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01-23-2014 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
You cannot simply 'ism PLOKJ; PLOKJ was before downton was there to ism It and will be there much after downton is done isming.

Originally Posted by crashjr
I'd like to help. Could you be more vague?
Top lel.

Originally Posted by crashjr
There are a couple beautifully hidden spots in suburban Redding that no one would suspect.
Lol Redding. Lol at me for believe you anyway.

Originally Posted by mcleod014
and i turned 27 recently. i've already told 3 people that i met i'm 26. whats the acceptable time frame until i can't use the excuse "oh i just turned 27" and have it be valid?
Meh, doesn't matter. I guess if it's been a month or more and is happening regularly something might be broken inside.

Originally Posted by KPowers
what mixed drink are you usually getting?
Water on water on water.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Meh, I feel like you could go to Claim Jumper or Black Angus or something along those lines and get a good meal for $30-40/person and anything higher is diminishing returns.
Claim Jumper legit so I get where you're coming from. At the same time, there are many places better. I have not been to the "true" fine dining places of 100+ entrees or w/e, but in the 60-100 fixed price range or w/e (which seems fine diningish to me anyway) I've had very mixed results. I much prefer going to a place that is dead solid and entrees are 20-30.

Originally Posted by Love Sosa
i drink busch ice.

it's assertive without being aggressive.
01-23-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Why not both? Relax man, maybe go outside and take a walk!

Holy ****. The ice cold burn from DT.
01-23-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Don't worry guys the guy with a cat's paw tattoo tried one. He otherwise has good taste.
All tattoos are special, br0
01-23-2014 , 06:19 PM
ughhhhh i want to go ham on some all you can eat sushi.

but i also want to get more lean.

these are the decisions that define you. (and your abs). hehe
01-23-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Love Sosa
ughhhhh i want to go ham on some all you can eat sushi.

but i also want to get more lean.

these are the decisions that define you. (and your abs). hehe
Can't you just do both?

I am totally serious and basing it on my recollection of the content in your earlier thread which shall not be named.
01-23-2014 , 06:23 PM
no not really. i don't take thyroid meds anymore, they chew thru too much muscle.
01-23-2014 , 06:25 PM
I thought Sosa was under self-imposed house arrest due to not having a functioning car or, I can only assume, limbs. It seems AYCE sushi is hard to order in but perhaps not.

Sosa - when all you've been eating is ramen I think you've thrown in the towel anyway on life and might as well AYCE sushi it up.
01-23-2014 , 06:27 PM
CR, just take some DNP. It's really not that dangerous.
01-23-2014 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack

one of you rich bros should buy this and let me manage it. fool proof, free money, etc
I know this is a troll, but since I'm in the commercial RE industry, I'll bite.

Is the business included? You'll want the past five full years of full business financials for that, plus at least three years of all operating statements for the whole building. Then you'll want to research the local commercial RE market. With the offices on month to month, rather than long term leases, you better know what you'll be able to lease them for if the current tenants bolt after the sale.

That looks like a lot of money for a property that size in Iowa. The fact that a RE agent is the owner/seller probably means he's asking top dollar.
01-23-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian

Top lel.

Lol Redding. Lol at me for believe you anyway.

Meh, doesn't matter. I guess if it's been a month or more and is happening regularly something might be broken inside.

Water on water on water.

Claim Jumper legit so I get where you're coming from. At the same time, there are many places better. I have not been to the "true" fine dining places of 100+ entrees or w/e, but in the 60-100 fixed price range or w/e (which seems fine diningish to me anyway) I've had very mixed results. I much prefer going to a place that is dead solid and entrees are 20-30.

Thought it was mentioned you were part of the ship it holla crew?
01-23-2014 , 06:45 PM
Dating 2 girls. Curly crossfit and dam tadders.

Infatuated w/ curly and she's slipping away I think. Or having a breakdown. I dunno. Canceled on me two days ago and she responds quickly but is just not as warm and enthusiastic. She's currently separated and says things with work and home are bad and she's really stressed out over both. We have plans for next Tuesday. We'll see. Think she's done w/ me. Feelsbadman.

dam tadders is falling in love w/ me. She's coming over tonight, making me dinner and all she wants is srs bangs before I go on a ski trip tmw.

And yet, all I want is curly. idgaf about dam tadders atm
01-23-2014 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Dating 2 girls. Curly crossfit and dam tadders.

Infatuated w/ curly and she's slipping away I think. Or having a breakdown. I dunno. Canceled on me two days ago and she responds quickly but is just not as warm and enthusiastic. She's currently separated and says things with work and home are bad and she's really stressed out over both. We have plans for next Tuesday. We'll see. Think she's done w/ me. Feelsbadman.

dam tadders is falling in love w/ me. She's coming over tonight, making me dinner and all she wants is srs bangs before I go on a ski trip tmw.

And yet, all I want is curly. idgaf about dam tadders atm
I thought before you said divorced. This makes a lot of difference IMO. Also, if I remember correctly her husband (ex-husband?) is a police officer. It might be best to let this one go IMO.
01-23-2014 , 06:52 PM
**** man I already invested! Where were you 15 minutes ago?

No, he was clear she is married. I predicted cuckold murders BTM, this is less exciting and more predictably sad though. Sorry btm, maybe just bang a million 10s instead. Sad.
01-23-2014 , 06:54 PM
Is there something wrong with dam yammers or just that she's not curly crossfit?
01-23-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
I thought before you said divorced. This makes a lot of difference IMO. Also, if I remember correctly her husband (ex-husband) is a police officer. It might be best to let this one go IMO.
currently separated. Not official yet but they do live apart since I've been to her place and she lives w/ a female. and no, never said what he does bc I don't know tbh.

Yeah, I'm at the point where I have to just let her go. If she wants to hang out and contact me then she can but I think I'm done putting in effort. :/ It really sucks. Of literally all of the girls I've been out with in the last 6 months she was by far the most awesome. I'd instantly exclusively date her if she was up for it and I can't say that about anyone else.
01-23-2014 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by bixby snyder
Is there something wrong with dam yammers or just that she's not curly crossfit?
a couple minor things but yeah, maybe more so the latter.
01-23-2014 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
That looks like a lot of money for a property that size in Iowa. The fact that a RE agent is the owner/seller probably means he's asking top dollar.
I believe I am familiar with that place - it's like 1 block off campus?

Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Thought it was mentioned you were part of the ship it holla crew?
Just b/c GOOD2CU insisted on spraying Dom all over me and the women nearby so I reeked of alcohol all night does not mean I wasn't mainly pounding back waters all over the place.

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
And yet, all I want is curly. idgaf about dam tadders atm
Wait, the xfitter is married and separated? I somehow did not know this. Wtf is this ****? Go for demammy tadders, bro. of course you want what you can't have but spend more time thinking about fun things tadders can do to make it up to you that curly isn't actually available for a LTR.
01-23-2014 , 06:56 PM
Honeymoon phase, BTM.

Meaning she's just on her honeymoon with her husband. I am sure she'll give you a ring when she's back.
01-23-2014 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Wait, the xfitter is married and separated? I somehow did not know this. Wtf is this ****? Go for demammy tadders, bro. of course you want what you can't have but spend more time thinking about fun things tadders can do to make it up to you that curly isn't actually available for a LTR.
Yeah, she is.

tadders can make up for some things....argh. Maybe it is just that rejection stings and I want what I can't have.
01-23-2014 , 07:05 PM
I'm sure some sweet sweet, hard loving before your ski trip will cheer you up.

Sounds like a tough life bruh.
01-23-2014 , 07:08 PM
Damn, BtM.

You really live life on the edge man. Next you will be telling us this is your 4th time skiing and you are doing double black diamonds (do they even have double black diamond on the East Coast?)
01-23-2014 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
tadders can make up for some things....argh. Maybe it is just that rejection stings and I want what I can't have.
This is almost surely what is going on.

One thing hardest to time/manage in relationships is the inequity between interest levels of both parties. It's almost impossible to find a relationship that starts out at 50/50 interest. It's going to be lopsided. But that can also shift and ultimately (imo anyway) absolutely can get close enough to 50/50 that it can be a solid, healthy, and exciting LTR. That has to start shifting right away though if it's too off to start (e.g. 70/30). And it can be affected/managed by one side, although is tricky. Usually people only try to manage it if things are 70/30 and they are the 70% interested party and they go about it wrong. If that person is the 30, usually it's too easy to coast, or allow the inequity as it may feed insecurities since you will feel "more wanted". But ultimately if you see potential, you gotta get them more in line.

Or move on and hope to get accidentally closer next time.
01-23-2014 , 07:12 PM
Feels are smashed. Will probably crash and die. Nice knowing you guys.


Not really. they have them but they're like a hard blue out west. Kind of a joke.
01-23-2014 , 07:12 PM
Yes. It's called "ice"
01-23-2014 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Damn, BtM.

You really live life on the edge man. Next you will be telling us this is your 4th time skiing and you are doing double black diamonds (do they even have double black diamond on the East Coast?)
Yes they do.

Originally Posted by BookToMarket

Not really. they have them but they're like a hard blue out west. Kind of a joke.
Sometimes it is this, but mostly it is that:

Originally Posted by KPowers
Yes. It's called "ice"
I haven't skied in about 11 years, but I remember most of the black and double black trails back east being fairly steep and covered in ice. Not that much fun and not anything like western/European trails. I hate skiing on the east coast.
