Originally Posted by Syndr0m
33BB would you agree if I said the broscience on steroid forums is worse than the one that exists about nutrition and training?
I've been doing some exploring and discussing and it really seems like 99,99% of the people out there should not be giving out advice on steroid use whatsoever.
I think a lot of the disagreements come from the old school train of thought. HCG was practically unheard of in those circles up until a few years ago. Then it slowly morphed from massive amounts used for PCT to a low dosage throughout to make recovery easier. Since it is all trial and error, once something works, someone tends to stick to it, even if it is fundamentally wrong. The main problem now, is that it's a black market, there is a lot of money to be made. So sites like eroids and other source boards are really just a front for companies giving huge kickbacks to the moderators. It is really difficult to tell the difference between fact and fiction in the beginning, which I'm sure has screwed a fair share of people up. I tend to ask pretty simple questions on new boards, if there are knowledgable people I'll stay, if not, and they give some bs advice, I'll avoid it. The majority of the good boards are all non-open forums anyway. It certainly helps to know people irl.
Fwiw, unless you are getting regular bloodwork before, throughout, and after your cycle, it's all bro science.