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help me out with my workout plan. help me out with my workout plan.

06-08-2008 , 03:20 PM
ok so im having a hard time fitting back workouts into my workout plan and dunno which ones to do because there is kind of a lot of them.i workout 3 days a week (do i have to do 4?) 1 day i workout on my legs doing lunges,calf rises squats with dumbells. another day i do bicep curls, 21's,kickbacks,skullcrushers, and that thing where u put a dumbbell behind ur back and extend up.another day i do benchpress,butterflys and pushups.also i try and jog like 3 times a day.where can i fit in back exercises? what back exercises should i do?anything else wrong with my workout regimen?also note im rly puny im like 5'10 130lb.
help me out with my workout plan. Quote
06-08-2008 , 03:35 PM
Get rid of all the arm work, no wonder you probably don't have the heart to get back work in, your arms are always fried.

**** the curls, you need to work on building your frame.

Do pullups, bent rows, lat pulldowns to start. I'd also suggest deadlifts but you need to do some reading and watch videos to understand the technique.

Trust me, you will see even better gains in your arms when you do back work and very little "isolated" bicep movements.

Keep your "leg day", keep your "chest day". Throw away the arms day and do back work.

Also - you meant jog 3 times a week, not 3 times a day right?
help me out with my workout plan. Quote
06-08-2008 , 04:17 PM
ya 3 times a week.should i time how long i jog?
help me out with my workout plan. Quote
06-08-2008 , 09:00 PM
read the sticky.
help me out with my workout plan. Quote
06-09-2008 , 04:22 AM
aaa, cancel all that, do Starting Strength. Buy the book Starting Strength 2 on Amazon and read about it in the sticky
help me out with my workout plan. Quote
