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*** It's F***in' March, guy *** *** It's F***in' March, guy ***

03-22-2016 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
As someone with Muslim family members, I'm sad that they're going to have their lives made a little more difficult by this (#microaggresssions, but for real).

That said, I think the key thing that the liberaligentsia fails to acknowledge (and this is alluding to what QB said, kind of) is that there's a pretty significant selection bias between Muslims that choose to move over here and Muslims that remain, either by necessity or choice, in the sort of regressive pseudo- or total theocracies that exist in parts of Africa and the Middle East.

When a significant subset of a given country's or region's population thinks that being put to death is an appropriate punishment for leaving the religion, honor killings and female genital mutilation are totally cool, and anyone not believing is an infidel that needs to be smote, there are issues. And liberal people not acknowledging those real issues essentially is making themselves parodies, because women's rights, freedom to worship as you choose, and education for all are kind of things that liberals tend to believe are good things.
Well, there is that, but in addition liberal countries that want to show how progressivd they are by letting in and fostering people so radicalized they aren't wanted in their own countries are not going to be given a free pass and instead are going to be ground zero for terrorist planning and atracks.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:51 AM
Also to elaborate on my last statement. People are really just sheeple. This is universal. There is nothing inherently good or evil with the approx 1 billion Muslims that live in this world. In fact, calling most people good or evil is giving them too much credit. Most people just follow their genetic proramming and do what they aRe told and rationalize it after the fact.

The problem with the Muslim sheeple is the sheep herders (#patriarchy) they are following are at war with how human society as a whole has progressed over the last 2000 years, and as long as long as this is e case there will be no peace.

There will never truly be peace anyways, because life itself is a struggle over resources and competing to pass ones genes to the next generation, but that is a bit of a digression.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Yeah, there is a very knee jerk reaction to pointing out that, at their core, all of the major world religions have ridiculously violent teachings and can be used by the devout to justify pretty much any evil thing you can think of.

Pointing that out is "intolerant." No, it's not, it's called reading the source material. Anyone who has ever read the Bible or the Koran who insists that they are essentially "peaceful" either a) hasn't read them or b) is brain dead.

People can choose to ignore the violent parts and focus on the loving your neighbor aspects, and indeed large portions of moderate religious people today do just that, and abhor violence in the name of their religion. But at a very basic level, the violent fundamentalists are behaving far more in keeping with the actual message of their religion.

The core issue is the violence at the center of religion and the fundamentalists who choose to follow those teachings. Pointing that out isn't intolerant. Failure to acknowledge this and the potential for violence doesn't equal hatred of Christians or Muslims.
Agree 100%.

I was trying to decide if I was going to put in a qualifier about some of Christianity's tenets/history being just as violence so I don't get shamed on Jezebel, but decided against it. Needless to say, I am exteremely worried about a Cruz presidency for essentially exactly this reason.

Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Well, there is that, but in addition liberal countries that want to show how progressivd they are by letting in and fostering people so radicalized they aren't wanted in their own countries are not going to be given a free pass and instead are going to be ground zero for terrorist planning and atracks.
I think wanting to seem progressive and enlightened because you like the smell of your own farts is a pretty big problem for most liberals.

That said, my level 0 understanding of the refugee issue is that the vast majority of them from, let's say, Syria, aren't really radicalized to any meaningful extent, just displaced by conflict.

We should be diligent about screening them before letting them into the country, no question, but I'm relatively certain I read the process is ~18-24 months at this point in time.

Seems like the visa system would be a more attractive option for a radical trying to get into the country, but I'm not really all that current or nuanced in my understanding of this stuff.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:17 AM
Yeah Cruz is about the only candidate where if he was on one side and Trump on the other, I'd either vote for Trump or just abstain.

His particular religious zealotry is insidious and dangerous to a modern humanist society.

And I think Trump is bat**** insane so that's saying something.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Yeah Cruz is about the only candidate where if he was on one side and Trump on the other, I'd either vote for Trump or just abstain.

His particular religious zealotry is insidious and dangerous to a modern humanist society.

And I think Trump is bat**** insane so that's saying something.
I pretty much agree; it's kind of insane that the choices in this election are essentially going to force me to vote for HRC with bells on, but here we are.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:23 AM
There are many reasons why I will always you Monte, even though you are always a wolf.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:26 AM
Trump >> Cruz AINEC
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
There are many reasons why I will always you Monte, even though you are always a wolf.

Drinks are on me the next time I'm in Maryland; I'll cyberstalk BTM and we can hopefully watch the Tinder King work in his natural habitat.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Drinks are on me the next time I'm in Maryland; I'll cyberstalk BTM and we can hopefully watch the Tinder King work in his natural habitat.
OMG this would be the best day ever.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Drinks are on me the next time I'm in Maryland; I'll cyberstalk BTM and we can hopefully watch the Tinder King work in his natural habitat.
You gonna come back soon? It was a shame we couldn't meet up last time. [/sincere]
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:42 AM
Probably my favorite #btmthought is imagining what happens on the off chance that a girl actually stays over at his place for breakfast -- asking for him to make her some eggs and bacon and him tossing her three week old hard boiled eggs and bacon appropriated from WWII era Japan has to be pretty amazing.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
You gonna come back soon? It was a shame we couldn't meet up last time. [/sincere]
I've got to come to Chantilly for a few days in the next few months; I think that's relatively close to you?
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:47 AM
Maps says it's 75 minutes from me.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:57 AM
oh cool politics sounds like fun

AIOTT, there's literally something like BACONFEST or some sort of thing to do every ****ing weekend. I have never been because I am only susceptible to such things when they say RARE BEERS in all caps. You live in a real city now, try to take it slow or else you'll end up 6'6" 260 bald and living a cushy life, attending such events and ubering to and fro.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I've got to come to Chantilly for a few days in the next few months; I think that's relatively close to you?
Yeah it's like 10-15 mi away
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
As someone with Muslim family members, I'm sad that they're going to have their lives made a little more difficult by this (#microaggresssions, but for real).

That said, I think the key thing that the liberaligentsia fails to acknowledge (and this is alluding to what QB said, kind of) is that there's a pretty significant selection bias between Muslims that choose to move over here and Muslims that remain, either by necessity or choice, in the sort of regressive pseudo- or total theocracies that exist in parts of Africa and the Middle East.

When a significant subset of a given country's or region's population thinks that being put to death is an appropriate punishment for leaving the religion, honor killings and female genital mutilation are totally cool, and anyone not believing is an infidel that needs to be smote, there are issues. And liberal people not acknowledging those real issues essentially is making themselves parodies, because women's rights, freedom to worship as you choose, and education for all are kind of things that liberals tend to believe are good things.
If there are liberals who approve of Muslim genital mutilation or whatever, they're the looney toons fringe, but people like to pretend liberals approve of these things when liberals point out that Muslims are not a monolithic bloc with the sole goal of destroying western civilization like our dear friend QB seems to think, and that there are in fact large numbers of Muslims who are basically decent people, even in and amongst barbaric an totalitarian regimes.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:45 AM
Whoa whoa WHOA, don't go interjecting any shades of NUANCE into this debate there Wookie! I'm pretty sure ALL liberals think genital mutilation is super cool, because hey I read this article on Jezebel one time.

We should absolutely continue with the politics discussion too, that will make this thread super awesome.

ETA: did I tell you guys how much I love Israel? I mean, come on. Awesome country! This is why. NSFW-ish.


Literal 37/37

Last edited by Soulman; 03-22-2016 at 11:51 AM.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If there are liberals who approve of Muslim genital mutilation or whatever, they're the looney toons fringe, but people like to pretend liberals approve of these things when liberals point out that Muslims are not a monolithic bloc with the sole goal of destroying western civilization like our dear friend QB seems to think, and that there are in fact large numbers of Muslims who are basically decent people, even in and amongst barbaric an totalitarian regimes.
I never really said otherwise, but OK.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 12:02 PM
dt: The culture is nice, like you say something to excite every weekend but I'm not overwhelmed. It's not as if I came from Indiana after all.

soulbro: Those Israelis don't seem particularly semetic to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 12:11 PM
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
People freak over terrorism in a way they don't freak about more severe dangers. 13k people die every year from gunshots in the US. 10k die because of drunk drivers. Yet we don't massively overreact to those.

A handful of terrorist bombings could turn USA#1 into a total police state, and America is full of soft targets.
While I agree the threat of terrorism is largely overblown, I really dislike this glib, trite response you hear over and over.

Re: cars. Everyone knows, but we also spend significant portions of our day in cars and it's a justified exchange for not having to spend life inside a 5 mile radius.

Re: guns. People do freak. The gun debate is as hot as ever. And people know it's somewhat in their control. Lots and lots of households don't have guns because they know owning one significantly raises the odds of wearing a bullet. And most people with the means to do so stay out of the murderous ghettos where most of these gun deaths occur. Now one can debate the apathy of a nation that stands idly by while these ghettos kill themselves, but that's a separate issue.

If random terror attacks were taking out 10+ people in major cities on a monthly basis, those cities have now become barely livable paranoid hell holes. It's a perfectly rational response.

Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Yeah, there is a very knee jerk reaction to pointing out that, at their core, all of the major world religions have ridiculously violent teachings and can be used by the devout to justify pretty much any evil thing you can think of..

Originally Posted by Montecore
Agree 100%.

I was trying to decide if I was going to put in a qualifier about some of Christianity's tenets/history being just as violence so I don't get shamed on Jezebel, but decided against it. Needless to say, I am exteremely worried about a Cruz presidency for essentially exactly this reason.
Really hate the equivocations of various religions. The point is, despite Christianity's past transgressions, it has managed to crawl out of the dark ages. As ****ed as Ted Cruz is, his election would not usher in pogroms for the gays and forced birthing camps in place of planned parenthoods. He's not that ****ed (if anything, he's far scarier with respect to foreign relations than he is with domestic stuff), and even if he was we have a society strong enough not to let one loonie run us into the 1600s. And even current Christian transgressions pale in comparison to publicly stoning adulterers, hanging gays, honor killings, etc etc. There's not some old testament salt the earth sect spreading across the world, and there's not going to be. That time has passed. This equivocating is just a blatant attempt at placation, though for many who do it it's probably just an adopted behavior from the progressive intelligentsia.

I agree with jdock (Allah help me) that it's nothing inherent, people are the products of their environment. If we were born in some Wahhabist hell hole, we'd prob be looking to kill whitey and rid the world of infidels. If we were born in Alabama circa 1750, we'd probably be white supremacists. But we were born in USA#1 (even soulmang, he just doesn't realize it), where freedom reigns.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 12:31 PM
Solid post kc. As looney as Cruz is, he operates within the framework of law, even if a lot of his policies are hugely disgusting. That alone distinguishes him from TRUMP with his advocacy of violence towards protesters at rallies and the like.

ETA: obviously isolating religion from like, everything else with a causative effect into forming a person's world view is really, really silly (not that I think you believe this), but your point still stands of course.

PSA for everyone who rides TRUMP's so-called moderate policies dick: he's actually said that USA#1 should take out the families of terrorists ( and "take their oil". Makes lol warmonger Hillary seem like a ****ing dove.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 12:40 PM
Baconfest seems like a prime target for jihad.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 12:52 PM
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-22-2016 , 01:16 PM
For good or bad I don't think trump really has any ideology at all. He just says what he thinks people want to hear. I actually don't think a Trump presidency would be all that bad. Keep in mind he really is a democrat at heart, he just realized It would be easier to con his way into the presidency as a republican.

I have a feeling Trump would actually not do any of the extremist stuff he is promising. It would probably be much of the same.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
