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Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness)

10-19-2018 , 12:10 PM
Agreed on the descent. Something to focus on next week. I also think my knees look a little soft on lockout, but hard to tell with the sweats.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-20-2018 , 10:38 AM
10/20/18: Bridge, Week 5, GPP Day #2

Airdyne: 30s sprint every 2 mins (30on/90off) x7

Chinups: dunno, 8 or 9 in 6 minutes. lol.

Planks: 30s on / 30s off for 6 minutes.

Did this at home. Airdyne is sweet. Setup for chins ain't great tho. Will get this to 10 sprints by end of the program.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-21-2018 , 07:43 AM
10/21/18: sunday weigh in


As previously reported on 10/14/18, that was fake news. This is about what I expected. On 10/15/18 I was 218. Got into the high 216s a few days this week. Had some beer last night.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-22-2018 , 09:42 AM
10/22/18: Brdg Week 6 Day 1

Squat w/belt:
405x1 @8
365x4x4 @7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.5

Volume sets felt a little heavier. Oh well.
vid of single
vid of volume set 4

Bench (comp):
185x1 @7
195x1 @7.5
200x1 @8
180x4x4 @7.5, 7.5, 8, 8

bench felt pretty good today.
vid of single
vid of volume set 1

2ct Paused DL:
345x3 @7
365x3 @8
375x3x3 @8.5, 9, 9

Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-23-2018 , 09:18 AM
10/23/18: Brdg Week 6 GPP day 1

Airdyne: 30mins

6min AMRAP: NG Chinups: 14 (2x7)
6min AMRAP: planks: 30s on /30s off

band curls: 3x12
band triPD: 3x12
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-24-2018 , 09:27 AM
10/24/18: Brdg Week 6 Day 2

Press w/belt:
155x1 @6.5
165x1 @8
150x4x4 @8, 8, 9, 8.5

dunno. Guess I ****ed up that 3rd set.

Pin Squat:
295x3 @7
305x3 @7 (lol)
315x3 @7.5
330x3x3 @9, 9, 8.5

probably being a wuss here. I don't find this exercise particularly challenging unless you really misgroove one.

Pendlay Rows:
165x8 @6
175x8 @7
185x8x4 @8, 8, 8, 8.5
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-26-2018 , 11:56 AM
Plan was to do GPP day 2 yesterday, but I had the snifflewiffles so decided to sleep in. Still a little sick today, and I have to drive to NY later. But I do it tho.

10/26/18: Brdg Week 6 Day 3

DL w/belt:
465x1 @8
425x4x4 @7.5, 7, 8, 7.5

dunno. Last 3 sets with straps.
top single
last set

2ct Pause Bench:
175x3 @7
180x3 @7.5
185x3 @8
190x3x2 @9, 9

303 Tempo Squat:
185x8 @6
205x8x2 @7.5, 8.5

Bitched out. These suck, plus I have to leave for NY in 30-45 mins to see D4 and the Descendents all in one night.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-26-2018 , 11:59 AM
303s for sets of 8 just seem like gaaaaaaaaawd no. I'm planning to do them but for lower reps. Why do you think they're programmed as 8s in the bridge?
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-26-2018 , 05:35 PM
Relatively low stress I suppose while still requiring full muscle recruitment and drilling form.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-26-2018 , 06:58 PM
Sup in NY?
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-26-2018 , 08:27 PM
D4 and the Descendents all in one night.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-27-2018 , 01:20 AM
D4 played Midwestern Songs of the Americas in its entirety.

Got to the Descendents show late but they played Good Things which is their best song. So that was sweet.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-27-2018 , 01:47 AM
Nice. Take any video?
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 10:36 AM
none worth posting. just old dudes singing punk rawk songs.

10/28/18: sunday weigh in


I think both weight and waist are fake newsish, but not completely fake. I was in the 215s on Thursday which was a pretty sweet feeling. I didn't eat a ton this weekend due to activities and low appetite. I did drink a fair bit both Friday and last night during the world series, so a tad dehydrated this morning.

Calories can def blow up in NY but didn't really have the opportunity. I did make "smart choices" at brunch, just opting for 3 eggs, homefries, bacon, toast. I only had that and a normal dinner of chicken, salad, apple, and roasted potatoes yesterday. Then the said booze of course.

I did miss GPP day 2 this week, partly due to being sick and partly due to driving all day yesterday. oh well.

Next week is the last "real" week of this program, week 8 being a low stress week. I think after that I'll do what CrunchyBlack is doing, the 4-day hypertrophy template to get a bit more volume and higher work rate in. Plus it's a convenient 7 weeks which gets me right to new year's.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 10:48 AM
What is your PR body weight since the log started? The initial 205?
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 12:38 PM
Nah like low 180s.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 01:05 PM
Good job with the weight loss; what's the ultimate goal? Sub 200?
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 01:29 PM
Long slow cut towards whatever weight 15ish% is.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Long slow cut towards whatever weight 15ish% is.
In before loco says 160.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-28-2018 , 02:38 PM
My man

And more like 145
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-29-2018 , 10:26 AM
10/29/18: Brdg Week 7, Day 1

Squat w/belt:
405x1 @7
415x1 @8
375x4x4 @8, 8, 8.5, 9

maybe a slight overreach, or maybe I just need to get used to grinding a little bit because the reps looked fine. Felt heavy tho.

Bench (comp):
205x1 @8
185x4x4 @7.5, 7.5, 8, 8.5

Last 8.5 was really just a form issue. Bench felt great today. It only took a decade but I finally learned how to perform multiple reps with a single breath. Makes a big difference.

2ct Pause DL:
355x3 @6.5
375x3 @7.5
395x3x2 @9, 9

felt strong af.

Good session overall given I've been a little sick, drank quite a few beers yesterday, and only got 5 hours of sleep. But I also had chinese food last night which is basically a PED.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-29-2018 , 01:00 PM
some vids:

Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-31-2018 , 10:20 AM
10/31/18: Bridge Week 7 Day 2

Press w/belt:
155x1 @8
140x4 @7
145x4x3 @8, 8, 8.5

Pin Squat:
315x3 @7
325x3 @7.5
345x3x3 @9, 9, 9

Pendlay Rows:

Worst session since starting the bridge. Prob something to do with short on sleep and having a couple beers each of the past three nights. Time to tighten that **** up.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-31-2018 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by John Candy
My man

And more like 145


I was 149 a few weeks ago and thought for sure that would be the limit. But nah, I thought I could easily make it to 140 and still be very healthy.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
10-31-2018 , 02:53 PM
I will be squatting 500 at a 152 bodyweight in 12 months time. Don't sweat it boys.
Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness) Quote
