , 09:42 PM
Realized that cramming a bunch of workouts into today/Friday is dumb so I just did random stuff today, will do random stuff Friday, and then just pick up from the beginning of the week next Tuesday.

Bench- Up to 235x1 - this was pretty easy, I failed @ 245 about midway up.

Bunch of Triceps stuff (Tate Presses, Triceps Extensions, Triceps Pushdowns)
Cable Rows

Sort of in a funk and have been for the last few weeks. I must say that I don't particularly care for this program - at least with respect to lower body programming. I feel as if I've stalled on squats for sure and probably on deadlifts. Upper body programming is fine. I have a general idea of what my programming will look like once I'm done with this - I just don't know if I should cut the program off right now, or at least let it run through. (I have 6 weeks left)
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-04-2011 , 01:17 AM
Switching up my programming. Show and Go just wasn't working for me -- not enough squatting, not enough pulling.

Deadlifted today. Nothing of note, just wanted to get back in the groove before I start my next training cycle. Weight felt much heavier than it should have.

Also did speed squats against light bands. Gonna do these exclusively to a box I think.

DB Rows- 18 reps each side w/ 100. Gonna try for 20 reps/side with 100 and then add weight.

Ended w/ some curls, kb swings, abs.

I'll post in more detail what I plan on doing either later tonight or tomorrow.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-04-2011 , 10:55 PM
Bench- 165x6x6. Probably should've done some volume workouts prior to jumping right into Smolov, but w/e.

JM Press- 135x3x5. Feeling these out, unsure how I will program them. I like the movement, though.

Chins, Pushups, (Orange) Band Pushdowns- 2x12 each

Swole city, brah.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-07-2011 , 09:44 PM

Smolov Bench #2- 175x7x5

Chest Supported Rows

Shoulders all beat up yesterday, couldn't really get loose.


Squat- Heavy singles. Squats felt super weird/not good. I anticipate it taking another few weeks to feel comfortable under the bar again.

Leg Press
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-08-2011 , 04:28 PM
got these haters mad
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-08-2011 , 04:43 PM

Do I need to react, do I need to call my troops?
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-08-2011 , 04:54 PM
oh man just caught a lol in that vid. @2:40. dude in the white coat.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
