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J. Brown's CF + Log J. Brown's CF + Log

01-19-2010 , 05:47 PM
will def try this once i start working metcons in again...
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:19 PM
J, out of curiousity, what's your Elizabeth time?
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-20-2010 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by 7ontheline
J, out of curiousity, what's your Elizabeth time?
the coach means well but i totally hear you.

my best elizabeth time is 8:48 and it is pretty old.
might not be much better now as i have been doing zero ring dips lately.

thanks for the nice words. i haven't been feeling it recently and encouragement sure does help me feel like i am doing something right these days.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:32 PM
so i did "day 2" and it had a strange one for the wod....


20 pullups
row 500m
20 pullups
row 500m
20 pullups

if you come of the bar on the pullups they start over at zero.

i didn't come off the bar and my time was like 6 minutes, but...
almost fell off the bar and that was the interesting part.

think this one is supposed to help w/ gauging your fatigue and sort of put you into some sort of "competition" mode or something. did it with a friend and went to the last round of pullups before him and i could see him just praying i would fall off so he would beat me, lol.

i could probably do this a touch faster if i broke up the pullups as i did rest after each i said, interesting.

also did the light snatches and continued on w/my squat progression. still easy for the next week or so and it feels great to actually squat 3x a week and get some sort of groove with the movement.

off to play squash for an hour or two.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-21-2010 , 05:40 PM
Probably for stuff like the CF games too. Frequently they have WODs where its something like lift a bunch of weight and then max pullups, where max means you can't come off the bar. So it helps teach you to buckle down and not let go. From what I understand, it also makes your arms more tired (as opposed to general cardio tiredness). Not sure exactly what that is supposed to accomplish though. Different muscle stimulus maybe? Probably doesn't make a huge difference there.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-21-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by 7ontheline
Probably for stuff like the CF games too. Frequently they have WODs where its something like lift a bunch of weight and then max pullups, where max means you can't come off the bar. So it helps teach you to buckle down and not let go. From what I understand, it also makes your arms more tired (as opposed to general cardio tiredness). Not sure exactly what that is supposed to accomplish though. Different muscle stimulus maybe? Probably doesn't make a huge difference there.
no doubt about it.

my forearms were screaming after this was done and were pumped up like the day thremp discovered spankwire.

still a bit of a weird wod imo.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by droopy0021
This is on my schedule for Thur a.m. Never tried before. I know there was a discussion here (one of the monthly CF posts) about PC vs. full clean. You think this will increase your Grace time by.....additional 60%? That's going to be my target time.
Did in 7:34 tonight. Your time of 6:00 after 500m row is good. I did many of these like thrusters...was told they would count. 60% extra time was right on vs. PC grace.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:35 PM
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-24-2010 , 07:22 AM
squash went well although i feel like i am such a brick of muscle right now that i felt sorry for the wall everytime that i ran into it. nice never really getting winded though.

my squat progression is continuing along but still so light that i am embarrassed to mention it.

did some push press triples up to 185lbs. yesterday and they felt easy peasy.
the joys of being a bit of a fatty!!! my diet seems to be in surplus everyday.
did a bunch of face pulls, paloff holds, planks, etc. also. nice day in the gym.

doing double metcon duty tomorrow. i will list them after i do them....
i think it is going to be a very very brutal day.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-24-2010 , 11:55 PM
post your squat yo. It couldn't be as pathetic as my squat progress over the last year.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-25-2010 , 11:52 AM
hey what crossfits have the best WOD's. The ones here in lexington I don't like that much at all. They have to be some of the worst around.

My sis is prob going to the sectionals at the arnold classic in march and needs some good wods.

I sent her that 20 day thing you were doing though.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-25-2010 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rootabager
hey what crossfits have the best WOD's. The ones here in lexington I don't like that much at all. They have to be some of the worst around.

My sis is prob going to the sectionals at the arnold classic in march and needs some good wods.

I sent her that 20 day thing you were doing though.
i think smiley would agree that these guys are fairly clued in.
best of luck to her.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
01-27-2010 , 07:14 AM
so i have been banging away at my cardio and squat progression and fitting in wods when i can but real life has been getting in the way a bit.

today did ring dips 30-25-20-15-10 with 95# thrusters 4-8-12-16-20 and believe it or not the dips were the limiting factor in a huge way.

my time was 14:15 and although i did the thrusters unbroken i did a ton of single ring dips. they broke down so fast it was scary. oh well. nice when thrusters are actually easy now.

i started my squats at just 200# just because i wasn't sure how fatiguing they would be when combined with all my other stuff. i will start reporting when they get tough and videoing them, etc. etc. i am doing high bar a2a variety just because that is what i am most comfortable with.

i have been warming them up in a bit of an unconventional fashion and wanted some feedback.

i do ohs to start: 1x15 w/45# then 2x10 w/95# then 2x6 w/135#
then back squat 2x5 w/135# 1x3 w/185# and 1x3 w/200ish then work sets.

lots of volume but i like the ohs as a warmup move and it keeps me grooved a bit.

the mainsite has starting having some decent wods again so i may do a few of those mixed in here and there. think i am doing power cleans and 200m repeats tomorrow if there isn't too much snow on the ground.

are there any wods or lifts anyone would like to see video of?
if so i can film whatever i just never know what would be of any interest.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-02-2010 , 09:12 PM

squat progression going fine did 230 yesterday and continuing on with 15# jumps every week until the stall happens.

did a 209# overhead squat today and will post the video of it later.

did this for a metcon:

10 power clean and jerks w/135#
50 double unders
50 unanchored ab mat situps
21 thrusters w/95#
21 chest to bar pullups
10 power clean and jerks w/135#

finished in 7:59

i think that is ok for the lack of cf metcons i have been doing lately.

off to do a spinning class in a spin studio that friend just opened up.
hopefully it doesn't turn me full gay or make make legs uber sore for my squatting tomorrow. i will trip report it when i post the vid(s).
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:27 AM
It will, maybe not tomorrow but eventually it will. I think doing things like that is a surefire way to stall.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
It will, maybe not tomorrow but eventually it will. I think doing things like that is a surefire way to stall.
i wish you were wrong but i totally agree with you.

obv. the progression isn't 100% the most important thing in the entire world to me but i do feel like it already has shown some huge benefits in many areas.

squatting 3x a week is pretty damn life beneficial imo.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:43 AM
I think you owe it to your inner warrior spirit to stop letting other things interfere with heavy ass weight squats and deadlifts. Find some other way to cardiotard it up that won't affect you so much.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 06:29 PM
OHS vid which is a bit suspect imo.

not sure on depth, probably ok, i will let you experts judge...but this was my last rep of a long day and i had a hella hard time stabilizing the weight overhead much less talking myself into lowering underneath it, lol.

here is also a back squat vid from 3 months ago that i am linking which is a triple at 275# i am pretty sure. please feel free to critique it as much as you want as well.

i am getting stronger everyday now and that feels pretty good i guess.

i thought of inner warrior spirit today when squatting. thanks tbk.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 06:34 PM
OHS looks good. Poor angle to judge, but it looks deep enough. Probably should not waste so much energy holding that heavy ass weight over your head, though
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 07:28 PM
OHS looks maybe half an inch high but I'm terrible at judging depth so take that for what it's worth ie very little.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 08:25 PM
ohs is weird. You sort of hit depth and you're quickly out of the hole so it's hard to tell exactly where you went down to. The 3 rep back squats look really good.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
ohs is weird. You sort of hit depth and you're quickly out of the hole so it's hard to tell exactly where you went down to. The 3 rep back squats look really good.
thanks and i agree with the ohs thingy that is sort of why i asked.

when i can actually hold it above my head with some stability (all other attempts really) my depth is rock bottom and i have to questions.

this attempt was strange as soon as i got close to depth i knew better turn it around quick or it was all going to get ugly. i will post a bw for reps ohs vid next week sometime that will have no depth questions i promise.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-03-2010 , 09:44 PM
Usually the rule is if you're not sure you got deep enough, you didn't, but it looked below parallel to me.

I did notice that you exhaled before descending, might feel better with a valsalva. FWIW.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-04-2010 , 01:49 PM
squatting and messing around (KB stuff, ring stuff, ghd stuff, no metcon) was easy and fun yesterday.

staying home today and doing a easy 45 min bike ride on the lifecycle.

some steve cotter extreme KB thing on videos i bought. hope i don't die.

a bunch of yoga/foam rolling/MM.

should be ready for tomorrow and squatting and a little short double metcon day!

doing 21/15/9 ohs 95# and burpees and annie 50/40/30/20/10 double unders and situps.

will film some of this or something if possible.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
02-05-2010 , 05:25 PM
the steve cotter KB videos about killed me yesterday.

for today's fun:

foam roll/MM/jump rope

back squat 3x5 240# starting to not just be an afterthought and going to get really tough soon. 15# a week doesn't seem maintainable forever obv. going to disneyland all next week so might be resetting a bit on return. been happy doing this though.

squat cleans singles up to 200# (no bumpers, no maxing out)
4x5 thrusters @ 155# with 15 sec hold at top on last rep.

then did annie in 6:13. not a pr but pretty good time. only missed one double under.

then stretched a bunch and off to the world of live pokers. oh joy.
J. Brown's CF + Log Quote
