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Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%)

07-06-2014 , 04:41 PM
Week 3 day 1
Weight: 164.0

- Only got 5 hours of sleep and had to squeeze in like 3 meals before sleep so my weight went up a lot.

- Upped my calories up and I will list them in another post but right now I'm just trying to increase strength, gain weight, while staying lean as possible. Easier said then done but I'm confident I can do it given my weak lifts.

- Felt pretty good today especially given I was only suppose to do 85% 5x3 for bench and I tried to do 90% and I got it. I was redic tired, out of it, and still was able to get it done. My coach thinks I'm being too aggressive since I'm not totally sticking to the program but meh, I tend to think it's fine. What's another 5%, my max numbers were passive anyway.

Day 1:

Push ups 5x3 explosive

Bench press 5x3 90% rm @211
215x3 x5

Decline bench 1x10 3x5
225x5 x3

Flat flys 3x12
40x12 x3

Push ups 3xMax
Total 98

Dips 3xMax
x20 x3

Rope Pushdowns 4x10
100x10 x2


2,527 calories
44g fats
326g carbs
28g fiber
223g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-06-2014 , 04:45 PM
Week of 7/6/14 Macros:

Off days-
57g fats
220g carbs
250g protein

Training days-
48g fats
330g carbs
220g protein

High day-
48g fats
410g carbs
210g protein

Also for 164 lbs, still feeling pretty lean. This pic was from today which is roughly 5 weeks after the end of my cut.


Last edited by ExpectedV; 07-06-2014 at 04:52 PM.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-07-2014 , 08:41 PM
Week 3 day 2
Weight: 163.8

Day 2:

Box jumps 5x3 explosive

DL 3x6 85% 285 lbs
275x5 raw
285x6 x3 belted/no straps

Leg curls 3x8
125x8 x3

Front squats 5x5
155x5 x4

2,480 calories
42g fats
327g carbs
27g fiber
214g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-08-2014 , 11:00 AM
Best pic yet. holymotherofgod.jpg. SM must be crying somewhere in the icy north, drowning his tears in vats of creme fraiche after seeing that.

Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-08-2014 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Best pic yet. holymotherofgod.jpg. SM must be crying somewhere in the icy north, drowning his tears in vats of creme fraiche after seeing that.

I don't think he even got that far; I just picture him reading the words "end" and "cut" and then staring at the screen, confused, for 14 hours straight.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-08-2014 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I don't think he even got that far; I just picture him reading the words "end" and "cut" and then staring at the screen, confused, for 14 hours straight.
Lol, nice, that's nice.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-08-2014 , 07:56 PM
Lmfao, Monte and Yugo always providing the lol's.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-08-2014 , 09:08 PM
Weight: 162.4

- Woke up late today and was feeling kinda sore so decided to take an unexpected off day from the gym and decided to go for a long run. Only downside was the 90 degree temp.

Steady cardio
5.12 miles 53 mins (602 calories burnt)

2,755 calories
71g fats
294g carbs
25g fiber
224g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 02:11 PM
Week 3 day 3
Weight: 164.6

Pull ups 4xMax

BB row 5x8
165x8 x5

DB row 4x10
85x10 x4

Supinated cable rows 3x12
140x12 x3

Seated shrugs 4x12
95x15 x2

Bent over Reverse fly 4x12
30x12 x4

Cable curls 4x12

Bike 41 mins (250 calories burnt)

2,555 calories
50g fats
328g carbs
33g fiber
213g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Pull ups
Am I reading this right? +25 lbs for a set of 15?

If so you should just dethrone Busto now, you've gotta be good for 30 BW pullups.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 02:47 PM
Maybe they are FakeBusto pullups (i.e. no ROM)...
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Maybe they are FakeBusto pullups (i.e. no ROM)...
That has been the going theory.

Videos were promised lo some weeks ago and have thus far failed to materialize.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
Am I reading this right? +25 lbs for a set of 15?

If so you should just dethrone Busto now, you've gotta be good for 30 BW pullups.
Yes, you are reading this correctly. Next time I do pull ups I'll record it and see how many I can get.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Maybe they are FakeBusto pullups (i.e. no ROM)...
lol he only go 50% or so?
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
That has been the going theory.

Videos were promised lo some weeks ago and have thus far failed to materialize.
When I was in Louisiana I recorded them but I decided to delete it to free up room to record a bunch of DL sets.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
When I was in Louisiana I recorded them but I decided to delete it to free up room to record a bunch of DL sets.

1) Record H&F world record breaking chinup sesh
2) Worry about mediocre bastardized sumo DL form
3) ???
4) No H&F world record video, still has mediocre bastardized sumo DL form

Well played, sir, well played.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 07:14 PM
but are you counting your shoes and phone?
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-09-2014 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian

1) Record H&F world record breaking chinup sesh
2) Worry about mediocre bastardized sumo DL form
3) ???
4) No H&F world record video, still has mediocre bastardized sumo DL form

Well played, sir, well played.
Haha it wasn't world breaking, it was just to show Monte/other people interested my ROM. It was only like 22-25 of them.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-10-2014 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
If so you should just dethrone Busto now, you've gotta be good for 30 BW pullups.
wat? 15x25lbs shouldn't equal anywhere near 30x bw reps... or? To me that 22-25 range sounds more like what I'd expect.

I've done 10x10kg a couple of times and I think I could get 14-15 bw reps. But I just about never do bw reps except warmups so idk.

Last edited by chinz; 07-10-2014 at 05:08 AM.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-10-2014 , 08:00 AM
I'd be really surprised if you could only do 14 bw reps.

I vaguely recall doing ~25 reps at some point in the last year. I had been doing a lot of +70x3, +50x5, and +25x8 grease the groove type work but nothing with higher reps.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-11-2014 , 09:25 AM
Week 3 day 4
Weight: 164.6

- Only 4 hours of sleep today, was a painful workout. OHP was a grind and no video of pull ups cuz IFBB Pro was waiting to do some pill ups after me lol.

OHP3x6 85% @ 115
115x6 x3

DB seated press 4x10
60x10 x3

Pull ups 4xMax
25x8 x2
Total 41?

Push ups 4xMax
Total 123

BB row 4x10
135x10 x4

Side Laterals 4x12
30x12 x3

Hammer curls 4x12
35x12 x3

2,575 calories
44g fats
341g carbs
50g fiber
226g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-12-2014 , 03:51 PM
Off day

-Off a bit on macros cuz I didn't have much time to eat especially since I had to rush over to see dawn of the planet of the apes. Epic movie 10/10.

1,922 calories
57g fats
171g carbs
12g fiber
182g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-12-2014 , 04:09 PM
Week 3 day 5
Weight: 161.4

Squats 3x6 85% @157 lbs
165x6 x2

Bulgarian split squats 4x10
RDL 4x10

Hyper extensions 4x10
25x10 x3

2,885 calories
65g fats
371g carbs
44g fiber
212g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-12-2014 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by david duke k k kay
ev would you mind posting your daily diet please? just a quick breakdown would be appreciated ty. your lean dog i wanna eat what your eating
Not sure if this is a troll account or not. I could post my diet from day to day but it's pretty meaningless because the macro nutrients are all that matters. I could get the same results by eating other foods but these foods are my preference. Being completely honest and not to pull the broscientist card but I eat a lot of meals throughout the day and I eat a lot of Bro-ish foods.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
07-13-2014 , 12:12 AM
Lots of chicken. Lots of rice.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
