I still like 2 stars the best i think.
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Confirmed cold as F coming to the Midwest very soon. Good thing I stocked up on plenty of video games during the Steam sale. Yeah buddddddddday!
got up to -25 on the way home from the bar on new years eve up north. Luckily I didn't try to walk home this time
Originally Posted by KPowers
god bagels are so good
correct topping are 90% cream cheese, 90% lox, and 90% tomato.
A neat tip I tried was wrap a bagel that's a little stale in a damp paper towel, microwave it for 25 seconds. Works pretty damn well.
thats like 270% topping
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
The **** is a lox?
Originally Posted by crashjr
It's either way too early for trolling or I lost my humor somewhere but All You Can Eat sushi does not sound good to me and I've never had one that I liked. And I like sushi.
I think it was in portugal I went to a sushi place where there are p
ieces in little containers on a conveyer belt that goes along your booths. Ayce. It was absolutely amazing
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Crashjr - Of course you'll be alive. I was talking about the more Midwesterny backbone of H&F (the ones who count). Namely...me.
** YOU!
Btw, I'm heading back to la crosse today or tomorrow and we didn't have waffle/workout day. I'm fairly disappointed!
Originally Posted by crashjr
Love it