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ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log

09-08-2009 , 10:42 PM
how high were you able to pull the 88's? have you tried double swinging them yet?
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-09-2009 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by kickpushcoast
how high were you able to pull the 88's? have you tried double swinging them yet?
I was getting the high pulls to about head height. Have not done swings with them yet.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-10-2009 , 07:55 AM
Started with a short light barbbell circuit.

3 rounds of
front squat
pull ups
bw+25 x 5

double kettlebell snatch
1x3: 2x24kg
1x3: 24kg left 32kg right
1x3: 2x32kg

double kettlebell high pulls
1x3: 2x36kg
1x3: 2x40kg
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-12-2009 , 03:39 PM
Decent lower body workout today.

Double kettlebell snatch
1x3: 2x24kg
1x3: 24kg left 32kg right
1x2: 2x32kg
1x3: 2x32kg
1x2: 32kg left 36kg right
1x1,F: 2x36kg (dammit really wanted a double here)

Hang power snatch
worked up to
1x190 PR (pretty stoked about this. Weighed in at 189.6 this morning so this is body weight and one of my original goals.)

Low bar box squat
5x5: 135 185 225 245 275 (all pretty easy)

Jumping half front squat from rack (set pins about where I bend my knees during a jump)
3x3: 274 315 365 (the landing is a bit tough on my knees but got good explosion on all reps.)

Next big goal is a bodyweight double kettlebell snatch. This is more of a lifetime goal then a near term possibility that may or may not be achievable. Near term its a double with the 40kgs.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-12-2009 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by ISF
Hang power snatch
worked up to
1x190 PR (pretty stoked about this. Weighed in at 189.6 this morning so this is body weight and one of my original goals.)
That's a big milestone, congrats
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-12-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by dzh90
That's a big milestone, congrats
very cool and a bit jealous.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-13-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by J.Brown
very cool and a bit jealous.
Thanks. Was a big milestone.

Got a solid upper body workout in today. Was feeling strong.
plyo pushups
4x3: 24" 28" 32" 34"
2x4: 34" (out of step ups. Not sure what happened to the rest. May try to bring my weighted vest next time to increase the level of difficulty.)

5x5: 135 185 225 275 285

Pull ups
3x3: bw+30 bw+50 bw+70
1x2,F: bw+95 (not sure if it was really a fail. I just dropped the dumbbell when it hit the ground on my way down. I need to use a weight vest as holding this between my (bare) feet just isnt cutting it anymore.)

Then a bunch of fails trying a one arm pull up with my right.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-13-2009 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by ActionJeff
I can tell you right now that you goal number 1 is going to be insanely difficult. Like, even if you can hang power snatch 145 pounds now with bad form (which is still very impressive), the next 50 pounds aren't going to come without massive increases in your strength and the only way to cut back on that is by hugely improving technique at the same time. Snatching BW is an amazing athletic achievement!
This was said 16 months ago.

Well done, ISF. Very impressive.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-15-2009 , 07:52 AM
Got a light highish volume kettlebell workout in this morning.

double KB press
2x5: 2x24kg
2x5: 2x32kg (all reps were very easy)

Renegade row
2x5(each arm): 32kg
1x5(each arm): 36KG
1x5(each arm): 40kg

single leg deadlift (all each leg)
1x5: 2x32kg
1x5: 2x36kg
1x5: 2x40kg

double kettlebell snatch
2x5: 2x24kg
1x5: 32kg right 24kg left

Sort of ran out of steam. Had to get up early and stayed up late to watch the Charger game.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-17-2009 , 07:24 AM
Got a short (20min) workout in this morning
2 rounds of
front squat
pull ups
bw+25 x 5

Power snatch
10x1(on the minute): 155
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-19-2009 , 03:00 PM
Got a strong lower body workout in.
Double kettlebell snatch
2x3: 2x24kg
1x3: 24kg left 32kg right
1x2: 2x32kg
1x2: 32kgleft 36kg right
3x2: 2x36kg PR (pretty stoked to get two reps on all three sets)

Power clean
5x1: 135 185 205 225 245 (had some in the tank here but w/o bumpers 245 is the most I want to lower)

low bar box squat
5x5: 135 185 225 275 285
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:30 PM
Light upper body workout. Broken from all the ball yesterday. Also, the kettlebell snatches are brutal. They wreck my entire body. So decided to take it easy.

Plyo pushups
3x3: 34"

4x5: 135 185 225 275

Pull ups
3x5: bw+30

Push press
3x3: 205
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-22-2009 , 07:18 AM
Got a decent kettlebell workout in this morning even though I was still pretty tired from the weekend ball and the workouts.

Double kettlebell press
1x5: 2x24kg
1x5: 2x32kg
1x4: 2x36kg PR(these were way easier then I expected. Felt like I had one in the tank, just didnt want to do anything to failure today)

renegade row (all each arm)
1x5: 32kg
1x5: 36kg
1x5: 40kg

Single leg deadlift (all each leg)
1x5: 32kg
1x5: 36kg
1x5: 40kg

Double kettlebell snatch
1x5: 2x24kg
2x5: 24kg left 32kg right (these were tougher then they should have been after doing the deadlifts)
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-24-2009 , 07:41 AM
Got a short light workout in this morning. All reps were really fast and easy.

2 rounds
hang power snatch

2 rounds
front squats
pull ups
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-26-2009 , 02:50 PM
Felt really out of it, but went to my GFs club H fitness which sort of has an olympic platform. The platform has these annoying pads bolted on which makes every lift start from ~3inches off of the ground.

5x1: 175
Clean and jerks
8x1: 205
low bar box squats (above parallel ~1in)
4x5: 135 185 235 295

Finished it off with a complex
1x1-3-5 (clean-jerk-front squat): 225

Have only done jerks a few times, but for some reason I feel much stronger on them then cleans. I wish this place had a rack for the bumper plates. Would like to see what I can jerk.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-26-2009 , 03:30 PM
I bet you could jerk 300 based on your bench (and ability to hang power snatch bw).
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-27-2009 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by SmileyEH
I bet you could jerk 300 based on your bench (and ability to hang power snatch bw).
Not sure about that, buts its certainly easier for me then cleans.

Another mediocre day. Felt crappy going in today. May be fighting off a mild cold.

Incline bench press
4x5: 135 185 205 215 (have only done these a few times before and not for over a year)

Pull ups
4x5: bw+45

Push press
4x3: 135 185 205 215
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
09-29-2009 , 07:47 AM
Got a solid kettlebell workout in this morning. My double press is progressing nicely. May try to see how many I can do with double 88s next week.

Double kettlebell press
1x5: 2x24kg
1x5: 2x32kg
1x5: 2x36kg PR (felt good and probably had at least one in the tank)

renegade row (all each arm)
1x5: 32kg
1x5: 36kg
1x5: 40kg (these are still hard)

Single leg deadlift (all each leg)
1x5: 32kg
1x5: 36kg
1x5: 40kg

Double kettlebell snatch
1x5: 2x24kg
1x5: 24kg left 32kg right
4x3: 2x32kg

Last edited by ISF; 09-29-2009 at 08:00 AM.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-01-2009 , 09:08 AM
Didnt have time to go to the gym before work, so did some quick kettlebell complexes

Press-front squat-clean-renegade row double kettlebell complex
1x5-5-5-5: 2x24kg
3x5-5-5-5: 2x32kg (the front squats were way harder then everything else. Also, this is so much harder then it sounds)

finished with
double kettlebell snatch
3x3 (on the minute): 2x32kg

Happy about this ~20-25min total workout essentially just using he 2 32kg kettlebells. Way better then expected given my time constraint.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-03-2009 , 03:46 PM
Solid lower body workout today even though may have a bit of a cold (or just run down from working too much). Set a few PRs.

Double kettlebell snatch
1x3: 2x24kg
1x3: 24kg left 32kg right
1x2: 2x32kg
1x2: 32kg left 36kg right
1x2: 2x36kg
2x1: 36kg left 40kg right PR (first rep had some press out but second was solid)
1x3: 2x36kg PR
1xF: 2x40kg (will get this soon)

Low bar box squat (~parallel to 1 in below)
5x5: 135 185 225 275 295 (trying to go up 10lbs a week. Did the same weight as last week because last week the box was probably an inch above parallel)
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-04-2009 , 10:57 AM
Got a medium effort upper body workout in today. Everything was super easy.

Plyo pushups
worked up to
3x3: 34"

Incline bench
4x5: 135 185 205 225 (will try and go up 5-10lbs a week until I fail, this was easy)

Pull ups
3x5: bw+25 bw+45 bw+55 (will also try to go up 10lbs a week here. Had a ton in the tank)
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-06-2009 , 07:55 AM
Got a solid kettlebell workout in this morning.

All in a circuit:

Double kettlebell press
1x5: 2x24kg
1x5: 2x32kg
1x5: 2x36kg (this was much easier then last week)
1x1: 2x40kg PR (wanted a double but was just too warn out.)

renegade row (all each arm)
1x5: 32kg
1x5: 36kg
1x5: 40kg

Single leg deadlift (all each leg)
1x5: 32kg
1x5: 36kg
1x5: 40kg

Double kettlebell snatch
1x5: 2x24kg
1x5: 24kg left 32kg right
1x4: 2x32kg (quit with a rep on two in the tank. Trying to only go heavy here on Saturday)

My new year end goals are to double press and snatch my bodyweight with a kettlebell. Will focus more on barbell lifts once I reach that level. I figure being able to do body weight for a single would be achievable when I can do a triple with double 40kgs. At that point I will invest in a pair of 44kgs.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:05 AM
Got a very light short workout in. Didnt get much sleep and woke up late so rushed through in like 25 min total.

Two rounds

two rounds
front squats
pull ups
bw+25lbs x 5

Wore my vibrams instead of olifting shoes and it made both the front squats and snatches feel a bit weird. Not sure if I will do that again.
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-08-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by ISF
Wore my vibrams instead of olifting shoes and it made both the front squats and snatches feel a bit weird. Not sure if I will do that again.
What else would you use them for?
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
10-09-2009 , 04:43 AM
Jesus dude you bought those things?
ISF's Olympic lifting/ Westside/occational crossfit metacon log Quote
