Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 2
Hello. I'm really fed up about my way of life as of late.
I eat complete garbage. Instead of eating healthy breakfast I spend my time sleeping until the very last minute, then drive to uni and eat some junk. I often skip dinner because imo it takes too long to make and just buy some mcdonalds or go to a restaurant instead.
I wanna change this. I want to stop drinking tons of soda I want to stop eating crap food, and more importantly - I wanna get in shape.
I'm not really fat, I'm 1.76m and weigh about 70k ~ 155 lbs. I'm just really undefined, if you know what I mean.
I'd love if someone could give me some hints or tips as to how i should start working out, and which excersises I should use.
I wanna start jogging\running as I have a forrest(kinda) near my house.
I also have access to 5 kgs weights. I really don't want to join a gym just yet, because the few times I went I felt like a complete moron when I went on the threadmill and ran for like 4 minutes and then being exhausted. I would like to go there eventually but not until I'm in better shape. I know this seems ******ed but I would like to avoid gyms as of now.
As for food, i would love it if someone could give me some pointers on how I should prepare my meals - breakfast dinner and late night food, and what should be in these meals.
I know this is alot to ask strangers for but i would appreciate it immensly(sp) if someone could take some time and write me some hints so I can start getting in better shape. I wanna start asap, and if somebody else wanna start we could maybe be "work out partners" and talk about different workouts and help eachother get in shape and just morally support eachother.
Thanks a lot for any information or help that i can get.