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Lifegrinder's log Lifegrinder's log

07-23-2009 , 01:04 PM
Oh yeah, did jumping bulgarian split squats as well

3x12 me thinks.
Lifegrinder's log Quote
07-23-2009 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by lifegrinder
What literature have you read that suggests that is the more "logical" dead lift?

Many trainers, including Greg Shephard (author of Bigger Faster Stronger) agree that the RDL/Straight Leg variant is typically safer because there's less stress on the lower back since the load is closer to the axis of rotation and over the base of support (1). Additionally, arguably the most credible experts on training youths (2) Dr. Fleck and Dr. Kraemer are firm believers that the RDL is the safest of dead lift variants (3). All of them, including myself, advocate the RDL being learned first.

In my own experience as a performance coach I've found that clients excel at the regular dead lift if given a proper introduction through the RDL. Additionally, sprinting performance significantly improved in my athletes who learned the RDL vs those I initially taught the normal dead lift (which is what I used to teach first). I remember the difference being close to a 7% better rate of improvement among athletes having the same 40 time and similar characteristics / strength levels. I'm going to try and find that data.

The RDL is also my go to exercise for clients suffering from chronic lower back pain. You wouldn't believe the miracles it works.

My one caveat is that I can't use the RDL for a ME day because I've found it works best as a repetition exercise (7+ reps). For that he will be doing the regular deadlift (since rep range will be from 3-5).

(3) Kraemer WJ, Fleck SJ (1993). Strength Training for Young Athletes, 96-97, 105-106
great explanation, thank you for that. i basically assumed it btw that teaching conventional deadlift would come first, but turned out not to be true in this case.

underlined part is great yes, i also read that somewhere else that the RDL is not a very good exercise to max out on. i'll see if i can find it.
Lifegrinder's log Quote
07-23-2009 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by lifegrinder
I have got to learn to be more consistent with my serve because she destroys my second serve (was a varsity tennis player, she's pretty good).
Try to get a high (65+%) percentage of first serves in so she can't sit on the second as often. Youtube up some instruction on hitting slice and topspin serves. These have more hop to them and are generally a higher percentage serve than something fast and flat. The rotation and elliptical flight on a topspin serve provides a lot of net clearance and is relatively forgiving. You'll both get a very high percentage in and the rotation of the ball kicks it quite deep. Moreover, you can maintain a lot of racket head speed without sacrificing much in the way of consistency. Do your best to keep your serves (and ground strokes) as deep as possible so she can't attack them as easily.

If she's killing you with angles on her return, try to keep your serves more towards the middle of the court.
Lifegrinder's log Quote
07-24-2009 , 05:17 PM
Hey everyone, S here--lifegrinder's workout partner. Upon his request, I'll be posting my numbers in this thread as well.

So without further ado, here's what I have so far.

First workout
Max Effort Bench
45 x 12
95 x 6
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5
145 x 5
150 x 4

Incline DB Bench
25s x 18
(3 min rest)
25s x 20

Superset x 3 (90 sec rest)
45 x 12 x 3 sets

Rear Delt Flys
10s x 8
5s x 8 x 2
End Superset

Standing cable curls
25 lbs (12.5 each) x 15 x 2 sets

45 mins

Second workout (Lower body repetition day)
Box jumps
10(sets) x 5(reps)
Last 3 were with a 10 lb weight.

Bulgarian split lunge with front foot elevated
3 x 8 w/ 15 lb DBs

Jumping Bulgarian split squats
Mostly dicked around here, and tried to make sure I landed on my feet.

40 x 12
50 x 12
Lifegrinder's log Quote
07-26-2009 , 03:43 AM
I thought max effort work and westside style training were basically wasted on a novice lifter?

I too am looking forward to the SS critique
Lifegrinder's log Quote
07-26-2009 , 07:27 PM
I don't know about wasted, but I definitely don't like WS4SB for novice lifters.
Lifegrinder's log Quote
07-27-2009 , 02:31 PM
WBB 5x5 = increasing strength
Lifegrinder's log Quote
