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Loco's Metabolic Overtraining log (Phase complete) Loco's Metabolic Overtraining log (Phase complete)

09-13-2012 , 03:48 PM
re: Creatine - its like 30 cents a serving. no reason to not take it
re: beef - just picked up 11lbs of grass fed 85/15
09-13-2012 , 03:52 PM
My folks used to get like 90/10 or 95/5 or whatever the leanest stuff is. 85/15 is a pretty elite combination imo.

Maybe I'll stop taking the 'tine and see if my hair stops falling out.
09-13-2012 , 03:58 PM
I use 90/10 for burgers and add eggs when I make them myself. Better than 80/20 imo, especially when you add cheese and stuff anyway.
09-13-2012 , 04:05 PM
^ this guy knows what he's talking about.
09-13-2012 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
grass fed 85/15

How much did that run you? I'd buy grass fed at like 1.25x the price of grain fed, but I assume it is actually a lot more than that. Might be because the only place I see it is Whole Foods.
09-13-2012 , 05:57 PM
it was on sale at WF for $5/lb I have no idea what the price of standard ground beef is.
09-13-2012 , 06:24 PM
Huh that's not cheap per se, but I'd probably pull the trigger on that too.
09-13-2012 , 07:33 PM
80/20 normal ground beef been on sale for 2.99/lb at my store this week, been making all sorts of burgers
09-13-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
re: Creatine - its like 30 cents a serving. no reason to not take it
lol, yeah no reason not to take it except for that whole thing where the majority of people who do take it are losing their hair.

are you reading the thread dawg?

Last edited by EmptyThaClip; 09-13-2012 at 10:18 PM. Reason: how much is it per serving when you adjust for hair plugs
09-13-2012 , 11:01 PM
already balding, might as well get hooj
09-13-2012 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by EmptyThaClip
lol, yeah no reason not to take it except for that whole thing where the majority of people who do take it are losing their hair.

are you reading the thread dawg?

Case closed.

Last edited by HalfSlant; 09-14-2012 at 12:00 AM.
09-14-2012 , 01:12 AM
TBH if i didn't have such natural rockstar hair I'd be all about the creatine... by all estimations I'll be balding pretty soon though and then it's all creatine all the time.
09-14-2012 , 03:57 AM
Well, I started losing some hair in my late 20s. After that it's not really changed at all though, so no need to panic if your hair line recedes a bit
09-14-2012 , 03:51 PM
Took more of the 'tine today. Felt a little stronger but not like the first time.

4x10 195

I have a video of this I'll post later on youtube. The first few sets were super easy and I might be able to get 15-20 reps but my form started deteriorating by set4. Going to stay at this weight at least another weak (LOL, typo but not really).

Dimel Deadlift
3x10 155

Easy but need to do a video check form with my Coach before I move up

Hyperextensions 3x15 bw+15 easy, need to move up

Supinated lat pulldowns
3x15 120

Cables Rows
2x20 80

I have a video of this also. I am using pretty strict form but will be going back to my old form eventually. A slight 15 degree angle when doing back has been shown to activate the lats more

Wide grip pulldowns

Inverted Rows

Decent workout.
09-14-2012 , 04:21 PM

Still a wimp and still working on form, but it's okay because I am still fixing a bunch of muscle inbalances I have. Doing partial squats over the years left me with untrained add/abductors and glutes. I was on a highway straight to snap city.
09-14-2012 , 04:35 PM
Link doesn't work imo.
09-14-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
80/20 normal ground beef been on sale for 2.99/lb at my store this week, been making all sorts of burgers
A five pound 80/20 club pack is normally 1.99/lb around me, great if you have a G4S appetite.
09-14-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by loco

Still a wimp and still working on form, but it's okay because I am still fixing a bunch of muscle inbalances I have. Doing partial squats over the years left me with untrained add/abductors and glutes. I was on a highway straight to snap city.

Also form looks totally fine to me. Can't really see any major flaws.
09-14-2012 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken

Also form looks totally fine to me. Can't really see any major flaws.

Thanks bro. And also, I messed up the weight since I was supposed to load 195. That's 4x10 of 205!!!! Can you say, the "tine" is kicking in!!!
09-14-2012 , 06:44 PM

Here are the cable rows, first 15 reps are mostly strict form. But then I deteriorate a bit. But I actually think my coach is having me do them in a non optimal way. I have linked some EMG studies before and leaning back 15 degrees actually increased lat activation considerably in one study. Too lazy to look for it, but the point is I'll be going back to 15 degree lat pulldowns and cable rows in the future. Anyways, the whole point is that sometimes "cheating form" is actually better than "strict form." The big question mark though is on which exercises?? I doubt those curls people doing at the gym are better than super strict form.
09-20-2012 , 12:58 PM
Sick post by Paul carter

It's pretty similar to my Coaches's theories and Wendler's. And I am pretty sure they all came about it independently from their own experiences in powerlifting with a little bodybuilding kool aid. All three of them are in the mid 200s at pretty low bodyfat % and super strong.
09-20-2012 , 01:09 PM
Did 75sx9 on incline dumbbell bench. The 'tine still kicking in.

Last edited by loco; 09-20-2012 at 01:17 PM.
09-20-2012 , 07:35 PM
Did legs yesterday

Wide Stance HBBS
4x10 135 !!

LOLz. I feel nothing in my quads but as I reach the bottom (clearly below parallel), my abductors feel like they are going to blow up. The only positive is that my normal stance HBBS are way lower than before and almost to a point where I can start increasing the weight significantly. I really butchered my muscle balance in my lower body by doing partial squats in the past. Really happy Coach is addressing this issue, even if it is pretty embarrasing to be squatting with just 135.

Bulgarian DB split squats

Baby weights again. I am having problems going to parallel here. Still working on these

DB 1 arm swings

2x10 50lb DB


Lots of leg accessory work. My leg curl is not bad at 130x12 for a couple of sets. Hamstrings are not the problem. Glutes and abductors are the big, big problem with my lower body.
09-20-2012 , 07:44 PM
I think 'Tine has run most of its shocking course. I say shocking only because I had stalled on all my lifts, and the 'Tine had helped me break some sticking points. Today's workout was not as impressive in terms of going up in weight on everything. I don't think I was resting long enough because my pecs were fried and losing strength rapidly.

5x10 bodyweight +20 lb dumbell

Bench Press
2x10 155

Incline DB Bench
65x9 65x7 60x9

Pecs started falling apart here. I did 75x9 a few days ago on this same lift, but that was fresh and this was already getting to the point of being fried.

Upright rows
2x12 70

Face Pulls
2x15 90

Superset DB incline curls to DB skull crushers 2x15 20s

I am pretty bored these days. I really want to change my workout. I would love to go on a strength routine for a few months. However, I am not lean enough. I have been eating lots of bread pudding with ice cream the last few weeks. I guess part of the problem is that I never wanted to be DeMichelian ripped. I am happy at around 10-11% bodyfat. But coach thinks its better to bulk up at a starting point of 7%!!! I think that's too hardcore and that's part of the reason I am kind of at a crossroads right now. Part of me really wants to stop this volume stuff not because its challenging but because it has become stale. I have been doing it for 14 weeks now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
09-20-2012 , 08:22 PM
I think you should do what your coach tells you to do. You're getting pretty close to where you need to be and when you switch over to bulk mode it's going to make a huge difference if you start at 7% versus 11%. Youve really done a great job so far....why not go the last few yards?

