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Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log

05-14-2011 , 11:56 PM
Today I was just setting pace for the guy so today they were not fast. I ran a 63 a couple weeks ago as my 3rd or fourth on a loop that's a little longer than 400. I think I could probably run a 58-60 on a track. Although I've gained like 10lbs in past 5 weeks so it may be slower.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-15-2011 , 12:05 AM
I know you ran track, what were your PR's across events?
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-15-2011 , 02:34 PM
Was pretty much an 800m runner. 1:54.(6)?. I'd have to go back and look. Ran that my junior year of HS and never got a healthy season after

Was typically a 49-50 split on the 4x400 with one or two random high 48's. Ran a 22.9 in the 200. Never really cared about the mile and don't think I ran it in a serious meet after my sophomore year. Was in the 4:20s in college practices. Ran 17:01 in the 5k in HS but also ran faster than this multiple times in college practices.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-16-2011 , 01:12 AM
those front squats are one of the most impressive things i've seen someone post on here
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-16-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
those front squats are one of the most impressive things i've seen someone post on here
I find it amazing his elbows never drop even at the bottom. Even with relatively light weights like final warmups, my elbows fall just a little bit at the bottom.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-16-2011 , 10:25 PM
-Looked up what a 300 Sinclair is... Ummm Nahhh (240 at 77 for everyone)

- Mad respect from KPC. Gotta love it.

-E, I think I may have been controlling depth a little bit in hindsight. Probably have like two more inches to be ATG and I think we would see some elbow drop if I got deeper.

6x155 (Last rep was a near fail)
8x130... Felt so light going down and then had no bounce out of the hole.

Behind the Neck Jerks
2x2.5x105 (Failed third reps on both, first forward and second just didnt get under it at all)

Snatch Pulls (Off a box)
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-17-2011 , 04:34 AM
Jaysick, you always make me hate myself <3 thanks broo
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-17-2011 , 10:18 PM
<3 always.

Maybe if you weren't so Dimichelle'd. Pretty sure your smoking me overhead and benching (definitely P4P now) and lets not get into your pull-ups and chin-ups.

5min of "Max" Handstand Pushups
Yea....""= not trying to kill my shoulders . Set pace for 50ish and got there. Additional 8-10 lbs for HSPU is not good; nor is having no groove.

Push Press
5x80, 84, 87

3 Rounds of:
6 Hang Cleans @70
8 Burpees
10 Box Jumps
5min rest

:32, :31, :28
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-18-2011 , 09:16 PM
Current FB Status:

Its official; one of my least favorite things in the world is going out for a run.

Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-19-2011 , 09:18 PM
Weight 176.6 WR!

Rope Climbs x 10

Front Squats (In Pounds)
3x325 WR! (+18)
2x345 WR!

Previous PR was 345 as seen here:

at 2x speed

Today's Video

Thought I was going to black out after the first rep...

3:25 recovery

180m, 193m, 195m
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-19-2011 , 09:55 PM
pretty gross.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-19-2011 , 10:48 PM
wow. nice work.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-20-2011 , 08:37 AM
That is beastly core strength.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-20-2011 , 09:37 AM
Jesus. Such solid form too.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:07 AM
Good squats.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-20-2011 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Jesus. Such solid form too.
My upper back rounding on the second rep is hidden very well by the camera angle.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-21-2011 , 01:32 PM
CF Games Simulation BS

Row 750M (2:34)
15 hspu

I'm an alternate. i.e. not rowing another 750

I decided to do the third WOD for "fun"

In hindsight, there was nothing fun about it.
275lb DL
30" Box Jumps

Took me like 6:30. I probably shouldn't have deadlifted that much considering I have barely deadlifted in the last 6 months. It's a sub 4 minute workout imo but I acted lk a big vag.

50 DU's on the minute for 5 mins
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-23-2011 , 10:36 PM
Weight: 177 WR!

Originally I was thinking 180 and then cut but I thought it would take longer to get there than it is. Not really sure what the plan is now.

Overhead Squats

Hang Snatches (From just below the knee)

These felt much better. Definitely easier than the last time at 5kg heavier. I am starting to feel more comfortable receiving the bar. Mixed in some random Hang power snatches at 59 just to get a feel for the weight.

Snatch Pull to Power Position
Same as Hang Snatches
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-25-2011 , 10:23 PM
Weight 178.0

Eating is easy.

Front Squats
3x130 (Paused)

The 150s were surprisingly easy. Felt much fresher than last week (prior to this workout) and it showed on the squat platform.

Hang Cleans (from just below knee)
3x105 WR!

Lots of them were HPCs because I was a little off getting under the bar today. One at 105 was a HPC.

Dropped between reps on 100 and 105. Right elbow and left knee are both pretty tender due to some bad catches.

Push Press
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
05-31-2011 , 09:44 PM
Did CF regionals individual workout one
1000m Row

Run was actually 1200m. I went out too hard and tanked on the run and ended up finishing in 10:22. Rowed a 3:59 which was Lol slow.

Other than that, I did a lot of pushups, pull-ups and planks this weekend. Got a little cold so took it easy.


Felt like I got hit by a truck by the end of the workout today. My joints still hate olympic lifting based exercises.

Hang Snatches
2x3x63 PR

Hang Cleans

When I get to 100+ kilos I have a hard time transitioning to getting under the bar. I'm concentrating too hard on trying to get the bar high enough and not thinking about meeting it so ~ half my reps make me look completely incompetent.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
06-01-2011 , 04:14 AM
I may have missed it, but what's the goal bodyweight? Do some high hang cleans imo. You could squat those up with one leg lol.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
06-01-2011 , 08:05 AM
There's nothing official right now. I think I'm going to slow down the shoving of food down my throat and settle at right around 180. Once my squat the plateaus while I weigh 180, I'll probably gain a little more weight and then slowly cut back down to 170.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
06-01-2011 , 11:07 PM
I somehow have a cold on the first of June. This is BS.

Workout felt like a train wreck.


Snatch Balance

5 Muscle Ups (RINGS) (Also did these yesterday)
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
06-02-2011 , 10:21 PM
Today was one of those days where everytime I stood up I felt more sore.

Split Jerks (off the Box)

Worked up to 100
10ish reps at 100

When I actually get a good split, 100 is ezpz.

Drop Cleans/High Hang Cleans

Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
06-06-2011 , 10:38 PM
I did Murph on Saturday as part of a fundraiser or whatever. Pure stupidity. will never do again.

1mi run
100 Pull ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air squats
1mi run
(break up PU, PU, AS however)

I did 38:30 walking most of the second mile. At approx 180 lbs I am incapable of running more than like 600m without my lower back cramping. I feel like my ass which has gotten quite large (according to multiple random girls) is causing my back to lock up when running. Fun times. Level of soreness today: immense.

Drinking from like 1:30 to midnight after completing at 12:45: Not intelligent


2-3 w/ a FC and game winning run on a sick dodge of an attempted peg from like four feet away. He should have just run straight at me as I kind of froze b/c its been a decade since being in a rundown.

Has a sweet collision catching a ball and may or may not have broken the middle toe on my right foot at some point. Its pretty big and purple/throbbed throughout the night last night. Lol kickball.


Holy Soreness! Luckily it was 90+ degrees in the Ameritard scale today (Still 86 at 9:19) and this let me loosen up a little as I got going. Was SOOOO tight on first few OHS sets

2x3x70 (2nd set was when I loosened up significantly and could actually get the bar in a decent OH rack)

From the Groundzzz! First time in a while (Looks like 5/7)
2x3x67 (Failed first rep of second set then hit 3)

These felt good and light. I feel like I was shorting my pull on some of them but felt locked in by the end. I am excited to test a max on either Saturday or next Monday. Hopefully I'll hit a BW snatch. Anything else will be bonus right now.

Clean Pulls

Was supposed to do 2x5x67 and another 5x64 but my right hand was super torn up and I didn't really want to mess it up any worse.

Weight: 180.4 WR*

I cheated. I weighed 178.8 and had 24 oz of water on the table so i just chugged it to hit 180. Granted after eating diner and drinking more water I'm probably 182 but I don't have a scale at home. Probably post a set of Pics at some pt since I took them. Most likely too lazy tonight though. Not too much change on top. Abs a little less defined, chest and arms slightly bigger. As mentioned butt is a lot bigger and legs are bigger as well (have a little bit of quad chafe action for the first time ever) but its hard to tell from pics.

Last edited by Jaysick88; 06-06-2011 at 10:57 PM.
Jaysick88's Lifting and Cardio Log Quote
