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01-22-2014 , 08:41 PM
01-22-2014 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Why would you ever watch video of that injury? Sick puppies imo
Just clickin buttons!

Originally Posted by Evoken
Anyway, I mostly checked this thread to state that Sherlock season 3 eps 2 and 3 were much better than the opener. Very enjoyable.
Fine I'll watch.

Originally Posted by KPowers
right in the center of feels
Did you show her your cat-paw tat?

Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Link? What ever happened with this?
Everyone dies in the end.

Originally Posted by Love Sosa
01-22-2014 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
My working theory is that white women just feel too god damn good about themselves to do hard things and Asian/East Indian don't, but I'm not absolutely married to this explanation. Maybe it's that intellect/educational credential is more prized in the marriage market in China so women who have an end goal of housewifedom still take education seriously.
Everything I've seen since moving to China points towards the opposite.

I know lots of Chinese women from my masters program whose end career goal is housewife.
I'm guessing that this is the reason why. Chinese people doing a masters in a western country is going to be very very very rare. It might not seem that rare to people in master's programs, but that's largely due to the insane number of Chinese. This small % of China's population fall into two categories: children of incredibly wealthy parents, or very intelligent and very very very very driven students. So what you are seeing is not so much what has been discussed, but just a pure numbers game with a nation that has 1.5 billion people. Like I said before, this is the most superficial country I've ever been to, and far far far far worse than USA.

Here's a pretty hilarious article which discusses it a bit in the wealthy Chinese, but I can assure it is very true of middleclass as well, although improving quickly.

If you don't read it, these is probably the most important quotes from it:

Meanwhile high-level officials and wealthy businessmen see beautiful young women as status symbols to be conquered. “I’ve got a Mercedes and now I have a beautiful girl sitting in it,” says the editor, mimicking a powerful man.

The situation can be summed up in a popular Chinese expression that says “Men turn bad once they get rich, while women get rich only after they turn bad.”

The entire article is incredibly good and a fantastic summary of how superficial China is. highly recommend it.
01-22-2014 , 08:59 PM
wow. planks.

remember when i said I did standing ab wheels for a double?

some fattycakes broke the ****ing ab wheel at the gym, so I did planks for the first time ever.

-is it normal if your whole body is shaking the whole time

-what's a time to not be ashamed of

-how far out should your elbows be?

shakes. did 60 seconds, 45 seconds with elbows way the f out, and then 30 seconds with elbows way in. I don't really like planks, it's just slow and grueling, good for endurance but I'd rather do 'em weighted for less time
01-22-2014 , 09:05 PM
mah superman pills (40/10mg viagra/cialis) came in today. will rate /37 tomorrow.
01-22-2014 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
wow. planks.

remember when i said I did standing ab wheels for a double?

some fattycakes broke the ****ing ab wheel at the gym

It was me
01-22-2014 , 09:16 PM
Related to Bluegrasse's post,

I always LIL a little bit whenever it is a bright sunny day (but not uncomfortably hot) and you walk by a (fob) Chinese girl who is covered from head to toe including hat and umbrella because heaven forbid a single ray of sunlight darken and blemish her skin. I guess skin tone (and being as light as possible) is a superbig deal in some parts of Chinese society. I just find it funny because it is so polar opposite to our notions of health, where a nice tan is seen as healthy and favorable.
01-22-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Love Sosa
mah superman pills (40/10mg viagra/cialis) came in today. will rate /37 tomorrow.
Aren't you only 21? What is the point of getting Viagra? Do you want to have a boner 24/7? Do you want to eliminate the refractory period completely? Do you want to maintain the ability to stay hard when you are rolling on E (I guess it is called Molly now)? Seriously, what is the point?
01-22-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Aren't you only 21? What is the point of getting Viagra? Do you want to have a boner 24/7? Do you want to eliminate the refractory period completely? Do you want to maintain the ability to stay hard when you are rolling on E (I guess it is called Molly now)? Seriously, what is the point?
Way to keep up with the thread bro.
01-22-2014 , 09:26 PM
What school did you go to in MN Yugo?

Originally Posted by KPowers
wow. planks.

remember when i said I did standing ab wheels for a double?

some fattycakes broke the ****ing ab wheel at the gym, so I did planks for the first time ever.

-is it normal if your whole body is shaking the whole time

-what's a time to not be ashamed of

-how far out should your elbows be?

shakes. did 60 seconds, 45 seconds with elbows way the f out, and then 30 seconds with elbows way in. I don't really like planks, it's just slow and grueling, good for endurance but I'd rather do 'em weighted for less time
I just did them for first time today and did them all with elbows way in and did 40, 34 and 31 s. It sucked and I shook almost the whole time.
01-22-2014 , 09:28 PM
QB he had a problem... i think when using condoms if i recall correctly?
01-22-2014 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
a little too much unearned positive affirmation and coddling is unlikely to push one into doing very academically difficult things later in life. Maybe too much self-esteem makes one much less likely to do necessary but tedious and difficult things.
I've seen some research on this. If you tell kids they're hardworking, they will take on very difficult challenges. But if you instead tell kids they're smart, they won't attempt anything too difficult because failing would challenge their self-identification as "smart." So kids constantly told they're smart will gravitate to easy work that won't challenge them.
01-22-2014 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Aren't you only 21? What is the point of getting Viagra? Do you want to have a boner 24/7? Do you want to eliminate the refractory period completely? Do you want to maintain the ability to stay hard when you are rolling on E (I guess it is called Molly now)? Seriously, what is the point?
Originally Posted by crashjr
Way to keep up with the thread bro.

get a hand in.
01-22-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Related to Bluegrasse's post,

I always LIL a little bit whenever it is a bright sunny day (but not uncomfortably hot) and you walk by a (fob) Chinese girl who is covered from head to toe including hat and umbrella because heaven forbid a single ray of sunlight darken and blemish her skin. I guess skin tone (and being as light as possible) is a superbig deal in some parts of Chinese society. I just find it funny because it is so polar opposite to our notions of health, where a nice tan is seen as healthy and favorable.
There's a Chinese saying that is something along the lines of "no girl is so beautiful that being a little bit more white wont help." or "an extra shade of white will help any imperfection"

can't remember exactly what. What you saw is incredibly common here. It's especially lol when they are walking around with their sunbrellas because it's hot outside but the sun is hidden behind layers of pollution.

Aside from just believing it looks better, they also think the sun ages skin a lot, and avoiding it altogether will keep them young longer. I dated a girl last year who liked the sunbathe which was a change of pace, and I thought it looked great. I've found a few girls who clearly aren't afraid of the sun, and was shocked when I saw several advertisements for a tanning salon in my town. I have trouble believing they have enough customers so I'm curious how it's doing. I guess that this might be a new trend.
01-22-2014 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
oh good we're waxing intellectual about something nobody knows or has any data on
01-22-2014 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
a huge paragraph i wont read.

fun times today at the gym

I forget my card, every time. Every single time. I walk in, say hey i forgot my card, they type in my name and say okay.

Every time. 3-4 days a week for the last... whenever I lost my card. Year?

Cute girl behind the counter that I asked out 5-6 months ago who politely rejected me is working. nbd we're amicable w/e.

Today I walk in and just say "hey guess what?"
"You forgot your card lol"
She just looks at me "What's your name?"
"How do you not know?"
"I know it starts with a T"

right in the center of feels
V similar thing happened to me.

I've seen this really, really cute girl a handful of times at my gym and two weeks ago I was foam rolling in the corner and she came over and started doing her usual routine of planks, pushups, mountain climbers and other stuff. Right next to me. During a break of hers I say hi, she takes her earbuds out and we chat for a few minutes exchanging names, where we're from, and some other stuff. Normal chats.

Saturday I see her again and I go up to her and say "Hey Laura " and she smiles back and goes "Oh, I'm I know you?"

Right in the feels.
01-22-2014 , 10:28 PM
Cardio level: Roadrunner


Last edited by BustoRhymes; 01-22-2014 at 10:28 PM. Reason: That's 25mph
01-22-2014 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
right in the center of feels
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Right in the feels.
Sick negs bros.
01-22-2014 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
V similar thing happened to me.

I've seen this really, really cute girl a handful of times at my gym and two weeks ago I was foam rolling in the corner and she came over and started doing her usual routine of planks, pushups, mountain climbers and other stuff. Right next to me. During a break of hers I say hi, she takes her earbuds out and we chat for a few minutes exchanging names, where we're from, and some other stuff. Normal chats.

Saturday I see her again and I go up to her and say "Hey Laura " and she smiles back and goes "Oh, I'm I know you?"

Right in the feels.
wow yours is def worse. almost passive aggressive to say that.

another fun time some girl was cleaning the men's locker room cuz it was empty. i guess that's a thing. i walk in and there she is, I'm the only other person in and I just say "Is this finally happening?"

It was not.
01-22-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
wow yours is def worse. almost passive aggressive to say that.

another fun time some girl was cleaning the men's locker room cuz it was empty. i guess that's a thing. i walk in and there she is, I'm the only other person in and I just say "Is this finally happening?"

It was not.
Yeah she had a big nervous smile on her face. Clearly unintentional. I was actually going up to her with the intention of striking up chats again to possibly ask her out. Then she gives me that line and it threw me completely off.

lol@your story.
01-22-2014 , 11:17 PM
It's probably going to snow here tomorrow night. Am I gonna die?
01-22-2014 , 11:24 PM
Evening gents:

01-22-2014 , 11:26 PM
I just bought a new shovel and 200 lbs of rock salt. So awesome. Shovel is gigantic and has three handles.

I took two ibuprofen PMs at 8:30, lied in bed listening to classical music for 45 minutes, and now I'm more awake than I've ever been. What the hell. I never even use that stuff, I figured it would knock me out into next week.
01-22-2014 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Evening gents:

Needs more meat, both the meal and the fraulein.
01-22-2014 , 11:29 PM
BTM I don't mean to jump on the "that's a man" bandwagon but do you honestly find that bicep attractive? That's a serious question, we may just be very different people...

ETA: rest is super legit ldo
