Originally Posted by deaders
A better test is how many laps of the pool can you complete underwater. Back in the day when I surfed a few times a week and swam 2 or 3 days a week I could do 5 laps of a 25m pool. Probably more like 2 now.
I'm an actor and fillmmaker, and about 6 months ago some friends and I made a mockumentary about just this. It's called SADL, the Sub-Aquatic Distance League, about a bunch of grown men who compete officially in this activity nationwide. Leading up to the movie, we were asked to train for this so that during the shoot we could have continuous shots of the sport. Proud to say I pulled off four good laps each take.
The footage is pretty funny. We really lucked out to have a few name actors in the film. if there's any interest I'll post when the final edit is complete.