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KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time

08-06-2013 , 08:27 PM
32.5kg 6x10

25kg 2 rounds of super wide, wide, close PBN x10

Bent over flyes
10kg 3x12

T bar rows
40kg x12
50 x12
60 3x12

Up to 25kg x15

Hanging leg raises
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-08-2013 , 09:16 PM
125kg 5x10

Snatch grip Deadlifts - off 2 plates
95kg 3x12

Hammer Curls - fat gripz
14kg 3x12

Seated rows - wide
70kg 4x8

10kg 4x8
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-12-2013 , 01:39 AM
52.5kg 5x10

Ton of dips, pullovers, bb rows, left armed db rows etc etc.

92.5kg 6x10

40kg 3x10

Hammer curls
15kg 3x10

Side Bends - Farmer Walk handles
45kg 3x8/s
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 08:16 AM
Just had two days of training/seminar times with Brandon Lilly. Awesome dude.

Much fun was had. Hit a beltless 240kg Deadlift and just missed 250kg.

Bit more of a write up coming soon.

KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 09:23 AM
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 11:56 AM
So sick. And you guys have the same hair/beard combo
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 05:05 PM
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 10:10 PM
60 x5
100 x5
140 x5
180 x1
200 x1
220 x1
240 x1
250 x0 form

Off two plates
180 4x5

Standing on 2 plates
140 4x6

Leg press
280 2x12
260 x12

Back raise
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 10:45 PM
So the guys who run my gym organized Lilly to come over to Perth for a seminar after the CAPO meet in Tasmania (where he did pretty gooood, 1015kg in belt and wraps) but my friend told me there would be a closed training session with him the day before if i was interested. So after playing poker till 9am and sleeping 3 hours I rocked up at the gym with no idea what we were going to do.

Turned up, met Brenden who is a super nice/genuine guy. He told us we could ask him about anything we want as long as we didnt repeat what he said about Louie Simmons or Drugs on the internet.

Basically he took the 5 of us there through a normal heavy deadlift day on the Cube Method and then we did a little bit of benching after. Planned on doing some squats but we ran out of time/were all exhausted by the end of it.

Oh, and all our sets were to be done beltless.

60 x5
100 x5
140 x5
180 x1
200 x1
220 x1
240 x1
250 x0 form

Off two plates
180 4x5

Standing on 2 plates
140 4x6

Leg press
280 2x12
260 x12

Cat Back Seated Rows
9 5x12

Back raise

Since i've been on off-season training for the past 2 months I have been pulling without a belt, however I havn't pulled anything over 125kg, and I can remember the last time I pulled more than 200kg without a belt, so I wasn't sure how well I would do, thankfully I did pretty well.

I hurt my lower back slightly during the warmups but aside from that I felt pretty good, the 250kg miss I just came up all out of shape and you can see my head is way up far too early, so when I got to that last part of the lockout I had just jammed myself into a really compromised position and had no leverages to lock it out. Considering I was already miles beyond were I had previously pulled beltless and approaching my all time PR Brandon told me not to take another attempt, but to just keep that in mind the next time the opportunity arises so I can be sure of smashing it.

The basic progress we took for the second and third exercises looked a bit like this,

ME 5.5 plates x1
1st 4 plates x4-5
2nd 3 plates x6-8

So as the weights got lighter, the reps increased somewhat. This all felt somewhat tough, but not super hard (still super sore 2 days later however) but all the sets were done as quickly as possible.

He did some of his speed work which was basically 200kg on the bar, and he did 12 reps as quickly as possible. Set up, pick up, drop. Repeat. This meant that his setup was never perfect after the first one, his hands were off, his feet were off, his back was off. But this teaches you how to lift imperfectly so in a meet if you make a mistake you've experienced something similar before and it allows you to make the adjustments without freaking out.

He used his final deadlift (2:50 in) here as an example. Because his left shoulder was stuffed the bar started pivoting but he was still able to make the adjustments and lock it out.

A few great bits of advice he gave us during these sets included, Pulling from a 1" matt as much as possible in training as it doesn't compromise your form, but increases the ROM. When you are pulling for reps, eg, for 5. Imagine that Rep #1 is an explosive warmup, #2 even more confident, #3 is your opener, #4 is your 2nd and you pull the 5th rep like a PR. (this was one of the best bits he told me IMO).

He also encouraged us to think about squatting the weight up, to the point that when you lower yourself to the bar, you imagine a bar across your back. This is a great cue for people who struggle to keep their hips down.

Also working on the deadlift setup, he uses zombie arms similar to me, however he has two hands facing forwards and along with getting his midsection as tight as possible, he is also engaging his lats/chest/everything, making it as tight as possible, then dropping to the bar. Really looking forward to trying this as I always feel that my lats aren't tight enough.

All reps of the leg press were done while replicating our deadlift stance as much as possible, with a slow controlled negative with an explosive concentric phase to build that power off the floor.

After this we did a bit of benching and he basically made us all bring our grips in closer and bench just below our nipples and to ensure that our forearms were all at 90 degrees as the weight approached our chest. This allows you to really get your lats/triceps engaged to the point where it becomes almost impossible to touch the bar to your chest which creates a really strong spring like effect when you start moving the weight. I've always had trouble really activating my lats in the bench and the way he demonstrated it his lats/triceps were totally engaged and rock solid and the bar approached his chest.

I don't feel as though i'm explaining this too well, but it made sense at the time. If you watch some of his bench videos you'll see him benching to 1" off his chest and he recommends this on your backoff sets so you end up with that area being so tight and strong you have to increase the weight to make it touch. You can see it about 1minute into this video.

I wish we had spent more time on the bench but i'm really looking forward to getting stuck into it again.

The seminar the next day was great, it lasted about 5 hours and he talked a lot about mindset, training methods and gave us a pretty good breakdown into... supplements.

For people who suffer from lower back pumps he recommended 600ml water + 1TSP of Taurine and 1TBS of Glycerine every morning and 30mins before a workout. Problem solved. Defs going to start trying this out as my lowerback is always a bit of an issue.

Then there was an hour of him checking out peoples form, some photos and that was it.

Unreal couple of days. Was really bummed that I couldn't make it to tasmania for the comp but this was a great consolation prize. I think someone filmed the seminar so if I find a link i'll post it here.

If Brandon is ever doing a seminar near you guys i'd recomend checking it out. Sorry if this is a bit rambly, running out of time but just wanted to write this out while it was all fresh.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by KRS ONE
Small. Bulk. Do not cut.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-18-2013 , 11:16 PM
Lol Snitch.

Sick report KRS. Solid stuff.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-19-2013 , 01:05 AM
Haha Snitch. Guess I just need to gain 60kg and 7"'s.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-19-2013 , 01:08 AM


What did he say about Louie Simmons and drugs?
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-19-2013 , 06:52 AM
Drugs are something something.

Louie has science to back up all his ideas... and not much else.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-19-2013 , 10:04 AM
Nice TR.

Originally Posted by KRS ONE
For people who suffer from lower back pumps he recommended 600ml water + 1TSP of Taurine and 1TBS of Glycerine every morning and 30mins before a workout. Problem solved. Defs going to start trying this out as my lowerback is always a bit of an issue.
Interesting. Post how/if it works.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-20-2013 , 01:27 AM
Just gonna keep adding bits and pieces of knowledge he dropped as we go as well.

Brandon said he used to struggle a lot with bar drift while deadlifting, so he recommends doing all your submaximal deadlifts in oly shoes so you have to really engage your hamstrings/glutes to keep locked into a good bar path.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-20-2013 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Nice TR.

Interesting. Post how/if it works.
Glycerine promotes intramuscular uptake of fluids etc. Taurine causes the blood vessels in/around the kidneys to dilate, reducing the pump/discomfort.

Pretty sure thats it. #broscience

I'm waiting for my friend to source both substances, will defs report back.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-20-2013 , 11:48 PM
Week 8
55kg 5x10

Bench 1" off chest
45kg 3x10

Incline DB Press - Palms in paused
20kg 3x10

15kg 8/7/6
Bw 7

60kg 3x12

BB Curls

First session benching with Lillys tips. Immediate reaction... i've been doin it wrong. My lats are absolutely shot after that session. Really into this new technique, without a doubt going to be smashing some PR's soon.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-23-2013 , 12:28 AM
100kg 6x10

Good Mornings
40kg 3x10

Bent over barbell rows
60kg 3x12

Hammer Curls - fat gripz
17.5kg 4x6

Prowler sprints
8 x25m 20kg

Could certainly feel that I maxed out in Deadlifts last week. Really wasn't that happy with any of my sets until #5. Got some hip/lowerback pain that was a bit off putting.

Prowler sprints were pretty great though.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-25-2013 , 05:05 AM
35kg 5x10

Incline Bench
40kg 3x12
60kg x12

Seated PBN
30kg 4x10

Lateral Raises
5kg 3x20

Banded KB Obliques
26kg 2x15

Prowler sprints
20kg x8 1:15
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-27-2013 , 06:25 PM

135kg 5x10

SLDL - off two plates
90kg 3x8


Hammer Curls - Fat Gripz
12.5kg 3x10
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-27-2013 , 09:57 PM
75kg AMRAP 13 (est 1RM 107.5kg)

60kg 3x10

17.5kg 6/6/5/6

Bent Over BB Rows
65kg 5x10

Band Superset
Tricep Pushdowns/Pullaparts/Facepulls

Bench rep out shows my 1RM about stagnant or +2.5kg depending how you look at it. Guess I should be happy with that. Still working on implementing the new technique Lilly showed me. This is the last week of ten rep sets, after a break ill start some 5x5 fun again so we'll see how that works.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-29-2013 , 11:10 AM
130kg AMRAP x20 (est 1RM 215kg)

Front Squats
60kg 4x8

Leg Press
240kg 4x10

Cat back lat rows
9 x12
10 x12
11 x12
12 x12


Back raise

Really happy with the squats. Obviously the 1RM calculators go a bit off at high reps but they felt really strong. Made a bit of a technique change based off this Dan Green article.

A+ addition imo. Excited for deadlift Rep fest this weekend.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-31-2013 , 08:02 AM
42.5kg AMRAP 14 (EST 1RM 62.5KG)

35kg 3x10

Incline Bench
50kg 3x8 x6

Bent over rear flyes
12.5kg 3x12

KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
08-31-2013 , 11:49 AM
I doubt your 1RM estimates are close to accurate on anything over a ~5RM.

That knee in cue video: I do this without thinking about it sometimes. Its only a good idea if you get your knees wider than necessary at the bottom and you also have enough control to not let the knees go to far in. I would not teach that to anyone because I'd worry about them letting their knees cave too far & they might blow out an ACL or something, but its good to know I'm not the only one who does this.
KRSONE's Ed "Smolov" Coan Yoga Fun time Quote
