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Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log)

10-27-2020 , 12:56 PM
Oh my god that sounds horrible to me lol.

Yesterday was a sub 1000 calorie day. Today going for the same.

Eating this way is great - the hunger isn’t that overwhelming, and if it is affecting me I just nibble on something until it goes away. Usually an apple works.

Then when I break my fast it’s like the best meal ever and I get full very fast. The meal is almost like a reward. I could keep this up for a while. Weekends are my leak though, I just go buck wild.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-10-2020 , 03:41 PM
Still holding around 160 but my visceral fat seems like it’s going down.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-11-2020 , 04:52 PM
I weighed in at 158 today. So I am losing about 1 lb/week since early september. That feels like a good clip. By christmas I will be at the weight I want, feels good man.

But then what comes after... who knows at this point. We’ll have to see what my belly is doing in 3 more lbs. I expect it won’t be a washboard but my old 155 was pretty flat. I would walk around confidently shirtless right now though. I could take it down to 150 and it’d definitely be gone entirely - but I’m not sure if I wanna get down that low, or if I even can.

Absolutely no way I’m gaining back now that I’ve seen how much work 5 ****in lbs can be.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-11-2020 , 05:18 PM
Weight training is a good way to look better at a slightly heavier weight.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
01-03-2021 , 03:17 PM
Update since it’s been a while:

Hit target weight of 155 about 3 weeks ago. Gained 5 lbs back during my vacation. This was expected and not distressing. I let myself go on purpose, not wanting to worry about it. Back to the grind now.

It’s craaaazy how easy it is to gain 1 lb vs losing 1 lb.

I shaved my beard when I hit 155 to see if my face still looked fat. It’s definitely not as bad, but I have this really irritating lingering jowl under my chin that I’m not sure how or if I can get rid of it, and it def makes me look fatter. Luckily my beard covers it. This was a big disappointment for me. I’d rather be clean shaven because it’s easier to take care of and my beard is coarse as hell.

Still have a little gut and saggy tits but it’s less distressing to me now. Committing to working out more in the next few months.

See you.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
01-03-2021 , 03:37 PM
Gut and saggy tits at 155/5'10" is definitely in need of resistance training and increased protein intake. I think you know this but maybe not the full extent of it. A lack of lean body mass is your primary problem.

An around maintenance diet with lots of protein (say 2000-2200 cals 170g protein) with a novice strength routine would make you look better more quickly than any of your other options at this point, and definitely would be better than continuing to lose weight sedentarily.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
03-30-2021 , 12:05 PM
At low 150’s. Aesthetics looking decent. Little pudge but probably only noticeable to myself. As soon as my covid vaccine reaches full effectiveness in my body (took 2 weeks ago) then I am seeking out a gym and entering the BULK PHASE.

I am going to try to put on about 10-15 lbs while eating enormous amounts of protein and working on as many golf muscles as I can.

I think a cut 165 will look really decent on me even as I approach my mid 30’s and have my T levels dropping.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
08-02-2021 , 02:53 PM
Update, have a knee reconstruction due this year that is hampering my ability to exercise but I am 149 lbs as of now. Skinny fat still for sure but my gut is nearly gone. After surgery will be the bulk phase Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log)Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log)Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log)

Tbh though I’m quite comfortable at this skinny weight. I dont mind the look of myself in the mirror and have received compliments from the oppo sex. I wouldnt mind some bulk but I am worried about the gut problem, happens every time I gain.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
08-02-2021 , 06:38 PM
You can always lift upper body.
What happened to your knee?
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
08-02-2021 , 07:39 PM
I do do that but it is quite hard to stand during some exercises. I have a condition called osteochondritis dessicans which is when blood supply to bone in a joint becomes constricted and the bone dies. There are huge chunks of bone floating around in my left knee that have caused so much damage to the surrounding soft tissue that my knee is basically bone on bone in a lot of spots. I need a full reconstruction and a knee replacement within 5-10 years.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-11-2021 , 08:27 PM
update: it is time for the BULK PHASE.

My surgery is (TBD) with no end in sight. So i am like, fk it. Basically, they are doing a full knee reconstruction with donor tissue and bone from a cadaver. I am still waiting on a match, which could take up to 6 months. So I got that to look forward to, but the dr said I could be jogging 4-6 weeks after the procedure (I'll believe it when I see it).

In the meantime, I've trimmed down to ~145 lbs. My dr. telling me I look too thin, as well as my masseuse. Gut basically gone. Unfortunately so is all my muscle. So it's bulk time, finally.

Signed up to the gym and paid for 8 sessions with a trainer who is gonna do 2x/week with me and then I do 1 of my own. Told him my goals are to gain about 10-15 lbs of lean muscle mass, and then re-assess. Strength is important to me too because even with this weak ass body, I'm driving the golf ball 240 yards- but I know I can hit 300. Overall I just want to look and feel better.

The guy told me after the assessment that I'm really out of shape and not very flexible. I was like lol, we could have just skipped all of that and I could've told you.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-11-2021 , 11:52 PM
" masseuse" , paying trainers, golfing

We get it J, too much humble bragging in one post.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-11-2021 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
" masseuse" , paying trainers, golfing

We get it J, too much humble bragging in one post.

Uh, ok? Sorry a very bland description of my current life triggered feelings of jealousy that prompted you to make this dumbass post.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-12-2021 , 09:36 AM
Admit it j, the only reason you post anything here is to lord your sweet, sweet life over MLYLT's train wreck.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-12-2021 , 11:00 AM
It was meant jokingly J.

I don't need a post to trigger jealousy, I'm already freaking jelly that you make more monies than me with 1/16 of the time and effort put in.

Be thankful for your sweet ass luck and good luck with the surgery.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-12-2021 , 11:01 AM
Get out of this log please.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-12-2021 , 08:00 PM
First session was ok. I’m really out of shape. He also clocked me at 19% body fat, yeesh.

We did goblet squats, single dumbbell rows, situps, and some weird thing where I held a kettlebell and stuck my ass out and pushed my chest downward as much as I could, which stretched my hamstrings a lot.

About 2 sets in I got extremely dizzy and nauseous and had to stop for a few mins. I told him my cardio was ass and that I’d work on doing 20-30 mins of cardio a day to get that back to where it should be. He wants me to stretch 2-3x per day as well because my flexibility is poor, especially in my hips and legs. He did say that my upper body fitness looked good but the legs are a disaster.

He wants me at like 175g protein a day at 2500-3k calories. Good lord. I think I’m at about 100g protein for today, but I haven’t eaten dinner yet.

Today I ate a meat lover stouffer lasagna, a turkey sandwich with a little mayo and cheese, and for dinner I’m thinking I’ll make a steak or something with mashed potatoes. I had 1 50g protein shake w/ milk and a banana as well, but I may have a second one if I don’t have steak for dinner.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-18-2021 , 01:22 PM
5'11 145 20% bodyfat?

The realities of natty training.........

When the trainer says it, it's real. When loco says it, he is fat shaming. Been telling the forum for years and years and years. I provide free visual bodyfat testing. I anxiously wait for noods in my inbox to help people for free. Almost nothing, only a couple of folks have taken me up.

Your trainer is trying to get you to learn to hip hinge. The single most powerful human movement possible, it will literally move a car. Just ask our resident strongman Aidan, who deadlifts cars for reps. And pulls semis for fun.

"He only weighs 80kg but pulls 10 tons"!!!!
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-18-2021 , 01:26 PM
He’s been workin me pretty hard, been goin 4x a week, i feel like death
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-18-2021 , 01:35 PM
He is probably a donk. One of those no pain, no gain personal trainers.

Exercise is supposed to be enjoyable. Just go lighter than he reccommends, override his donk arse. Or just go 2x per week until you start picking up some steam.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-18-2021 , 02:21 PM
It's entirely possible that exercise can be both enjoyable and exhausting.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-18-2021 , 02:23 PM
Not for me, refreshed close to 100% of the time. Feel better during and especially, afterwards. But I train right.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-18-2021 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by loco
He is probably a donk. One of those no pain, no gain personal trainers.

Exercise is supposed to be enjoyable. Just go lighter than he reccommends, override his donk arse. Or just go 2x per week until you start picking up some steam.

I go to the point where I cannot physically do 1 more rep or I’m so dizzy I can’t stand. Yea, I don’t disagree with you, but I’m extremely out of shape and haven’t done rigorous exercise for years (my only exercise has been golf, which is a joke, and walking a few miles a day).

I’m glad he’s pushing me, I cannot push myself this hard yet, unfortunately.

I’ve been having a hard time getting above 2k calories but I think my protein intake has been good.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-20-2021 , 12:47 AM
Lol. I’m a donkey. I looked at the calories for these protein shakes I’ve been making at home and each one is like 800 calories. I’ve been having two a day. No wonder my appetite is shiet. I’m probably hitting a decent number of calories.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
11-27-2021 , 11:03 PM
gained a few lbs. Might be placebo but I don't mind how i look in a tighter fitting shirt right now. My trainer says my back and shoulders are looking decent. Still working on my legs.

One thing we noticed is I have a significant weakness on my left side, especially my arm. Not sure why. Still eating as much as I can and getting my protein in. Endurance seems a lot higher now. I don't feel like dying after workouts anymore.

I went to the driving range for the first time since we started and I was hitting the ball 5-10 yards farther than I usually do, which was cool.
Jmakin, more like Jbacon (weight loss/fitness log) Quote
