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July LC & 20k Post - Why Rip is right and Evo is Wrong: 3x5 is the Way, the Truth and the Light July LC & 20k Post - Why Rip is right and Evo is Wrong: 3x5 is the Way, the Truth and the Light

07-17-2015 , 03:54 AM
Another reason gmo is so easily demonized is that congress and gmo lobby has worked together to pass laws that effectively hide from most people the fact their food is gmo. When you intentionally hide something from the people, when they find out what you are doing they are gonna assume the worst, and that is fair.

Just like you sheeple are all going to be in for a rude awakening when the truth about vaccine adverse reactions eventually comes to light. Like I said, for polio it is worth it. But vaccinating an infant against hep b? GTFO.

Also I disagree with sensei Roundup has been proven safe. I did a small paper on it in college where I actually had to critically look at how the epa went about determining its safety, efficacy and regulating it, and I don't remember the exact details, but I remember not being impressed.

Edit: roundup is pioneer and Monsanto is Bt, so we are talking apples and oranges a little. Maybe the epa did a great job with bt, but I am not optimistic.
07-17-2015 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh

Agriculture is not natural.
This is getting a little off topic but there is really no such thing as natural or unnatural. All animals manipulate and change their environment. Humans are just doing it real fast and dramatically.

The only problem with this is that whenever the environment is changed very fast most of the current flora and fauna can't keep up and go extinct. This is bad for us in in 2 ways. First, most people intrinsically believe that biodiversity decreasing isn't good and something good is lost forever when species go extinct, and second there is no guarantee humans as a species are gonna be able to adapt technologically or evolve fast enough to survive our own attempt to play God. And this leads us right into evokes micropenis concerns.
07-17-2015 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by loco
The Monsanto Wikipedia is ridiculous. Stopped at Indian farmer suicides. Will continue tomorrow. Passing out.
A farmer recently committed suicide because of monsoons... Bad rain! Bad!

Originally Posted by Evene
Plants are not Legos that you can put pieces together any which way.
No they aren't, and yes you can't. Goes to show how much you understand about Genetic Engineering.

That quick buck that Monsanto makes is made my doing serious research and leveraging their work using legal tools like patenting so that the intellectual property they create maximizes their returns. It's called capitalism and ****ty products and unreasonable business models like button clicking lego playing luckboxing companies don't come as far as Monsanto have.

If you really have an issue with that, you should be concerned about your government and regulatory bodies rather than someone using the current system to their advantage.
07-17-2015 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Another reason gmo is so easily demonized is that congress and gmo lobby has worked together to pass laws that effectively hide from most people the fact their food is gmo. When you intentionally hide something from the people, when they find out what you are doing they are gonna assume the worst, and that is fair.
The other side of the coin is when the label 'organic' is applied to a product rather than a farming method, it essentially serves as a marketing ploy thereby implying that there is something superior about that product both in terms of nutrition and safety while no evidence is there to support this.

Agree with the natural vs unnatural semantics. Although, it cannot be denied that most crops are hybrids and have been for decades. Also, farmers buy seeds from monsanto because the seed traits are not breed true and it's less of a hassle to buy seeds than to replant your own.

Because of the hybrids though, it is simply not true that farmers would be planting their own seeds were it not for GMO and this is why labeling issues are far less polarized than they seem.
07-17-2015 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Demod Aidan

Went and watched a movie called The Duke of Burgundy. It was pretty good, though I didn't get the apparent cinephile references.
07-17-2015 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
If you really have an issue with that, you should be concerned about your government and regulatory bodies rather than someone using the current system to their advantage.
lol come the **** on, this is way too bad of an argument for your standards. "Hey man, it's totally legal to use slaves to pick my cotton, if you have a problem with it take it up with the totally racist gubmint! I'm like so totally innocent bro!" *cracks the whip*

At this point I'm about as fed up with the pro-Monsanto people on the internets as the anti-Monsanto/anti-GMO crowd (ok not really, but kind of). I somehow suspect that a ****load just see some of the people on the other side (idiot hippies/hipsters and the like) and go "whoooo Monsanto yeaaahhhh <3 <3" without bothering to do any research whatsoever.

Note: I've spent zero time researching any of this so I don't actually have an opinion on Monsanto.
07-17-2015 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan

Went and watched a movie called The Duke of Burgundy. It was pretty good, though I didn't get the apparent oenophile references.
FYP I assume.
07-17-2015 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
lol come the **** on, this is way too bad of an argument for your standards. "Hey man, it's totally legal to use slaves to pick my cotton, if you have a problem with it take it up with the totally racist gubmint! I'm like so totally innocent bro!" *cracks the whip*

At this point I'm about as fed up with the pro-Monsanto people on the internets as the anti-Monsanto/anti-GMO crowd (ok not really, but kind of). I somehow suspect that a ****load just see some of the people on the other side (idiot hippies/hipsters and the like) and go "whoooo Monsanto yeaaahhhh <3 <3" without bothering to do any research whatsoever.

Note: I've spent zero time researching any of this so I don't actually have an opinion on Monsanto.
That is a horrible analogy when all I am trying to claim is that Monsanto are acting completely standard compared to any other corporation. You cannot seriously be comparing patenting a gene to cracking a whip on a slave lol.

My position is simple. Every farming method should be judged on evidence and not broad sweeping philosophies with no operation definition, which I am claiming a lot of anti-gmo proponents do. This is not some outlier, it is their main rhetoric.

In my personal opinion all sorts of farming techniques together will be the most sustainable solution. Not just a polarized gmo vs organic method.
07-17-2015 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
That is a horrible analogy when all I am trying to claim is that Monsanto are acting completely standard compared to any other corporation. You cannot seriously be comparing patenting a gene to cracking a whip on a slave lol.
Sometimes exaggerations illustrate the broader point better, in this case that companies are absolutely ethically responsible for their practices even if they're within the letter of the law. If Monsanto is stretching patent law to the max (which I assume they do since it's more or less the default modus operandi for any multinational company of their size) into ethically grey areas then **** them despite the legality. Same with using tax havens and aggressive tax planning. Screw the companies doing it, screw the politicians in their pockets, screw them all. None of them are innocent.

ETA: a more relevant example would be Nike et al organizing themselves into a jungle of companies in order to maintain deniability (obv among other reasons) about the practices in factories making their product. Legal? Probably/sure. Still ****ed up as hell.

Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
My position is simple. Every farming method should be judged on evidence and not broad sweeping philosophies with no operation definition, which I am claiming a lot of anti-gmo proponents do. This is not some outlier, it is their main rhetoric.

In my personal opinion all sorts of farming techniques together will be the most sustainable solution. Not just a polarized gmo vs organic method.
Agree with all of this. Monsanto hugely profits from making a debate about their practices a GMO vs anti-GMO thing if they are doing Bad Things[tm], making it even worse for the anti-GMO side.
07-17-2015 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
Evene, so you'd rather have a cucumber variety that is heat resistant. Another variety that is disease resistant and a 3rd variety with some other traits???

You think this is better than having a single type with all the positive traits?

When talking about crops, genetic diversity doesnt mean jack ****. We only farm them to eat. They dont grow in perfect rows in nature on their own and become some essential part of the ecosystem.

In the end we want our food to have higher yields and other positive traits so that we need less land and resources to produce enough to feed everyone and promote biodiversity by not having our lands full of crops as far as the eye can see.

Agriculture is not natural.
Of course you want different varieties and not one that is simply resistant to all. Mostly because...dun dun dun...they almost definitely taste differently!! brb Monte's fainting couch
07-17-2015 , 09:23 AM
Why is that when I wake up in the morning I feel like squatting?
But as the day progresses, just want to upperbody.

Sux that I am old. Can't squat or deadlift at 7am. I use to but then Cha and McGill scared me.
07-17-2015 , 09:27 AM
Because when you wake up you want to do a legitimate strength movement, but as the day progresses and you look at your disgusting body for 8 hours, you want to work on aesthetics.

Last edited by saw7988; 07-17-2015 at 09:28 AM. Reason: at least that's what happens to me
07-17-2015 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken
We need LC thread rescued from this ultra-boring GMO talk with some more anti-vaxx info from Jdock.
I have a cousin (maybe 5'9" 172) who goes through life praying people will try to start an anti-GMO debate with him due to their (illusory) scientific superiority.

He's the reigning Chemistry Nobel prize world champion.

Can't get him to 2p2 though so I guess we'll just need to keep riding this discussion out.
07-17-2015 , 09:34 AM
Monsanto dumping chemicals and doing things that objectively make the world a worse place is a legit and tangible negative. I can't believe nobody ever brings that stuff up and instead focuses on all this high-level, very debatable stuff.

I am currently eating seedless watermelon.
07-17-2015 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Because when you wake up you want to do a legitimate strength movement, but as the day progresses and you look at your disgusting body for 8 hours, you want to work on aesthetics.
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I have a cousin (maybe 5'9" 172) who goes through life praying people will try to start an anti-GMO debate with him due to their (illusory) scientific superiority.

He's the reigning Chemistry Nobel prize world champion.

Can't get him to 2p2 though so I guess we'll just need to keep riding this discussion out.
07-17-2015 , 09:40 AM
Probably watch Monsanto documentaries today. Seeds of death or the world according to Monsanto.

Just fascinating stuff. Don't know what rock I have been hiding under.
07-17-2015 , 09:42 AM
So far no opinions. But sounds like we should end world hunger in Africa first and then see what happens to those people.
07-17-2015 , 09:43 AM
Alright well time to work on the house. I am stripping paint. Layers of paint. Worse job ever. Feel like a Mexican.
07-17-2015 , 09:47 AM
The anti-GMO crowd really makes me weep for scientific education.

There's a pretty interesting ethical, regulatory, and legal discussion to be had on this topic in the wake of the recent SCOTUS decisions (which relates to the patenting of human genetic information, but the issues are similar) but I don't think anyone is really interested in hearing me bloviate about that.
07-17-2015 , 09:49 AM

hopefully you're being super serially critical of the sources of the Monsanto docs. Would guess finding actually objective info would be pretty hard.

Possibly old news to many of you, but this was a fairly fascinating read on the practices of the biggest loser:

At first I was like "meh whatever it takes for these super fatties", but some if not most of the practices on that show are just stone awful. Would stop watching if I watched it.

Oh, super funny that the Jillian chick started being critical about the show's practices after like...10 years? Yeah, your credibility miiight just be stretched a little thin there.
07-17-2015 , 09:53 AM

I said it a week or so ago, but Extreme Weight Loss is a much better show, imo. And I don't have to feel like a piece of **** for watching it.
07-17-2015 , 09:55 AM
Cool, I feel a need for some fatty TV. Gonna check it out.
07-17-2015 , 09:59 AM
I want my own fatty show!!!! I just see myself stuffing Kidcolin with canned tuna all day.

"You still hungry bitch, here is some more." He would be 135 and ripped in no time.
07-17-2015 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I want my own fatty show!!!! I just see myself stuffing Kidcolin with canned tuna all day.

"You still hungry bitch, here is some more." He would be 135 and ripped in no time.
You need to make a little more effort to disguise the gay code, loco.
07-17-2015 , 10:12 AM
Sick mind Montecore.

That's the worst man, I guess some of the new porno tubes have to be filtered. So you have to take off gay/sheporn manually.

Nightmare when you don't do it. Just go limp on the spot and go strip paint instead.
