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04-27-2016 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Poonz

One more workout and I will have achieved my goal of doing at least 3 months of SS. I'm really proud of that. Part of me wants to try something new to keep things fresh, but I feel like there's still some work to be done here
Sounds like gslp is what you're looking for, similar program that allows more variety

ETA: eh not sure about that, your program actually already looks a lot like gslp

Last edited by khanrava; 04-27-2016 at 02:09 PM.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
04-27-2016 , 02:09 PM
You could probably milk more linear progress out of SS if you drop the squat on wednesday (do light sets to grease the groove) and eat a bit more food.

Edited to add: soon enough deadlifts will be tough enough that you'll only want to do them once per week, so wednesday would become deadlift day in that case.

Last edited by Renton555; 04-27-2016 at 02:25 PM.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
04-27-2016 , 07:01 PM
Squats look like good heavy squats imo. Maybe a hair high like was said, but not a lot in it and some reps look definitely deep enough. Keep getting your knees out and keeping them there. Easily two reps left in the tank.

Bench looks similarly solid. I breath between most reps too, but you really want to make sure you take the breath all the way in and brace everything hard before starting the descent. Drive your heels down hard and keep them there the entire set.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
04-27-2016 , 07:02 PM
Don't listen to these pussies.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
04-29-2016 , 02:22 PM
Aidan is correct. Onwards and upwards. Stay the course.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
04-29-2016 , 05:08 PM
Thanks much for the feedback guys.

Today just ****ing sucked. Almost didn't workout at all, but glad I forced myself out there just out of habit. Had only gotten one hour of sleep the night previous, so knew it would be a rough one. Spent all I had on squats. Oh well, onwards and upwards is right. 3 months down.

In fun news, the reason I only got an hour was because we had a couple friends competing in America Ninja Warrior and I got to go watch the taping (they do it from like 9pm-5am). Both guys made it to the finals (one completed the course), so that was exciting. Sadly, neither will be going to Vegas. Still a fun experience. Definitely can't function on no/low sleep like I used to.

Friday 4/29:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 161 1x3
4. 216 1x2
5. 273.5 3x5

2. Press:
1. 41 1x5
2. 51 1x5
3. 81 1x3
4. 106 1x2
5. 133.5 3/0/3

3. Deadlift:
1. 111 1x5
2. 131 1x5
3. 191 1x3
4. 256 1x2
5. 321 1x3
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-10-2016 , 04:19 PM
Took last week off for a business trip. Pretty rough day back on Monday. Also weighed myself for the first time in a month or so, and clearly have not been eating for bulk. After gaining 20 pounds in the first 2.5 months, I've been at maintenance or less for the past month. Which is also the same time these lifts have started crushing me. Anyways, it's a grind for sure, but I'm hoping to stick with it.

Monday 5/9:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 166 1x3
4. 231 1x2
5. 276 3/2/3

2. Bench Press:
1. 41 1x8
2. 91 1x5
3. 141 1x3
4. 191 1x2
5. 233.5: 5/5/4

3. Barbell Row:

1. 41: 2x5
2. 61: 1x5
3. 111: 1x3
4. 131: 1x2
5. 166: 3x5

4. Chin up: BW+10: 3x5
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-10-2016 , 05:29 PM
I'm not sure what the exact SS protocol is when you can only get 3 in the first set, but intuitively it doesn't make a lot of sense to continue with that weight. I'd have dropped 20 pounds or so to a weight that you can realistically get 2x5 at, with plans to try last weeks weight next time. You squat 3x a week so a few days setback isn't a big deal. These grindy triples are super taxing to you physiologically and psychologically at a time when you seem to be a little burned out as it is. Also there's not a lot of science to back up the idea that working at such a high intensity would allow you to progress any faster than just doing as close to a proper 3x5 as possible every day.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-11-2016 , 11:50 AM
More fails at 5 reps, but progress was made. I'll take it.

Wednesday 5/11:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 166 1x3
4. 231 1x2
5. 276 4/4/3

2. Press:
1. 41 1x5
2. 51 1x5
3. 81 1x3
4. 106 1x2
5. 133.5 5/4/4

3. Deadlift:
1. 111 1x5
2. 131 1x5
3. 191 1x3
4. 256 1x2
5. 321 1x4
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-11-2016 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I'm not sure what the exact SS protocol is when you can only get 3 in the first set, but intuitively it doesn't make a lot of sense to continue with that weight. I'd have dropped 20 pounds or so to a weight that you can realistically get 2x5 at, with plans to try last weeks weight next time. You squat 3x a week so a few days setback isn't a big deal. These grindy triples are super taxing to you physiologically and psychologically at a time when you seem to be a little burned out as it is. Also there's not a lot of science to back up the idea that working at such a high intensity would allow you to progress any faster than just doing as close to a proper 3x5 as possible every day.
I don't disagree with you at all. But I've worked out before where I've done work sets that are challenging, but doable. You're right that it's been extremely taxing physiologically and psychologically, and that's part of why I want to stick with it. I've never done this before and I really want to push myself in that way. Maybe I'll change my mind here soon, but for now I want to keep at it. I'm giving myself 3-4 tries at a given weight for each exercise and if I can't hit 3x5 by that 4th workout, I'll reset down. Until then though, I want to see what happens if I really push myself.

Also, I'm hoping to pick my eating back up again and see if that helps. Anyways, I do appreciate the comment and as I said, I don't disagree with anything.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-11-2016 , 12:45 PM
Nice job so far.

Unless your goals have changed, you should just do the program. You are still way below numbers or even time on plateau that would indicate a need for program change. Even if you did change the program, what would that mean for you as a beginner? Nothing. Maybe throwing in some doubles and triples? I don't see where that makes sense for someone three months in.

Your sleep and food don't seem great. You should fix that. Make sure you are getting correct macros in every day and that you are getting as much sleep as possible. Is your intensity where it should be?

Feb. 1 through Mar. 21:

Squat - 131 > 231
Press - 76 > 116
Bench - 141 > 191
Deadlift - 151 > 281

I'm too lazy to do the exact math but this shows you have added 10%or more to your lifts in a month?

Those are awesome results.

Don't suffer beginneritis. Don't start looking for solutions to problems you don't have. Just eat, sleep and train following the program (add in power cleans) and you will continue to get stronger. Work on improving your form and technique in the main lifts.

Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-12-2016 , 05:04 AM
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-13-2016 , 12:25 PM
I was sooooo pissed to miss the 5th rep of last set on squats. Wasn't a strength failure, but bad form. You can see in the squat video, I have a tendency to lean forward when I start dropping into the hole (need to tighten everything up more, especially glutes, between reps) and on that last rep, I went too far forward and just couldn't recover. Wanted it so bad. I'm upping the weight next week anyway, because things felt good, I'm pissed, and idgaf.

Friday 5/13:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 166 1x3
4. 231 1x2
5. 276 5/5/4

2. Bench Press:
1. 41 1x8
2. 111 1x5
3. 141 1x3
4. 191 1x2
5. 233.5 3x5

3. Barbell Row:

1. 41: 2x5
2. 71: 1x5
3. 111: 1x3
4. 141: 1x2
5. 171: 3x5

4. Chin up: BW+12.5: 5/4/4
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-13-2016 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by BPA234
Nice job so far.

Unless your goals have changed, you should just do the program. You are still way below numbers or even time on plateau that would indicate a need for program change. Even if you did change the program, what would that mean for you as a beginner? Nothing. Maybe throwing in some doubles and triples? I don't see where that makes sense for someone three months in.

Your sleep and food don't seem great. You should fix that. Make sure you are getting correct macros in every day and that you are getting as much sleep as possible. Is your intensity where it should be?

Feb. 1 through Mar. 21:

Squat - 131 > 231
Press - 76 > 116
Bench - 141 > 191
Deadlift - 151 > 281

I'm too lazy to do the exact math but this shows you have added 10%or more to your lifts in a month?

Those are awesome results.

Don't suffer beginneritis. Don't start looking for solutions to problems you don't have. Just eat, sleep and train following the program (add in power cleans) and you will continue to get stronger. Work on improving your form and technique in the main lifts.

Thanks for this. I get it and needed to hear it. Not to mention that I can't even honestly say I've been following the program over the past month or so, since I haven't been eating as prescribed. Rip clearly says if you don't eat right (and don't sleep right), you aren't doing the program. So, gotta be honest here and admit all that.

Hoping to get back on track and like you said, my goals haven't changed, so no reason not to keep working hard on this program. Also wish I would man up on the power cleans. Gonna need to go back and re-read that section and find some time to work on it. Seems so daunting to get the form right that I just puss out without trying. Anyways, I really appreciate the feedback.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-13-2016 , 02:39 PM
Most of the squat reps looked like you were getting either just barely to or a little short of parallel, but mostly fine. A bit of good morning on a few of the later reps, and that hitch in your giddy-up was a bit weird on the second one, but you're lifting some pretty decent weight (certainly more than me) so wtf do I know.

Bench looks super solid.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-13-2016 , 05:56 PM
I'll look at vids later, but i would caution you on not over eating and turning into a fat ****. A small surplus is sufficient
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-13-2016 , 07:01 PM
When bpa posts, newbs should listen.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-16-2016 , 12:02 PM
Thanks for all the feedback. Realizing that form will be a struggle for a long time. Not sure how long it takes to get where they're consistently good, but I know I'm far from it. Always weird to know how much I'm struggling under the bar, but then seeing it on video looks like I'm hardly working. Anyways, back to the grind.

Monday 5/16:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 166 1x3
4. 231 1x2
5. 278.5 4/4/3

2. Press:
1. 41 1x5
2. 51 1x5
3. 81 1x3
4. 106 1x2
5. 133.5 3x5

3. Deadlift:
1. 111 1x5
2. 131 1x5
3. 191 1x3
4. 256 1x2
5. 321 1x5
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-18-2016 , 12:01 PM
Well, hope I'm not on my way to a serious injury. My left elbow has been experiencing some pain and went to new heights today. I think it's being caused by squats (but not sure) and by the time I finished my bench, the pain was fairly severe. Usually dies down after lifts, but lasted like a half hour after today. Pretty much gone now though, unless I try to lift something, so just not sure if I should keep pushing it or not. Most of my other tweaks/pains have gone away with time. Anyways, will update on that as well and see. I've heard fish oil can help with joint pain, so maybe I can start there too. Currently not taking any supplements (just post-workout protein shake). I don't mind being in pain, but it's definitely affecting my lifts and hard not to think about it.

Wednesday 5/18:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 166 1x3
4. 231 1x2
5. 278.5 4/4/3

2. Bench Press:
1. 41 1x8
2. 111 1x5
3. 141 1x3
4. 191 1x2
5. 236 3x5

3. Barbell Row:

1. 41: 2x5
2. 71: 1x5
3. 111: 1x3
4. 141: 1x2
5. 173.5: 3x5

4. Chin up: BW+12.5: 5/5/3
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-18-2016 , 12:11 PM
Try a wider grip for the squats so you aren't pushing the limits of your elbow/shoulder flexibility. Some powerlifters grip the bar practically at the plates for low bar position, so it's not a big deal. It's just preferred that you take as narrow a grip as possible so it makes it easier to have a tight back. If you were able to smash your bench worksets in spite of the pain then it surely was your squat to blame (or maybe your OHP on a previous day).
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-20-2016 , 04:06 PM
Thanks for the tip Renton. Tried a wider grip today and it didn't feel as bad at the end of squatting as Wednesday. Still hurt by the time press was done, but not near as severe, so hopefully I'm on the mend.

Friday 5/20:

1. Squat:
1. 41 2x5
2. 111 1x5
3. 166 1x3
4. 231 1x2
5. 278.5 3x5

2. Press:
1. 41 1x5
2. 51 1x5
3. 81 1x3
4. 111 1x2
5. 136 5/4/4

3. Deadlift:
1. 111 1x5
2. 131 1x5
3. 196 1x3
4. 261 1x2
5. 326 1x3
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-20-2016 , 04:18 PM
Are you squeezing your glutes / humping the bar at lockout in the deadlift? It looks like you may not be.
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
05-21-2016 , 07:02 PM
Why old with 36?

Nice clips of basic lifts... You are so strong )))
Just Another Old Man's SS Log Quote
